The Accident

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TW: Possible Mentions of blood and soft gore in this chapter.


Monika: E-excuse me...! Where's room 108-U?!

The girl yelled at the receptionist with barely any breath left in her.

She was pointed towards the elevator after being given directions. By the time she stepped inside one, she was constantly fidgeting and hyperventilating. Being stuck inside a small box while your panic wants you to run is a heavy toll to take in for her and her fear.

Once she reached the right floor, she rushed out and located the room, dodging or out right shoving anyone who even blocked her path by accident.

She burst through the door but wasimmediately pushed back by a few nurses.

Monika: Y/N!!

Nurse: Ma'am please, stay outside for a bit...!

She was being outright shoved, Monika didn't understand the aggression in their actions until her years caught the sound of the heart monitor spiking then-

Monika: NO!! PLEASE NO...!! LET ME GO!

Nurse: Ma'am the doctors are already here!! They need to work alone or we'll lose him! Please just stay here..!

She yelled as she pushed Monika down on a bench just opposite to the room.

As the door infront of her shut. The sound echoed through her mind like a train slamming into her head. Monika curled up as she sat on the bench and wailed into her knees.

Monika: No no no....please don't do this to me...! Please please please please please...

The girl painfully recalled the phone call.

Monika was busy working late night at her office, she wasn't in a hurry to get home since you were out at a party. A celebration to your company's new success, but as she finished up her work she gets a call from you...

Instead, it wasn't you who talked to her. A panicked colleague was talking to her with sirens blaring in the background.

'Y/N collapsed...' was all that was said through the call which was all it took for the girl to burst out the building.

And now....

Monika: Please don't take him away from me....don't do this- You can't do this...! Please....!

....She's here. Stabbing her nails into the flesh of her own legs in a hug, holding onto dear life, praying that yours is saved in return.

Many passerbys came to give the girl some form of comfort and try to calm her down but nothing could shake her until the doors infront of her opened or gave her some news.

Half an hour later, one of the nurses stepped out. The very sight of Monika broke her heart as she sighed walked over to her.

Before she could sit down, Monika sprung up, noticing the nurse's presence. Her eyes were pure red from the constant crying, her hair messy and scattered over her face.

Monika: What happened?! Is he okay?!

She was ready to jump out of her seat and lunge forward but the Nurse grabbed her shoulders and plopped her down once again.

Nurse: It appears that he had an accidental overdose. The people who had brought him in claimed it was due to a party game...

She sat down next to Monika.

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