Chapter 2: Outing.

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Jungkook and Taehyung entered their home and got welcomed by their mother.

"Finally my sons are back! How much I was bored." Jeon Aera, Jungkook's mother said while welcoming them in a warm hug.

They pulled away from each other and Aera frowned after seeing the wound on Jungkook's eye.

"What is that, Jungkook?" She touched it with her slender fingers smoothly but he backed away.

"Nothing special, just as usual." He glared at the blue haired guy, who just smiled sheepishly "It was unexpected, sorry."

Aera soon hissed "Did you fight again with Y/n, Taehyung?".

The boy looked down and played with his ring, making her approach him and caress his soft cheeks.

"Tae, how many times did I tell you? Don't fight with each other." "But mom, she is the one who threw my iPad in a mud!".

He spat and looked away in anger which led Jungkook and Aera to laugh at him.

"Taehyung, she is not like what she shows to you at school. She is sweet and caring as well."

The youngest said and Taehyung just scoffed "Caring and sweet? My foot! If she is, then why the hell did she put a strong glue on my chair, a few weeks ago?"

Aera started to laugh at the thought of seeing his ripped school pant into the dustbin.

"Ok ok, enough for now. Go and take a shower, you both need to get fresh."

They nodded and walked upstairs, in their shared bedroom.

As soon as they entered the room, Taehyung fell onto the bed after turning on the AC.

"Agrh, what a tiring day!" "If you wouldn't have mess around with her, then maybe today would be the most peaceful day ever".

Jungkook grinned while taking off his tie and grabbing his comfy clothes.

Taehyung just rolled his eyes and closed them, trying to rest a little bit.

The younger then entered the bathroom to take a refreshing shower while humming a tune.

Soon the whole room went silent as soon as the door of the bathroom got closed, leaving Taehyung and his thoughts battling alone.

"Why are we like this?" The only words which came out of his mouth as soon as he found himself all alone.

It was not like he hated her genuinely, he had a soft spot for her in his heart but didn't want to show it to anyone.

They spent a good childhood together and he always loved to annoy her.

It just started by a little argument over toys, Jungkook and clothes and it turned out to be them being the most hated persons for each other, today.

He was somewhere happy to be her enemy, thinking that maybe their relationship wouldn't be that much exciting, happy, filled with joy and annoying if they would be normal friends.

He didn't like her but didn't hate her too, just in the middle where he cared for her well being and her happiness.

Soon he sat up and thought about doing some designing arts on his iPad, it was his hobby since he was a child.

So he used to draw to spend some time alone and to empty his mind from all the tensions.

He got up and looked around to find it, but then it hit him.

Mud, iPad, Y/n...

"Agrrhh!! Y/n!!!" He kicked the bed and gripped his head, out of anger.

Suddenly Jungkook came out of the bathroom breathless and just a towel around his waist.

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