𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗5: Behind The Darkness

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Faith brings in magic. Often madness. Life slightly relays on it. Apparently some special parts of our lives are slightly passed before knowing if it was beautiful enough to spend the rest life with it . Some we loose thinking "Perhaps life could be better." We could cherish every moment we had. Sometimes we are poured with magic of happiness but the least thing we do is not caring at it. Sneeha or slightly Phoebe? Light or dark? The first rain and first snowflakes and everything else was it enough for her?
" I may not be able to protect you all your Life but you will find someone to do so until you meet your groom "
Or when I say "A little gift from God ".
Any of that made any scene?

 Any of that made any scene?

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It was winter. Snowflakes were all over. Sky was husky with untidy clouds all over here and there. Falling down to the ground were the beautiful flakes of snow. White to say but blueishly enchanting.
The tangled hairs of Sneeha blew with the breeze letting the genesis know how beautiful she was. Even wearing her imperfections as her crown as if she was a complete piece of art.

The night had almost kissed the depth. Not a single huff of tiredness neither had a glimpse of sleep. It was just like any other sleepless nights . Sneeha was up to the bank of frozen Rayosa river. She leaned towards a three. The breezy winds kept her hairs blowing. Holding the Cresent moon pandent in her hand she got desperately lost in thoughts about her existence. "Who am I? Just an 18 years old moon obsessed kid? What about parents? I can't just whizz up from the air right? How come I find Midan! She is probably the only person ever to love me. But God knows for how long. What's up there in moon? What's..." She got cut off by an inhuman howl.
Just something more than any normal animal. Something more painful! I was pain in the howl rather than noise. Snowflakes shimmering blue down the moonlight. Thick mist till above Sneeha's head felt nothing less than unbreathable smoke. Sneeha had to see what caused that sound. She needed to know what caused that pain that hurts her too. The thick carpet that the snow had made all over the forest ground was hard to cross.

Sneeha had to head East.
Carefully passing the frozen Rayosa she entered the Eastern part of the forest. Snowfall had stopped for a while. It was breathable again. Sneeha tied her hairs up into a messy bun while passing the almost dead beautifully decorated with snow trees. The howl was again banging every single inch in the air. How pathetic it sounded! What a pain it was suffering from! Little did she know!
And within a few minutes blood stained snow and a grunting, panting creature was laying in front of her. Hard to recon if a wolf or a dog! But it was twice to the size of Sneeha. A silver dagger shining with pride but also with pain on the neck of the creature. Blood was around her neck on the snow. The creature was breathing heavily. It's eyes moved! Then we're fixed at Sneeha as if threatening her to run with her life . Sneeha was shaking. Slowly backing off. The creature slowly stood up and growled.
Sneeha slipped on the high tracks of the eastern forest that rolled her down to frost Rayosa with an extreme hit. The creature didn't take too long to reach her. Sneeha hardly stood up on the Cristal clear frozen Rayosa. The creature was now right inforont of Sneeha. Sneeha slowly raised her arms to let the creature  feel safe. That she meant no harm. There seemed no change of mind in the creature. It growled and came forward.

Just then the Cresent moon pandent tangled around her wrist shined a blink. Time was stopped for a while. The winds started blowing heavily. Light snowflakes were all over the wind here and there. There eyes settled at eachother. The bright moonlight shined the creature deep blue. The furr were waving as if a blue ocean was having a disastrous storm in herself.
The eyes of the creature stared into the soul of Sneeha. Brown eyes with two Cresent moon shape in them. Quite unusual.  But does time stops for Lifetime? The creature jumped at Sneeha with extreme force. They both hit the bank of Rayosa. The creature on top of Sneeha. The poor girl was unable to escape the attack this time. Sneeha had fallen twice that hurt as hell at that moment. She slowly opened her eyes. The soul crushing scarry fangs of the creature was now straight up Sneeha's face. Saliva dropping. It growling at her. The silver dagger still shining on it's neck.

The next moment there was a huge bang with a cracking sound. The frozen layer of water had broken. Pieces of solid ice bounced around every corner of the bank. Some hit the creature's back too. The creature fell on the side of Sneeha. Tired and hurt. Thee crack Sneeha had caused by falling on the ice layer from the eastern part of the forest caused the ice explosion. Sneeha sat up crying, " Why would you save my life? I thought you were about to kill me." The creature still laid motionless. Tears rolling off it's eyes. Pain took over her.
Sneeha decided to take out the dagger off her neck. As thought so actioned. "Okay so this is gonna hurt a little", said Sneeha joining their foreheads and instantly she sat back . " 3..... 2...... 1...", Pulled the dagger out Sneeha. "Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww", a prolonged howl reflected all around the forest. Sneeha took off the belt of her hanbok and tied it on the creature's neck with some snow to prevent excessive bleeding.
Sneeha stared still at the creature as she kept its head on her lapse and softly rubbed her ringers against it's forehead.

"Who are you?"

Was it a beginning of a new journey for Sneeha or just another loss for her? Stay tuned to know more. 💜

𝕬𝖓 𝕰𝖓𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝕱𝖆𝖇𝖑𝖊 Where stories live. Discover now