#5 What If Dipper Got Trapped in a Bubble Instead of Mabel? Part 1

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"Mabel wait!", Dipper shouted, jumping up."Mabel, I didn't mean it like that. Mabel come back!"

He chased after her, regretting telling her. Dipper tried his best to keep his best friend happy, but here she was, stealing his backpack and crying.

Mabel bolted out the door, running far into the woods. Dipper was right behind her, until he suddenly stumbled over a log, face planting.

"Mabel, this a huge opportunity!"

Dipper sighed, jumping onto his feet and continuing his chase after Mabel. He suddenly heard her angry voice, so he hid behind a tree.

"Only party chocolate can cheer me up now", she muttered. "Nerd books and chewed up pencils. Ugh, wrong backpack. It's not fair! I just wished the summer would last forever!"

"That might be possible."

Dipper jumped at the voice, recognizing it as Blendin Blandin. Why would he be here?

"Sweatertown is not accepting calls right now", Mabel replied.

"M-M-Mabel, it's me."

"What? Who said that?" she questioned nervously.

"I-I can help", Blendin stuttered, stepping out from the shadows.

"The time travel guy? What are you doing here?"

"You said you don't want summer to end, right? D-did I hear that right?" Blendin inquired.

"Look, maybe it's against the rules, but you once did a favor for me, so I thought I could help you out", Blendin paused. "It's called a time bubble, and it prevents time from going forward. Summer in Gravity Falls can last as long as you want it to!"

"R-really?" Mabel asks, wiping her tears.

"I just need you to get a little gizmo for me from your uncle. It's something small. He won't even know it's missing."

Dipper squeaked, looking at Blendin's watch. It showed the universal rift.

Blendin glared at the tree where Dipper was hiding, clenching his hands. "H-hurry Mabel, I don't have much time!"

She reached into the bag, pulling out the rift. Mabel grinned, handing the rift to Blendin.

Dipper sprang out from his hiding place, yelling, "Give that back Blendin."

Blandin pulled of his sunglasses, revealing yellow eyes with pitch black slits. Blendin shook, his laugh merging with Bill's demonic cackle. The time traveler's body fell to the ground, revealing the evil illuminacho.

"Hey Pinetree! Thanks to your LOVABLE twin, I finally have what I want", he sang, tipping his hat. "I think I'll just-OOPS! I dropped it!"

The only thing that contained Bill Cipher's dimension shattered, leaving a huge X in the sky, showing dark galaxies full of evil.

"N-no!" Dipper cried.

"I gotta love my buddies, ya know?", Bill gleefully shouted, tapping his bow tie. "By the way doll, we never shook on that summer deal, so I've decided to take Pinetree!"

"What?" Mabel whimpered, tucking her arm with Dipper's.

The male twin stared in horror as blue magic wrapped around him. He felt his eyes closing, the world fading into black.

Dipper sat up groggily, rubbing his eyes. Memories crashed though his mind, making him groan. Was it all a dream?

Glancing around, he saw that he was in a large room, built with pine wood. He lay in a queen sized bed, with the fluffiest set of comforters and pillows you could imagine. A mirror leaned against a wall, with a desk seated beside it. There was a book shelf, and a large collection of anomalies in containers. A huge wooden door was to the side of Dipper, and the room had one window.

Mabel...Bill...Trapped...the words came to him in a flash. Is this my prison?

He slowly rolled out of bed, walking drowsily to the window. Peeking out, he saw a mix of Gravity Falls and his hometown, Piedmont. Dipper walked up to the mirror, immediately scrambling back.

Dipper Pines looked older. His hair was tousled and wavy, short hairs stumbling his chin. He didn't have noodle arms, but instead a lean muscular figure. Andddd...Dipper was taller, almost six foot. He looked about fifteen or sixteen.

"Ummm...what has Bill done?", he thought out loud.

Just then he heard a knock at the door. Dipper grabbed a some type of monster tooth and held it behind his back.

"Come in", he said, still a bit confused.

The door opened to reveal Pacifica, around the same age as Dipper. Her eyes sparkled brightly as she smiled, strutting towards him. Dipper's thoughts froze as he noticed her curves and how much taller he now was. He dropped the tooth when Pacifica took his hand.

"Today is an easy day, Mr. Pines. All you have to do is go to a book signing, and go on a date with Wendy", she said the name with a hint of distaste, standing straighter.

Dipper's jaw dropped. "I'm dating Wendy?"

"Yes Mr. Pines", Pacifica frowned. "You better get ready, you only have an hour until the book signing."

With that she left, flipping her hair. Dipper flopped onto the bed, awestruck. How did he get Wendy to date him? And he wrote a book?

Where's the dresser?

An outfit appeared on Dipper, mostly the same as usual, except that the vest was a sweater and there was a pine tree on his shirt.

He opened the door, stepping into a long, empty hallway. He walked until he reached a spiral staircase, hesitating. Grinning, Dipper hopped onto the railing, sliding down. He slid and slid, his hair flying, his adrenaline pumping.

After what seemed like hours of fun, he finally stopped, hopping into a lobby. A chandelier shone brightly, with a front desk full of people placed in the corner.

He ran through the doors, bursting into the street. It was fool of people he recognized, including Manley Dan, Tyler Cutebiker, and Old Man McGugget. Dipper slowed down spotting a large sign. It read "Mabel's Sweater Store, Where Sweater Weather Is All Year Long!" He walked towards the small pink building, a bell tinkling as he opened the door.

An older Mabel sat in a big purple beanbag chair, drinking Mabel juice and knitting a yellow sweater.

"Dipstick!", she yelled, hugging him tightly. "I'm so proud of you Bro Bro."

"For what?"

"For going on so many adventures and writing a book about it and-"

"Mabel, I did all of this?"

"We'll yeah, no duh", she replied, releasing him and returning to her knitting.

"I'm proud of you too, making your own business and all."

Suddenly, a hoard of piglets tackled up to Dipper, Waddles following close behind. He stumbled to the floor, laughing.

"Waddles is a proud father of fourteen", Mabel said excitedly.

Dipper picked one up, realizing that it had two tiny horns poking out of its head.

"Who's the mom?"

"Gompers the goat", Mabel sighed dreamily. "Another perfect pair made by Mabel Pines. "

She lifted up the newly made sweater. "Do you like it?"

Dipper stumbled back, slamming into the door.

The sweater was yellow, with a brick pattern.

There was a large yellow eye in the center, and it blinked.

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