When you feel Depressed

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It was a slow week for the both of you and Monika decided, the best way to make it last was to spend the weekend together.

There was something different this time however. There was reluctance in your voice when you agreed to the occasion.

Though both of you had a rough as it was, it felt more impactful to you. The level of stress and pressure you felt of your academics that time threw you into a deep state of thought for the longest time.

Every day after you came home from school, the loneliness of your house only amplified your overthinking and rotted your mind.

Once Monika actually came over, the atmosphere was too dull for her to not notice.

Monika: Y/N? Thanks for letting me use your shower, I left the...

She finds you on your bed with your face in your hands.

Monika: Y/N!...Are you okay?

Y/N: I'm...fine, just tired I guess.

Monika: You seemed fine when you opened the door for me. Though you have been really quite today...is everything alright?

Y/N: I guess...?

Your responses became more vague and worrying to her as Monika finally sat down next to you.

Monika: That's not convincing at all. Did something happen at school or something? Was it someone from my class again, if-

Y/N: No it's...*sigh* it's just me. I just haven't feeling okay this entire week.

Monika: What do you mean?

You rub your hands once or twice in silence before turning to her.

Y/N: Why are you here, Monika?

Monika: W-what?

Y/N: Why are you still with me?

Monika: What are you talking about?! Why wouldn't I be here?

Y/N: Why would you pick the lowest point in your options? Someone who can't even stay independent, stays below average in his class and-

Monika: We've talked about this, Y/N. You not being up to the standards doesn't matter to me. Like I said, I'm with you because you make me feel like myself and I don't want you to change either.

Y/N: And what if I fucking hate what I am?

Monika: ...

Y/N: What if, I'm someone no one ever wants to be? Someone you don't deserve no matter how right it feels? I don't care about your popularity in school either, but I still think you could have picked better.

As you finished, Monika was left folding and digging her nails into her skirt. Unable to come up with a response in devastation while you slowly tried calming down.

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