𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗4 : Embraced love

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Fairytales were a lie. A little fantasy to live a desired life. But somehow I object! If we did believe in God then why not the magic of beyond? Moreover I just want to know how it feels ot to have a past. How does it feel not to have a route . How does it feel? How would Phoebe survive? The world had already been the roughest it could ever be on her. But this time maybe she was blessed. Her mother's words didn't go in vain. A new chapter starts.

The last words to the God of Moon had been accepted

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The last words to the God of Moon had been accepted. Perhaps she brought her own faith that lays underneath her very skin. Phoebe floated all the night. The restless calm flow of water kept her on all night. The desperate moonlight kept her following all the way.

The brown girl with delighted curly hairs, two mesmerising brown eyes and thin flower petal lips all pink was no longer the beautiful game of brown and pink. No longer the pretty stayed pretty. The water kept her flowing all night. The time passed as if the night was about to last forever. A Cresent moon pandent tugged in her hairs. Something she'd never know the worth. Something that'll always leave back stacks of questions buzzing like desperate bees. Something her mother couldn't explain about. Her shattered faith kept her flowing through the dead of the night till the break of dawn.
The sun peered out from the darkness of that neverending night. The birds were no longer prohibited to creep. The old caretaker of the cattles; Mrs. Midan went to the river sight to bring water for her cattles. Thus the pathetically beautiful faith of Phoebe met Midan's. As Midan was hit by a fainth sound of crying she head up to the corner.
A beautiful or slightly to say divine child was stuck at the bank or Rayosa. "Oh my lord bless please!"
Midan took the little girl to her home. Pale body and red lips made her seemed like an angel. Her hairs all straightened up pitch black gave a royal vibe. It was a blessing from the water to prevent her real identity getting exposed

The little fairy was burning in fever. But her luck luckily kept her alive after all night water ride. She was covered with a blanket with an embroidered golden plate with a "Phoebe" calligraphy. But the kid was all drenched in water and hardly even breathing. The mother had already rose in Midan.

Though Midan was only a leftover women by her husband in her youth days and never had a child of her own. Ever since then she had been replacing the warmth of being a mother with animals instead of a human heir. Maybe it was time. It is said that the God at least for once but makes the person who needs"Complete" . There goes the opportunity of spending the motherhood to the nearly 70 years old woman; Midan; at last.

Midan carefully changed her clothes and wrapped her in a blanket. Kept the kid by the wooden stove to keep her warm. Midan thought that pendant would look perfect on the kid . She put the pendant on her. Meanwhile a man was called. She made him sale the blanket for the kids medicine expenses.

Midan kept on staring at the little kid as her eyes filled with tears she whispered, "Sneeha". That's where world of Phoebe was changed. From Phoebe to becoming Sneeha which meant love was quite a hard fight for her.

Now life was about to change. From thorns now being embraced with love. A little gift from God for her. Yes a little gift.

Midan grew Sneeha up as her own child. Phoebe kept growing as Sneeha. Not knowing her past either her worth. She grew up in Rava. As she grew up as an orphan for the Ravanians and an orphan never has a lot of friends. Neither had she. At the age of 10 she had already mastered cooking, taking care of cattles and every other household works. She used to stand by the window and attend classes secretly to get some education as Midan never could afford so. The best part about Sneeha despite her beauty was that she had a perfect hand in drawing or painting stuffs. Almost all her paintings were of moon or the night environment. None knew why would she only make night paintings. Midan used to sale her paintings as an extra source of earning. Sneeha slightly loved spending her lonely time with the moon. She'd stay up from the dusk till nightfall down the river sight and spend the time adoring the moon.

She was already 11. She never knew her birthday or her birthplace. Midan never hid the fact Sneeha wasn't her own child. All she had from childhood was a memory of a lot of people screaming with torches and spikes. And a token of her existence; the pendant; which she never knew to whom it belonged or how she got it.

She remembers a melody. Something tells he from a corner of her heart that she had to sing for the moon.
But what was the song? How does she know? What was all of those people? These very questions killed her everyday from inside a little by little.
Then there was the moon to calm her pain. 

Everytime Midan would ask her why she always kept up with the moon her slightest reply would always be "I don't actually know. Something feels like home here." What she was willing to know was right underneath the dust of moonlight; at least she thought so. She bathe down it every night. Be nearly disappeared under the moon light. Her pale skin made her a part of that divine moonlight.

She liked it when the winds were heavy before rain. She loved it more than the moon. She thought the winds sharing her complete loneliness and turned heavy with her sadness. They shared the pain. Sneeha never felt lonely when it rained pre-autumn or when the first snowflakes poured. She felt as if an unknown love was embracing her a little by little.

The warmth of coldness overwhelmed her always. All the warmth she lacked behind was replaced by the thick coldness. The heavy to inhale winds were relief to her. Flowers never attracted her. Despite that .... That yellow rose in the Mid Ravanian Garden. The landlord was kind enough to give her the only yellow rose that grew like a miraclel every year.

Midan never unloved her.
Still she was lonely. No friends, no relatives. The only warmth she got was from the landlord and Midan. Probably the only to love her was Midan and all the landlord provided was only sympathy.
It was not quite long. Perhaps time just flew as whater again. Sneeha was 18. The delightfully worst chapter was about to start for her.

But this time with memories.

Stay tuned to be a part of Sneeha's faith and whatever comes within.

𝕬𝖓 𝕰𝖓𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝕱𝖆𝖇𝖑𝖊 Where stories live. Discover now