fight for it - oneshot

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word count: 4.1k

summary: of course this had to happen to you. why wouldn't it? you didn't know what you had to face, you just knew you had to face it for her.

warnings: everything that you see in the show.


You could feel the staring. Even as your vision was blocked by your forearm, the burning of their eyes was sensed across your body. You sighed.

"Can you guys like...not?" you mumbled, hearing rustling of the couches fabric. Removing your arm, you laid it to your side. The group all found a sudden interest in random objects in the Wheeler's basement. You let out a chuckle and settled your vision on the ceiling from your position on the floor. The couch was already occupied and you didn't want to take it from them when you decided to just... breathe for a moment.

You were so tired. The headaches, the restless nights that were full of nightmares, the bloody noses, everything made you so tired. At least you knew where it was coming from....well maybe it would have been better if you didn't know. The fact some dude from another dimension was slowly planning on killing you wasn't the most comforting reassuring thing in the world. And at any moment he could decide that he wanted to pluck the life from you. Preferably not, but that was what Robin and Nancy were trying to figure out how to prevent.

You wanted to go to her. Be with her as long as you can, as corny as it sounds. She dismissed your request, stating you needed to rest and that her and Nance could handle it. And with that Robin gave you a light kiss, whispering to you that it would all be fine as the rest of the group just kinda stood awkwardly to the side. Watching the sky or the grass. For a second you believed her. A light smile went to your face as you waved her and Nancy off. Until the whole situation once again hit you full force in the face.

Of course out of all the people in Hawkins it had to be you. Dead mom, dead brother, shit dad that decided to abandon you, and a step-mom that couldn't look you in the eyes for more than five seconds without being reminded of the man she first fell in love with.

Your palms went up to push into your eyes. Teeth gritting lightly as your chest tightens.

Ofcourse it was you. You deserved it anyway. After all that happened last time, stabbing your own younger brother in the chest. Watching as the mind flare's hold left his body as well as the light in his eyes. This is what you get for that.

On the bright side at least it wasn't one of the kids. They were way to young to go through that shit. For christ's sake they were way too young to go through any of this. Nobody should have to deal with all of this evil-dimension-upside-down-alien crap.

You chuckled to yourself at the insanity of it all. Wiping away the tear with the tips of your fingers, you looked over at the group on the couch and let out another huff of laughter.

"This shit is so... dumb," you exclaimed, sitting up. They looked down at you. "Why the hell does this guy even exist? How the hell? Why are we even here? Why the fuck havent we gone off the like Canada or something instead of this hell hole?" you questioned, propping yourself on your hands. Silence was the response you got. You rolled your eyes, "Should have just hightailed it off a bridge while I had the chance," you mumbled while letting your head fall back to look at the ceiling once more.

"Don't say that," Max whispered. You looked at her through your peripheral vision. Knees were to her chest, her chin resting on them. You turned away, looking over at the steps. Clearing your throat you stood with a grunt. Walking over to Max to ruffle her hair lightly.

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