Chapter 16: Getting closer.

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The broom fell from Y/n's hands and they started to back away while breathing heavily.

The blue haired guy gulped down as their backs hit the wall and Y/n whispered "How did that come here?" but got no reply from the terrified boy.

Suddenly, Jungkook appeared out of nowhere while calling for them "Y/n, Taehyung! Did you f-" but was soon stopped on his track when he saw how the duo was glued to each other into a corner.

They quickly looked at him and Y/n spoke while pointing the corner of the room "Jungkook..." The mint haired guy seemed lost and looked around until his breath hitched.

Goosebumps ran into his body before he could slowly back away while muttering "Itsy bitsy spider went up the waterspout. Down came the rain~~, and washed the spider out. Out came the sunshine~~, and dried up all the rain. And itsy bitsy spider climbed up the spout again~~."

"Yah, Jungkook!!" Y/n shouted before Taehyung could add "It's not the time to sing children's nursery rhymes!! Just kill this spider now!!"

The younger gained his concious before looking around to find something to kill the big creature with and found the broom thrown by Y/n.

He picked it up and slowly walk to it before aiming the material to it. Breathing out, he started to beat the hell out of the spider until it was dead.

Y/n and Taehyung almost threw up when the spider as big as their hand's size collapsed down, living his last breath.

The mint haired guy made sure to smash it again one last time so the spider really had no way to survive.

He finally looked at his friends who finally let their shoulders fall out of relaxation "It was not a big deal tho, you both could do that without me."

The duo just rolled their eyes before approaching him "Were you saying something?" Y/n asked while picking up the broom and Jungkook nodded.

"Yeah, I came to ask how your cleaning was going because mine is done. The bathroom is all clean and we can use it now." He said with a smug smile and they looked at him impressed.

"Well, our work also is almost done, as you can see." Jungkook looked around the room and smiled in satisfaction before Y/n could add "Just mopping the floor is left."

The mint haired guy nodded before helping them quickly to clean the room.


Finally they finished to eat and Y/n started to wash the dishes as Jungkook left the kitchen to sleep in the living room, due to the tiredness he gathered all day long.

And Taehyung took a few bites of the food which was into his plate while eyeing Y/n secretly time to time. It was not him but his eyes would land on her automatically.

The fact that she seemed more beautiful than any other girl, with just a sweatpants, crop top, messy bun and a natural puffy face, made Taehyung go crazy.

"How did I not notice that before?" He cursed at himself internally and continued "Only if I knew before then maybe today we would be something other than enemies."

A sigh left his mouth before he could push the plate away from him, loosing his appetite. Meanwhile, Y/n turned around to grab his plate to wash it but only frowned in worry and confusion when she saw the amount of food still left in it.

She approached him with concern "Taehyung, why didn't you eat?" "I'm full." He replied shortly while looking outside by the window. He didn't want to make any eye contact with her.

"Taehyung, you didn't eat anything since this morning. Are you ok?" He didn't reply and continued to admire the landscapes that the nature offered him.

She saw his behaviour and sighed before grabbing the plate. Approaching him with the food filled chopsticks, Y/n spoke "Eat it." Taehyung snapped out and looked at her with shock.

He wasn't expecting that at all "What?" "Want me to shove that into your mouth?" She rolled her eyes in annoyance, approaching the food even more toward his lips.

The blue haired guy eyed the food then at her before smiling internally. He loved the way she was kind of babying him, so he decided to add more actions and feelings.

"Food can wait, I want someone else." Saying that, he pushed back the chair and got up, making Y/n back away in nervousness.

Since the day he kissed her out of nowhere, she couldn't be at ease the same way she used to be back then. The look that he was giving her, it was a sign for her to run away from this situation.

Taehyung wanted to laugh at her doe eyes, which showed only the shyness and nervousness, but stopped himself.

Slowly he started to walk to her and she slowly put the plate back down, onto the counter top before walking backward.

A smirk played on the blue haired guy's lips when he saw that she had no way to escape. Behind her was the wall and before her was him.

Suddenly, her breath hitched when her back hit the cold and hard wall and understood that she had no way left than waiting for his next moves.

"W-What is wrong with you?" She asked while gathering her scattered courage as he stood a few centimeters away from her and leaned toward her face with a smug expression.

"Why sweating even though it's cold and you only have a crop top on?" He said in a deep voice, knowing very well the effects he had on her.

She quickly wiped her forehead, face and neck with the back of her hands but soon those hands were pinned to the wall, throwing her soul out of her body.

"You look way hotter like that than usual." Blood rushed to her cheeks then she looked away in shyness. It was stronger than her. She denied a lot the fact that he was the hottest man ever seen and met, but now, him being this close to her couldn't help but to make her weak.

Taehyung, who seemed quite comfortable in this situation, started to approach her face until no gape was left between his lips and her exposed neck.

But suddenly Y/n widened her eyes and pushed Taehyung away with a full strength when her eyes fell on the kitchen's doorsteps.

Taehyung was taken aback before looking up at her then following her eyes's direction which led him to jump back in fear and nervousness.

Here was standing Jungkook, with his hood over his head, hands in his hoodie's pocket, messed up hair, eyes still half sleepy and a little pout of tiredness.

He tilted his head lightly while squinting his eyes even more "I guess I'm day dreaming while sleeping." He muttered but loud enough for the duo to hear him.

They somehow felt relieved after hearing that but soon chocked onto the air after hearing the next sentence "And if I'm not day dreaming, then nothing shocks me anymore. I'm used to it, I guess."

He said before turning on his heels, walking to their living room's couch and falling on it again, snoring cutely like usual.

They both looked at each other and looked away while cursing at themselves. "I wish it was really a dream." Y/n muttered, audible enough for the blue haired guy to hear her.

He soon scoffed before taking his plate and eating the remaining food by himself, wether than continuing what they were doing.

She looked at him and breathed out, out of tiredness and the load of stress she had right now.

Few moments later, Taehyung was still eating as Y/n was there, cleaning the fridge. He played with his few last bites which were into his plate as he was in deep thoughts.

Thinking generally about everything, his life, his feelings, his thoughts, his love life, his student life...

As he was into his own world, a drop of red liquid fell into Taehyung's plate from above him. It took him several seconds to realise that when another droplet fell onto his eggs.

He frowned and scanned the texture from closer before widening his eyes.



Really really sorry for the long wait, thanks for your patience.

I hope this chapter didn't disappoint you.

I will try to update more often.

Be healthy and enjoy your life the way it is.

I love you all❤️.

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