back in the closet - oneshot

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word count: 1k

summary: you handled your anxiousness poorly. that shows when a basically life or death situation happens with max's step brother billy.

warnings: billy being (not so) slightly terrifying, sneaking out, tight spaces? let me know if I missed any


"Hide under there."

"Under where?"

"Ha, you said underwear-"

"Max, stop. This is serious."

"I know, sorry," she apologized, clearing her throat. "Under the bed. You can hide under there. Ill put some blankets or something to cover up the sides."

"I can't fit down there," you deadpanned. The small space under her mattress was too tight to even fit a child. A nervous laugh fell from your lips as the weight of the situation fell onto your shoulders. "He's gonna kill me." Max shook her head at your dramatic wording.

"No he's not. Not if he can't find you that is," she murmured the last part, scanning the room for an alternate solution.

"Max!" You exclaimed.

"I'm kidding," she claimed. Moving to her closet she opened the sliding door and peered inside, checking if there was space. Besides a couple scattered items it was fine. Not the best hiding place but, eh good enough. She stepped back motioning you to get in. Your face scrunched up as you frowned. Max scoffed at your reactions. "This is the best option."

"Nuh-uh. I am not going back into the closet." Max huffed out a laugh from your serious expression.

"It's either this or we have to find somewhere else in the house to hide you. Where Billy will be in a matter of practically seconds. So, do you wanna take a chance to face him or get in with the clothes?" Silence filled the space around you while you pondered the options.

Billy was scary. But was he as scary as Max's dirty laundry basket that you would have to buddy up with for a moment?

It was honestly debatable.

However the sudden slam of the front door was the answer to all of your questions. Both of your eyes widened simultaneously while you rushed into the enclosed space. Of course this is what you get for sneaking over to your girlfriends whose step brother just happened to hate your guts. Why does he, you ask?

Maybe just maybe it's because of the time you somehow ran into his car while biking. Yeah, you should have kept your eyes on the road when waving to Max as you passed by. The dent in the vehicle was the aftermath. As well as the dent in your bank account.

"This is never going to work," you whispered in a fit of anxious giggles, crouching into the corner.

"Just be quiet then it'll all be fine," she tried to comfort as heavy footsteps came down the hall.

"You know that's hard for me to do. We should have just gone to mine."

"Yeah, we should've." A knock was heard on the door. The two of you tensed before Max threw a blanket on top of you.

"Max, open up."

"Just a minute," she called to the boy, tossing whatever clothing and object she could over you to seal the deal.

"Who were you talking to?" Billy's muffled voice asked through the door. Max winced at the question.

"Uh, I was... was singing. Nobody's in here."

"Don't lie to me-" He was cut off by the door opening. Instantly he scanned the room.

"Oh totally. Dang, you caught me. I was actually watching por-"

"Shut up," he scoffed, pushing past her to enter.

You held a hand over your mouth to quiet your breathing.

"See? Nobodys in here. Can you leave now?" Max pressed. The light quiver in her voice didn't go unnoticed. Billy's eyes snapped to her face. Looking over her features to give anything away. To show any hint of a lie. He noticed how her gaze slightly widened the closer he moved in a certain direction. Her shoulders were tense as she crossed her arms.

"Your little girlfriend is in here isn't she?" Max rolled her eyes.

"Of course that's the first thing you think of." She froze as Bully went to open the closet doors. "Hey, stop. You're not allowed to go in there." Billy quirked a brow.

"Yeah? And why is that?"

Your breath was caught in your throat as the creek of the closet door sounded.

"Billy, stop! You're invading my privacy-"

"Well I wouldn't be if you didn't have anything to hide," he practically snarled back, looking around the area. He stepped back, suspicion slowly slipping away.

For the moment anyways... until you had to bring it all back.

Your breath tickled the back of your throat. Noises slowly bubbling up into a squeak that slipped out. Billy's head snapped to the sound. Then he looked over at Max.

"You little bitch. She is in here isn't she?" He headed for the closet once more. Tossing different items, causing a ruckus as your nervous huffs of laughter were muffled by the chaos. Max yelled at him to stop. Claiming that she'll tell her mom and that's he's just being a dick. Finally she came to the sad conclusion of what she should do. She must sacrifice herself.

"If you don't stop I'm gonna- I'll ruin your shampoo." Slowly Billy pulled back. If looks could kill Max would be six feet under.

"You wouldn't dare," he seethed through his teeth. Max slowly crept out of the room, before bursting into the direction of the bathroom. The man took off after her. Opening then locking the door Max took the bottle in her hand. The sound of pounding on the wood echoed throughout the house.

You took this as your sign to leave. Shoving all for the blankets and other objects off of you. Quickly you moved through the door while Billy's shouts and hollers at Max shook your core. The window seemed like the only option. Rushing to it you fumbled with the lock.

"Max that shit costs more than your life. I swear to god if you do any-"

"If it's shit then it should go down the toilet."

"Don't you fu-"

Everything went quiet as the creaking of the window opening broke through the atmosphere. Silence took over every atom. Every molecule.

That was until pounding of foot stomps came hurtling in your direction. In a blink of an eye you launched yourself out of the house. Taking your soul that was so close to being ripped from you with it. The fatal cry came from Max as she screamed,

"Y/n, run!" Pushed you to sprint the hell down her driveway.

The front door slammed open just after you booked it down the front lawn.

"You little shit!" Billy's retreating voice faded in the distance as you ran off into the sunset.

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