Chapter 29: Again.

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Jimin was sitting there, on his bed with a huge headache and heavy dark circles. The same dream, the same images, the same feelings kept haunting his thoughts during night time.

Now it is 3:30 AM, and there was no trace of having a craving to sleep in his eyes. "Why the same dream every single night? Does that mean something? Am I supposed to take a further step?"

He sighed and rubbed his hair with tension before laying back down, putting his head against the soft fabric of the pillow. He closed his eyes and forced himself to sleep.


Jimin woke up at 10 AM before sitting up onto his bed, he looked at the time and sighed. Nowadays, he felt as if his life had no more meaning and that living was just a time pass.

His body was not moving, his muscles felt sore. And at this moment he realised that he didn't go to gym since a whole month. No wonder. Taking a deep breath, the silver haired guy put all of this negative thoughts aside and decided to get up and be a little bit more productive.

He stood up, went to his bathroom, took a shower, wore a grey sweat pants with a compression top and a pair of sneakers. Afterwards, Jimin walked out of his room before going toward his kitchen. After entering in, he took an apple from the basket and started to eat it.

Time passed by, he decided to take his water of bottle from the fridge and walked to his fridge. His eyes traveled the calendar which was stick to the metallic surface and opened it before taking out his bottle.

Soon after, he closed the door and turned around to leave but something caught his attention. A frown was displaying onto his perfect forehead before turning back to face the big grey machine.

Suddenly, his mind finally unlocked the enigma and his eyes widened. Today was 29/12, a day before Taehyung's birthday. "The boy, the blue haired one. His date of birth will be his date of death."

The first thing came in his mind and he did, his bottle fell from his hands and he quickly grabbed his keys before running out of his house. He quickly ran to his jeep and sat down in it before turning on the engine and driving off to Taehyung's house.

He couldn't hide this anymore, he had to tell everything to Taehyung and Y/n. It was for their best. Jimin was concious that it was going to hurt the youngsters but he couldn't bear seeing another dead in front of his eyes and not being able to do something.

With that he arrived in no time in front of Taehyung's house and quickly jumped off from his vehicle and ran to his door. He rang the bell thrice until Aera opened it. She looked at him and smiled but he just entered in, took his shoe off and spoke while breathing heavily.

"Mrs. Jeon, can I meet Taehyung and Y/n, please?" She frowned at his state and asked worriedly "What happened, is everything alright?" He gulped down the lump in his throat and added "I wish I could reply to your questions, Mrs. Jeon. But right now I really don't have time. I just need to meet them urgently."

She nodded, understanding and called for Taehyung who was upstairs. After a few seconds, Taehyung walked downstairs and frowned when he saw Jimin. When he approached the older, his tension just seemed to only grow bigger.

"Hyung, what happened?" Jimin just tugged into his arm "We need to talk, but firstly, let's go to Y/n's house." The younger only bathed in confusion when nothing proceeded in his mind but the older pulled him with himself, forcing him to wear his shoes.

Aera interrupted before they could leave "At least drink something." The silver haired guy bowed "It's so kind of you, Mrs. Jeon. But we'll take our leave now. Thank you."  With that they left the house and sat in the jeep.

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