When You Feel Jealous

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Y/N: Where is she...?

You patiently waited for Monika at the school gates but she's being significantly late today.

No heads up about being busy, nor any talk about extra classes, there was no reason for her to be late.

Paranoia got the best of you as you head back into the school and began your search.

You finally find her outside her classroom with another student.

It could have been anyone just taking up her time to discuss some things but what this boy did to get your blood boiling was the fact that you could see Monika smiling and occasionally giggling as they talked.

It was like a fuse popped in the back of your head as you immediately head over.

???: Yeah it was pretty dumb but you know how Honda gets-

Monika: Hahaha~ Trust me, I get frustrated by him too.

Y/N: Hey! Uhh-

???: Later buddy, the grownups are talking here.

Y/N: Man, that's a shame. I guess I shouldn't bore my girlfriend with all that then, huh?

Monika: Babe-

You suddenly scoop up her arm and begin walking down the hall, only a short distance after did you turn to look at the boy with a deadly look in your eye.

You saw him grinding his teeth to dust which only fueled your chest as you walked.

When outside Monika stopped and confronted you.

Monika: Y/N, what was that about~?

She said with a snug stance as she crossed her arms.

Y/N: Nothing, the guy was just eating up your time. We had to go.

Monika: Uh huhh~ Are you sure it's not just because you felt a little jealous~?

Y/N: Just curious, you seemed to be having alot of fun talking to him.

Monika: He's just another boy who I can handle~ I can laugh all I want around them but no one can swipe me off my feet like you do~

You didn't reply any further and began walking to hide your flushed face.

Monika soon came running up to you and hugged your arm as you walked.

Monika: Still~ You were so hot, trying to look all intimidating in front of him.

Y/N: Do not word it like that.

Monika: Hmhmhm~


Just another weekend out with Yuri.

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