#4 What If Bill Killed One of the Twins?

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Dipper and Mabel ran through the Fearamid, avoiding traps and Bill.

"When I get my hands on you kids, I'm gonna DISASSEMBLE YOUR MOLECULES! You've tricked me for the last time!" Bill yelled angrily, reaching his now six hands toward them.

The hands missed the twins entirely as they swung away using the grappling hook. Dipper shuddered at how close Bill was. When they land, they continued to run side by side. Screeching to a stop, the Mystery Twins realize they've reached a dead end.

"You know, I'm starting to think there's no way out of here", Dipper said worriedly.

"Like Grunkle Stan always says, when one door closes, choose a nearby wall and bash it in with brute force!", Mabel replied, growing her hand with the flashlight.

Letting out a strangled cry, she smashes through the wall, leaving a gaping hole. Mabel then shrunk her hand back.

"Now let's round up the townsfolk and together we can..." Dipper chokes on his words. "Oh no..."

The refugees had been tied up, Bill's gang of demons surrounding them. Teeth was eating Shmebulock, happy to devour anyone who fought back.

"Peeka-boo!", Bill yelled, catching the twins in a large light. They screamed as Bill grabbed them tightly.

They struggle, kicking and shouting, but it was no use. He stomped into the room where Ford and Stan were being held prisoner, Mabel and Dipper in his hand.

"Alright Ford, time's up. I've got the kids. I think I'm gonna kill one of them now just for the heck of it!" Bill's eye shone gleefully.

"EENIE..." his eye showed a shooting star.

"MEENIE..." a pine tree appeared.

"MINEE..." he paused.

"YOU!" He shouted as the twins struggled.

His eye landed on a pine tree.

Bill held up the hand holding Dipper, glaring. The male twin fell limp, and his heart came to a sudden stop.

"NOOOOO!" Mabel screamed, her heart filled with hate. Tears ran down her face, and she began yelling choice words at Bill.

Stan (dressed up as Ford) fell to his knees, cursing. Ford lowered his head, his hands clenched.

"So, will you surrender?" Bill asked, dropping the twins to the floor.

Mabel ran over to Dipper's body, sobbing. She cradled his head, kissing his forehead.

"I'm so so sorry Dipper", she whispered, gently laying him down.

Mabel stormed up to Bill, crying. "HOW COULD YOU BILL!?"

"Shooting Star, this isn't a kids show", Bill paused. "People die, and your brother just happened to be one of them."

Mabel shot the grappling hook at his eye, then started helplessly punching his giant leg. Bill sighed, snapping his fingers.

Mabel was suddenly in the cage with Grunkle Stan and Ford. She curled up into a ball, her heart broken. Stan scooped her up, comforting the lonely twin. Ford huddled beside them, a single tear sliding down his cheek.

"I want a deal Bill", the one real Ford yelled." I'll tell you how to escape Gravity Falls if you leave my family alone, and give me back Dipper, alive."

Bill tapped his bow tie thoughtfully, then shrunk down to his normal size, holding out his flaming hand.

"It's a deal."

Ok...Did you guys like that one?

I don't really like killing off my favorite characters, but I'm pretty sure Bill would've killed Dipper. Mabel seems kind of like his favorite twin.


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