Developing a crush

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Monika had been the more forward and obvious person in your ever growing but secret friendship, as she'd always find time in break and out of school hours to hang out with you.

To her, you'd always be that one light and one support she could rest on because not only did you give her that feeling of normality and friendship but also intrigued her by your kindness, even with how you simply listen to her and her stresses.

At first Monika saw it as a genuine friendship flourishing, always being happy to see you or grow excited whenever you talked to her...

But soon it became a different feeling. She noticed that her heart would race whenever you smiled or laughed with her.

Most of the time she'd find herself intently staring at you while the two of you ate lunch together. especially clicked her hard when you invited her over to your house to hang out.

She had been worried or nervous a few times in her life, but never with such intensity over a boy.

Days went by and it became way too obvious for her but she didn't know how to approach this matter and soon she began acting strangely.

Whenever you had lunch together she'd always stutter or avoid conversation with you. Her confident and bright personality would crumble and you began to worry if something was wrong but even that, she was not ready to talk about.

Soon, her behavior changed in a complete 180 situation.

Whenever you two were together, Monika would tease you and always brush up against you. Getting every bit of adorable reactions she could out of you.

She'd ask so much about how you're feeling and how you think your friendship has progressed so far.

Although it became a real challenge to hang out with her because of her constant teasing, you slowly started to see where this was going but complete brushed it off.

There was no way in hell a girl like her would actually LIKE someone like you right? She's just being what any usual friend would be, she's never had that experience before...


Now frequenting the library for different reasons, the two of you spent most of your time discussing Yuri's books and even reading together when she warmed up to you.

Although still a bit fidgety, Yuri really enjoyed her time with you. No one had ever even considered her existence let alone her interests so she was very intrigued by you from the start.

As time went on she became more 'eager' to meet with you and talk to you, not only for the sake of reading but just to see you. Even though she never really said that it was so.

Yuri started preparing before hand, she'd make tea and a few snacks and risk it by sneaking all of it to the school library whenever you planned on reading with her.

As time went on, you finally reached beyond just reading and decided to spend time with her more on a personal level which she was all in for.

You began meeting at break to eat lunch and even started walking each other home.

At this point Yuri was barely holding on to her emotions as time went on. She was already a quiet girl to begin with but whenever you talked to her, she'd lose her words or blush intensely then apologize for it.

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