Chapter 18: Lost.

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Y/n looked around only to see trees and nothing else "Jungkook...where are we?" As soon as she said that, the men looked around them only to get up slowly.

They looked at their surroundings and their heartbeat increased "The farmhouse wasn't safe, but this place doesn't seem either." Taehyung whispered.

Jungkook then thought of taking out his phone and turn on the flash to at least see if they could find their way back to their farmhouse.

Even though it was not safe there, but they could at least take their car and drive somewhere else, or even better, ask for some help from their neighbours.

The younger then pulled out his phone and played his fingers onto the screen before turning on the flash. A sigh of relief left their mouth and Y/n also got up from the ground before sticking herself to the mint haired guy's arm.

Slowly looking at their surroundings, nothing was clear. The trees seemed all dead, with a thick coat of lichens covering them. The ground was all slippery, muds were scattered everywhere, probably because it rained a few days ago.

They heard a few noises of squirrels from here and there, their feet getting in contact with the ground at each step, their heavy breathings of fear and tiredness and the wind but, except that,  nothing more. Everything else seemed like a dead silence.

"Shit!" Taehyung cursed when they noticed that their foot prints were not visible, at least with that they could find their way back to their farmhouse, but now it was not possible anymore.

Y/n soon said "Please, let's keep a little hope. I'm sure we'll find a way back to our home." Taehyung sighed and hummed before they could continue to explore around.


Y/m served the dinner to Y/f, as silence rang around them. After doing so, she also sat down and they started to dig into their food calmly.

The house seemed so dull and lifeless without Y/n, the only source of their happiness and this house was not there, with them, causing them to talk less and less day per day.

"Did she call you?" Y/f finally succeeded in muttering after gulping down the bite of steak he took a few seconds ago, but got only a no from his wife. "No, she didn't. The last time Taehyung texted me, while saying that they were doing all fine, was 2 days ago."

His shoulders fell down and he couldn't stop but to feel nervous "Is my baby bear fine?" He said and Y/m looked up at him before gripping his hand and giving a light reassuring squeeze.

"She is her father's baby bear, nothing will happen to her. And certainly not when Jungkook loves her more than a real brother could do and when Taehyung protects her from any kind of danger, as a shield, without any hesitation."

She smiled and he sighed again before nodding "Yes, I know that. This is why I'm less nervous than I should've." He shot a faint smile to his wife before they could continue to eat their dinner.

And after that, they went to sleep into their shared bedroom, as their day seemed so long and tiring.


"Fuck this!" Taehyung mumbled while kicking a stone which flew away. "Fuck this too!" He added while punching a tree. "Fuck this shit too!" This time he took Jungkook's phone and threw it onto the ground. "Fuck everything!!" He finally fell down after taking out all of his frustration on the things which came in his hands.

Y/n and the mint haired guy sighed when there were no more hopes left. Since 2 hours, they kept walking around, hoping to find a way to exit this jungle, but nothing happened.

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