Coming Home Late

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Author's Note:

I've seen more people ask me about this and I'd again like to mention that I can't always make longer ranged chapters because some scenarios don't really have much to be written upon with bigger length so I just wanted to set a reminder that some chapters will be a bit shorter and I cannot predict it.


It's been approximately 3 hours since you've been out of the house, what was supposed to be a simple grocery run had turned into a heap of worry from the girl with a white bow, who was already in a fit of distress.

She paced the rooms, tired your phone but nothing gave her a peace of mind.

This wouldn't be this big of a problem to worry about if it not had been for the fact that you and Monika had quite the heated argument moments before.

The situation between you two had gotten to such an extreme that you made the excuse of going to the store and stomping out of the house, not before making your anger known by throwing the TV remote across the room.

Monika was equally fuming at the time, when she saw you walk out of the house, she called good riddance and snarled. Her anger continued to seethe as she wandered around the house to try and distract herself but that anger, slow but surely, turned into hints of regret....but when those moments turned into two whole hours, that regret turned into fear and pain.

She worried every possible outcome, the thought of you leaving her, never coming back, the absurdity of you going out there and cheating. These dangerous thoughts clouded her mind as she tried calling you in panicked guilt and worry.

By now she was ready to get ready and rush out to look for you, not caring about her clothes or red eyes full of tears but once she went to slip on her jacket, the front door emitted a click.

The girl stood there in the middle of the living room with one arm in the sleeve of her jacket while the rest hung from her body. Her light hiccups and red eyes stared at you standing there. Your heart sinks and blood runs cold at the sight of the girl standing infront of you, a complete mess from what she used to be.

Dropping the plastic bag from your hands, you rush over to the girl and thrash onto her, wrapping your arms around her body and slumping to the floor.

The girl in your arms whaled a pained cry as she stabbed her fingers into your back, a harsh return of the hug.

Monika: Where the hell were you...?!

Y/N: Sorry...-.I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to take as long as I did. I just-

You choked up and held the girl tighter. You refused to let your own tears out, knowing the situation would only cause even more miscommunication.

Monika: I thought you left me...I- I didn't know what to think.

Y/N: Hold on now...slow down, breathe.

You gently shook her while resting your chin on the top of her head.

The scene before you was causing more to mental strain than you anticipated. The girl before you is a complete mess...a polar opposite to the calm and collected soul she was. You knew that she always just pretended to be all perfect but that didn't mean she wasn't a confident and firm person....her being this broken was entirely new- well technically not because you witnessed it first hand during your fight.

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