#2 What If Wax Stan Came To Life?

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(This happens after they find the hidden wax statues and see the melted Abraham Lincoln)

"Don't worry Grunkle Stan, I'll make you a new wax figure from all this old wax", Mabel had said.

Mabel was always prepared for an arts and crafts creation, including wax sculptures. She already had a plan.

"Hey Dipper!", Mabel called. "What do you think of my wax figure idea?"

She held up a crayon drawing of a beautiful blonde princess...with a horse stuck through her body.

"She's part fairy princess and part horse fairy princess", Mabel beamed.

"Maybe you should carve something from real life", Dipper suggested.

"Like a waffle with big arms!"

"Okay", Dipper responded. "Or, you know, something else. Like someone in your family."

Suddenly, Stan walked into the room and stood on a wooden box, asking, "Kids, have you seen my pants?"

Mabel looked up in awe and wonder, "Oh, Muse, you work in mysterious ways!"


"I'm still missing my pants but now I'm missing my-"

Stan interrupted himself with a scream, stumbling back a few steps. In front of him was a glorious statue...of himself. It was just like him, from the tips of his toes to the Fez on his hat. It was perfect!

"What do you think?" Mabel asked excitedly.

"I think the wax museum's back in business!"Grunkle Stan exclaimed.

He grinned and kneeled down to hug Mabel. She smiled and said, "I told you I'm always prepared!"


Later that day, Stan invited the town of Gravity Falls to see the opening ceremony for his fascinating wax creations.

He waltzed into his room, whistling. Stanley grinned when he saw glittery Wax Stan, posing confidently. The statue reminded him of a certain someone-

Grunkle Stan's thoughts were interrupted when a small creak sounded from Wax Stan. He walked over to the statue, inspecting him.

"Meh", Stan muttered, turning to leave the room. "Seems like nothing."

All of a sudden, a stiff hand gripped Stanley's mouth, dragging him toward his closet. He struggled, punching and yelling muffled curses. The figure shoved Grunkle Stan into the closet. He looked up, seeing his glittery doppelgänger in front of him, before everything turned to darkness.


Mabel and Dipper jumped when a loud thump rang through the air. Wendy looked up from her magazine, frowning.

"Dudes, did you hear that?", Soos asked.

Dipper nodded. "We should go check up on Grunkle Stan."

Soos, Mabel, and Dipper walked to Grunkle Stan's room, noticing that the door was ajar.

"That's weird, Grunkle Stan always closes his door", Mabel murmured suspiciously.

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