Chapter 10: Travel.

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"So never give up and relax your mind during this break." The teacher finished his speech and all the students got up, applauding and bowing, showing how impressed they seemed.

The teacher also smiled and left the classroom, he also probably waited for this school to come to an end temporarily, with impatience.

Meanwhile, Y/n sighed, feeling happy that their test's results were more than great so she did own to herself a break as well.

She got up from her chair and started to gather her books when suddenly a hand smacked the back of her head.

Feeling the size of the hand, she knew very well who it was "Kim Taehyung, stop." But he just smirked at her warning.

"Being bossy, I see." She just rolled her eyes then Jungkook also showed up, standing by his brother.

"So, what are the plans?" The duo frowned for a moment but then the blue haired guy gasped "Oh my, how could I forget?!"

Y/n too didn't last longer to remember, the farmhouse. She just fake smiled and started to walk to the exit door.

The boys ran after her and walked by each side of her, stuffing their hands in their pockets.

She was looking down, looking at her feets moving back and forth as she walked.

"So, shall we leave tonight?" Taehyung teased but received a stare by the mint haired guy. He raised his eyebrows "What? It's not my fault."

The boy just groaned internally at his brother as Y/n sighed "No need to eat my brain for that, we'll leave tomorrow morning."

The blue haired guy huffed "Always making sure to oppose my decisions, hmm?" Y/n smiled sarcastically before nodding.

Soon they left the school and headed to their respective homes.


Y/n got up lazily from her bed to do her packing after seeing the time "I'm always into any kind of shit because of this dickhead!"

She pulled out the empty suitcase from under her bed and put it onto the comfy mattress, dusting it off.

Opening her closet, she took out a few t-shirts, 2 pairs of sweatpants, 2 jeans and a bonus pair of shoes, in case if anything happens to her actual one's.

She then added some necessary things which concerned her usual morning and night routines.

Soon her mother's sweet honey voice called from downstairs "Y/n dear, dinner is ready!" "Coming!"

She rushed downstairs and entered the dinning area only to see her parents already sitting on their chairs, serving themselves.

She joined them and licked her lips, out of amazement after seeing the food. "Is my daughter starving since an eternity?"

As soon as Y/f said that without looking at Y/n, she pulled back her saliva filled tongue into her mouth.

"Excuse me?" She raised her brows, feeling insulted at her father's comment. "Your habit of drooling over the food is still not gone. And i'm not surprised."

She rolled her eyes playfully then smiled to her mom who gave her a plate full of food.

"Thanks mom." The middle aged woman just kissed her from distance and also started to eat.

Suddenly the father cleared his throat "By the way, I heard some news from my dear wife." He didn't take off his eyes from his plate but noticed how Y/n almost chocked on her noodles.

She sat straight and wiped the sauce which was pooling her pinkish lips before speaking "O-Ouh, is that so?"

He finally looked at her and smiled sarcastically "The more you make Taehyung your enemy, the more I want to shave your eyebrows."

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