Chapter 27: Dying internally.

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Aera sobbed while sitting on the cough as Taehyung and Y/n crouched down in front of her to console her. "A-Amma, please don't cry. I p-promise that I'll bring him back." He had tears in his eyes after seeing his mother in pain.

"Taehyung, where is my son? You promised me that your brother would be safe!!" She gripped her head as it was thumping badly, out of tension. He sniffed as Y/n didn't know to whom she should console first.

After telling the whole story since their arrival at the countryside, the older couldn't stop herself from dying out of fear. "Please forgive me..." He whispered.

She suddenly turned her head "Taehyung, don't talk to me! I trusted you the most since the beginning..." A painful sob left her mouth once again and she refused to look at the hurt blue haired guy.

He felt his heart tearing apart, after all she was not his real mother. Even if she loved him like his real mother could do, Taehyung couldn't have the same place in her heart just like Jungkook had.

"Just go from here before I do something that I shouldn't do." Taehyung was already dead but her words were stabbing him mercilessly. Why was nobody understanding his pain since he lost his brother?

Soon Y/n decided to speak "Unty, if only you knew how much Taehyung cried days and night for Jungkook. If only you knew how he took care of me when I was desperate. If only you've seen how much he fought until the end to save Jungkook. Instead he injured himself and is suffering in pain until now."

As she talked about his injury, which was not cured yet and still painful, Aera widened her eyes and quickly turned to Taehyung before cupping his face. "W-Where? Where are you in pain, tell me? Is it too much? Let's go to the hospital."

Taehyung burst out in tears to see the love in her heart for him before hugging her tightly. She hugged him back and caressed his hair. "I'm sorry dear, just because you're not my real son doesn't mean that I didn't love you."

A mother's hug is the most precious thing you can have in this world.

Y/n looked at them and let her emotional side take over her before shedding her tears. Soon they pulled away and she spoke "Unty, Jimin will help us in finding him." The older nodded before the youngsters could go into Taehyung's room to have a good sleep as they traveled the whole night awake.

After entering the room, Taehyung let go of his suit case and slowly approached the picture of him and Jungkook, framed and put on the bedside table. They used to share the same room, and it was filled with his scent, his memories and his stuffs.

He took the pic in his hands and sat on the bed before letting his tears fall. No matter how hard he would try, he couldn't stop his tears, they were unstoppable. Y/n approached him and sat down by his side before caressing his back in a soothing manner.

"Taehyung, by crying Jungkook wouldn't come back, would he?" He shook his head as a no, making her sigh. "So you should stop crying, I'm also desperate but I know that crying is not the solution." The blue haired guy nodded before wiping his tears and kissing Jungkook's pic with love and putting the frame back to from where he picked it up.

"I just want him alive and safe. Nothing more, nothing less." He whispered, to which she hummed while controlling her tears. "He is, I promise." She said with hope and positivity, making Taehyung look at her.

The eye contact filled with pain, tears, love and mostly trust. He suddenly layed onto the bed and put his head into her lap, making Y/n frown internally. He then took her hand and put it on his head, gesturing her to massage it.

She chuckled at his cute behaviour and started to massage his hair which made him relaxed under this touch and he closed his eyes with, finally, some peace.

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