𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗6: Brought to faith

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Something as strong as the God's power as strong as the blessings are addressed as "Promises". A vow taken not to break. A commitment even to accomplish with life. A self-made destination perhaps desired. The point we all stand captive and utterly helpless is brought to us by love. A complex emotional term that makes us go wild in craziness even calms us to the core like the so still water. This divine curse either to say hellish blessing brings us to a point where we get commited or easier to say.... Entwining pinkies we are wrapped up with invisible strings only created by ourselves. An painful soothing imprisonment. Probably SELF-MADE

The sky lit up slowly

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The sky lit up slowly. The snow clouds probably prolonged the sunrise. Sneeha staring still at that still body laying down to her lapse.
"Stay with me"
A faint whisper abandoned her lips and made its way to infinity. As if a little request to God.
But maybe the innocent appeal was dismissed. Sthe body had no sign of breathings. Still laying on her lapse. Deep blue furr waving with the desperate winds. Sneeha kept purring it . Her half a way frost fingers ran across the getting cold body.
"Is it lightening up? It... was... heavy just a few moments ago!"
Sneeha freaked out. As a departed soul leaves the body 18 grams lighter.... She thought that just happened.
But the worst was yet to come.
It kept getting lighter. Sneeha's eyebrows rose up. Eyes widened. The legs started to grow and face started to reform of the creature. As the first light of the sun hit the bodies. The creature was now clearly a girl not more than Sneeha's age. Neither less. Sneeha frost in shock. She wanted to run again but her body didn't support. Almost an hour it took. A pale beautiful girl in a blue velvet hanbok. Thick eyebrows held her appearance not less than a queen and the heavy velvet hanbok was only enriching the glory.
The tied up hanbok on her neck was loosened up. The deep cut was staring at Sneeha back in the eyes. The pretty girl was too alluring to leave behind. Sneeha's heartbeat chased the wind and breathes brought storm. With shaley hands she touched the pale cheeks of the girl. She was a warm-blooded human nothing less than Sneeha. Then what happened! What was happening? Sneeha wrinkled up in the strings of thoughts. Almost lost but she felt movement. The girl was awake after the long wait. She slowly opened her eyes the Cresent moon inside her lenses still existed as the creature

 She slowly opened her eyes the Cresent moon inside her lenses still existed as the creature

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The girl could hardly move. Sneeha managed her to their home. Not thinking how dangerous it could be neither thinking of their lives. Sneeha told Midan about everything.
"God has sent her to us for a reason. You met her for a reason. Either she could have killed you" , said Midan making candles. "You believe me right?" Asked Sneeha desperately. " I know you will never lie. Neither will I consider it as a dream. But I do doubt a bit about her being a creature but I believe you." "Have you seen her eyes?" "Crescent moon" "could she possibly be the moon bride?" "Where did you get to know about the moon bride?", Midan stared at Sneeha. "Does such things really exist?" "If a creature turning into human can exist.... I believe there moon bride could exist too", said Sneeha looking for something in her wooden drawers. "Here it is", said she. Midan was changing the fever patch from the girl's forehead and putting herbal medicine on her cut. She was still faint. Though she opened her eyes couple of times.
Sneeha showed a scroll which only had one line written In it.

⚜️Only once in a hundred thousand years a moon bride is born for the moon prince⚜️

"Where did you get it?", asked Midan. "I don't know? I just had it like forever", Said Sneeha tapping her chin.
"She's awake"

Wide eyes, thick eyebrows, narrow nose , pale skin and straight hairs. The girl was a complete beauty. Nothing less than Sneeha. "What is your name sweetheart?", asked Midan with her politest tone.
"Name?", a faint voice let out her lips. " I don't have one... Where am I?", she hesitated and curled into a ball. " It's okay. We won't hurt you", Midan softly put her hand on her hairs and stroked. The girl felt safe and calmed down. Her wrist and ankles had scars of chains. "Have you been chained?" asked Sneeha angrily. She nodded. "How come people be so merciless. This is in human eomma!", Yelled Sneeha. Jineya didn't get the loud noise normally and tried to get closer to Midan. Midan eyed Sneeha that she had scared her. " I'm sorry for screaming so loud. I'm a friend too", Sneeha softly put her hand on her arm. The girl sat down. " I want to leave", she softly said. "No my dear you are not going back to where they made you suffer like this." "I can't stay here. What if I hurt you? I'm an Alphawolf. A curse of God."
"Perhaps a blessing. Have you seen your eyes?" asked Sneeha. She moved her head "no" . Sneeha showed her a mirror. " I have only seen myself the least I could see in a goblet of water. The smallest one. Is this really me?" Asked the girl. "Beautiful aren't you?" Smiled Sneeha. Tried to smile she too. For the first time in her life. "Can I name you?" Asked Midan . She tilted her head politely and innocently.
Farifta (amorous/lovable/lovely)

he girl kept staring at Midan. "Don't you like the name?" "All my life I had been told I was a curse how come I be lovely?" "You are"
Her eyes filled with tears of gratitude. She thanked her.
Midan won't let her leave saying pointing at Sneeha, "This is my love and you are my lovely. Just like your names stay together always. You two are my Lovely Love. Please stay"

Farifta couldn't dismiss the old lady's wish . Thus she ended up with them.

What will destiny bring to them at the next stage of life? Stay tuned to be a part of their lives.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2022 ⏰

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𝕬𝖓 𝕰𝖓𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝕱𝖆𝖇𝖑𝖊 Where stories live. Discover now