up on the rooftop - oneshot

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word count: 1.1k

summary: the last rays of sunlight disappeared behind the trees as nancy handed you the blanket through the window, pillows following after. The both of you setting up for a quiet night under the stars.

warnings: light mention of possible injury, smooching, if i missed any make sure to let me know!!


The both of you waited for the house to become silent. Mike and his friends would be out by 9:00, they usually stayed over on the weekend. Always eager to go to sleep so they could start a campaign early the next day. Karen and Ted on the other hand were in bed already at 8:00 so they weren't a problem. The clock ticked as the sun was setting. The summer hours causing the it to be up later in the evening. You and Nancy waited for it to disappear behind the trees. The rays of light were still seen slipping through Nancy's curtains.

Sitting on her floor the both of you were giggling. Feeling rebellious about the events that were yet to come. Her record player sang a soft tune, contrasting the both of your overly obnoxious behavior. Nancy laid her forehead on your shoulder, another fit of laughter taking over her body. Yours died down, as you cradled her head in your head. She tilted it to peer up at you. A smile continues to make its mark on her face. Your features mirrored hers.

A soft laugh left your lips as she quickly connected hers to yours, disappearing as quickly as they showed. Another followed, then another, until you held her face against your, not allowing her to pull away. Sighing out through her nose Nancy latched her hands into your sweater, attempting to pull you closer. You tilted your head, deepening the kiss just slightly. Once it broke Nancy was left with a dopey smile replacing her old one.

"Are you sure this is gonna be a good idea," she asked. You nodded.

"Why wouldn't it be? You have a roof. You have a window that leads to said roof and said roof is also not too steep so we wont easily fall off."

"But we still could fall off," Nancy mentioned. You scoffed playfully.

"You really think I would allow myself to have you fall off a roof?" She shrugged innocently.

"You never know. I mean what if you fall then when I try to take your hand you'll pull me down with you? That would suck, both of us breaking our necks."

"Psh, it's not even that high up I don't think from this height you can break your neck," you dismissed it.

"Oh, yeah and you know all huh?" Nancy responded teasingly. You shook your head.

"Whatever maybe you can break your neck from this height. I don't know I've never broken my neck before. Point is I won't let you or I fall," you promised. "...but if I did, we know where the ice packs are." She let out a loud laugh, wrapping her arms around your shoulders, once again pulling you towards her.

She tested her forehead against yours. A light giggle leaving her lips, taking in the features of your face. Gazing over every beauty mark, every freckle, every wrinkle. She smiled at them all.

You turned your attention to the window, noticing that it was now almost completely dark. You looked back at Nancy.

"It's time." You jumped up, pulling her along with you. She grabbed the blanket that was previously set out for the occasion as you opened her window. A light breeze making it's way into the room. Crawling through, you waited for Nancy to hand you the cover. She did as the last gleams of light were hidden.

You unfolded it, laying it out on the roof. Turning around to help Nancy through the window, you grabbed her hand to help her get some balance. Once she was on steady feet you pulled her up the shingles to sit.

Laying down both of you stared up into the sky. Stars already peeking out from behind the clouds. You rested on your back, Nancy placed herself into your side. Resting her head in your arm, curling her body into you. You pulled her closer letting a satisfied hum fall from your lips. A comfortable silence fell over the night air. Crickets and a distant car being the only sounds heard.

"I one time had a classmate debate me on whether it could be cloudy at night," you told Nancy. She picked her head up, looking at you with furrowed brows.

"You're joking," she stated. You shook your head.


"Who was it?" she questioned.

"Jason Lamburg." She sat up. Shocked with this new information.

"Doesn't he make the A-honor roll?" You nodded your head. She looked around, jaw slacked, like something, anything on the roof could get her the answer of 'why.' You snorted at her expression. Nancy brought her attention back to you. "I just can't believe it."

"I know right," you said taking her hand, rubbing your thumb across her knuckles, "I never knew someone with such a high IQ would say such a thing with so much confidence." She chuckled placing herself back down into your side.

"What did he think was blocking the moon when it wasn't being seen or something?" You thought for a moment, trying to think of what Jason has said.

"Something like the moon projectiles mist to earth with the gravitational pull."

"How would the moon not be coming at us then?" she asked, not understanding any of the logic.

"I honestly don't know, Nance. You'd have to ask him."

"I'd rather not converse with someone who thinks the moon projectiles mist." You let out a snort, rubbing her back.

"I don't blame you," you replied in a mumble, taking in the vast ocean of stars. Another silence fell over you. Nancy traced random shapes over your shirt as you gently rubbed her hip. "Where's the big dipper?" you whispered. She pointed, but you didn't see to where. Noting your lack of a response she took your hand in hers, circling the edged if the shape. A soft 'ooohhh' left you in recognition. She kept your hand in hers, placing it on your stomach.

"What the hell are you guys doing on the roof?" The both of you shot up. Mike and the party were in front of the garage peering up at you.

"What the hell are you doing outside the house?" Nancy shot back. Mike squinted at her.

"Touché," he stated, continuing his way around the house. The group grabbed there bikes and exiting the driveway. You looked at Nancy as she turned to you. A smile grew on your face.

"It would be irresponsible to let them go out on there own, not?" You asked. Nancy's smile matched yours.

"I mean we are the babysitters it wouldn't be right to not follow them and spy on what they're doing." Once again the two of you erupted into giggles. Sneaking back into the house and creeping down the hallway.

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