#1 What If Mabel Pressed the Button?

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Hi... This is my first ever fanfic sooo...thanks for reading!

Mabel's hair whipped around he face, panic absorbing her features. She grabbed onto the button, not sure what to do.

"I wanted to say that you're gonna hear some bad things about me, and some of them are true, but trust me. Everything I've worked for, everything I care about, it's all for this family!" Stan shouted, his eyes pleading.

"Mabel, what if he's lying? This thing could destroy the whole universe! Listen to your head!" Dipper yelled.

Mabel's heart broke. How was she supposed to choose between her family. What if Grunkle Stan isn't lying, but what if he is?

"Look into my eyes Mabel! You really think I'm a bad guy?" Stanley pleaded.

She searched his eyes, just as Dipper screamed, "He's lying! Shut it down NOW!"

"Mabel, please!" He begged.

Mabel glanced between Dipper and Grunkle Stan as the computer began to count down from ten. A single tear slipped from Mabel's eye as she nodded at her twin. Her hand slammed down on the red button right before the countdown ended.

"NOOO!", Stanley screamed.

The portal turned off. Everyone slammed onto the floor. Mabel's heart shattered into a million pieces.

"Mabel, how could you?", Grunkle Stan cried falling to his knees.

Soos placed a reassuring hand on his back as Stanley shook angrily. Dipper and Mabel approached him as if he was a wild animal.

"Do you know how long it took me to start up this portal? THIRTY YEARS! Mabel, you ruined it", Stan paused, crying. "You ruined my chances at getting my brother back!"

Mabel and Dipper froze glancing at each other. Soos gasped dramatically, staring at Stan.

"Y-you have a brother?", Mabel stammered.

"I did. And thanks to you, I'll never see him again", he roared, pushing his way past Soos and the Mystery Twins.

"Grunkle Stan, wait!", Mabel called frantically.


Stanley Pines ran away. He ran away from the basement, the Mystery Shack and his family. Images blurred together as his sobs filled the crisp air. Stan darted into the forest, not caring we're he would end up.

His twin was gone.

Forever this time.

He was permanently half of a whole.

Stan's thoughts were cut off as he tripped over a bush and began tumbling. Bushes, rocks, and sticks ripped at him. He rolled up into a ball, continuing to fall.

Gradually, Stanley came to a stop. He lay in a grassy meadow, defeated. Tears streamed down his face as his broken body trembled. Stan closed his eyes as darkness consumed him.


Stanley awoke to black and white, his thoughts a jumbled mess.

I must've died after that tumble, Stan thought.

"The world doesn't have that much mercy, Stanley Pines", a voice remarked.

Stan sat up, tilting his head. Sitting cross legged on a rock was one eyed, yellow triangle.
A small top hat rested on his head. Power radiated around him.

Stan flopped back down.

"I'm Bill Cipher, but you'll call me Bill", the triangle stated.

Stanley grunted.

"You're real talkative", Bill added sarcastically.

Stan stared at the sky, and wondered why the color was gone from the world.

"You're in the Mind Scape, where I rule", Bill's tone smirked.

No response.

"I have a deal. About your Stanford."

Stanley's eyes widened, his heart skipping a beat. He sat up again, staring at the illumanacho.

"What's the deal?", Stan inquired.

"I'll bring Pointdexter back to this dimension if you give me your body as a vessel", Bill explained snidely.

"Why do you need my body?", Stan questioned.

"I can't enter your stupid world if I don't have a body", he answered irritatedly.

Stan debated inside himself for a minute, but in the end, getting his brother back was the goal.


Stan and Bill's hands shook, sealing the deal. Blue flames flew up around them, a look of determination in Stanley's eyes.

A shoving sensation pushed Stan out of his body. He looked at his see-through body, shuddering.

Bill looked up, cackling, "Thanks Fez, it looks like I'm going to have a lot of fun!"

Stabill snapped his fingers, their voices laughing in sync.

Stanford Pines appeared, looking almost identical to Stan. He looked tired and beaten.
A look of surprised filled him when he saw Stabill.

"St-Stanley? What did you do?"

"Hey old pal, I love your end of the world getup", Stabill said enthusiastically.

"N-no", Ford stuttered.

Stan, watched all of this play out, watching his brother. A mix of joy and horror filled his heart.

Stabill laughed and sprinted to the mystery shack.

"Stanley, what did you do?" Ford quaked.

Mabel waited by the door, regret and guilt taking over her thoughts. She was such and idiot. Tears slipped down her cheeks.

He'll hate me forever.

Suddenly, Stanley burst through the door, smiling from ear to ear.

"Grunkle Stan! I'm so glad you came back", Mabel cheered, jumping up.

"I gotta say, love the enthusiasm, Shooting Star. I think I'll be staying for good!"

Soooo...yeah. I hope you liked it! Don't forget to comment and vote. I should be posting once or twice a week. Bye, thanks for reading.

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