locked door - oneshot

634 9 1


word count: 2k

summary: after your shift at the local market you head over to max's to get out of the heat. but what you find there was nowhere near what you were expecting.

warnings: basically everything in the request, light swearing, if i missed any let me know!!


Sweat dripped off your nose as the sun's burning rays shined down onto your face. Huffing breaths escaped you, while your legs were peddling. The market's vest would have blown off way behind you by now if it wasn't for the sweat that made it to cling to your front. Thank god Max lived only a 10 minute bike ride to her place from your work. You don't think you could do the half an hour one to yours without a water break. Maybe wearing a long sleeve and jeans wasn't the best option of the day. But it was 60 when you left the house. How were you supposed to know that it was going to get up in the 90s by the time your shift ended.

The air conditioner in the back was so nice. And the fact your job was to only unload the new produce and other foods back there didn't really give you the hint either. You muttered cuss words to yourself quietly as the bumping gravel made your jeans rub feverishly against your skin. It was almost certain that you'd get a rash.

Max would for sure have some of your clothes at her house you could snag back. You didn't care what it was. The basketball shorts and oversized tee you left there accidentally at your last movie night. Or even the swimsuit that was a size too small from the beginning of spring break. It didn't matter. All you wanted to do was get these sticky, smelly clothes off of you.

Your legs subconsciously went faster as the trailer park came into sight. The bike's tire smoothed across the rocks and grass. A cloud passed over much to your relief and you used the rest of your new found passion to hurry the hell up.

Your shoulders heaved up and down in an animated motion when you slowed down to a stop. Hunching over the handles you took a much needed couple of deep breaths.

"You good over there, L/n?" A familiar voice called from the right of you. Turning your head you caught sight of Eddie. A hose in his hand. His van drenched as suds were flowing into the grass. Eddie himself was in a white muscle-tee and some shorts. His pale skin blinding you more than the sun.

"Yeah, remind me to never wear jeans in the middle of August ever again," you voiced back, getting up to place your kickstand. You took a couple steps closer to him while he took in your miserable state. Shuffling awkwardly as your workers vest even had sweat shown through it. The little plastic name tag with a smiley face pin on it didn't look too smiley contrasted to your glum expression. He let out a couple chuckles in amusement.

"Lessons were learned though not?" he asked. His lip curled up in the corner slightly. You rolled your eyes, kicking off your shoes and pulling off your socks. Tossing them to the side. You were not in the mood for his teasing behavior. You stood with legs shoulder width apart as your arms spread out, eyes closed.

"Just spray me. Give me some sort of relief," you practically begged. The sound of bike chains were heard behind you as Eddie gave you a generous douse of water. The clothes clung to your skin. Wiping the water from your eyes you turned to see the new visitors.

"Woah, didn't know we had tickets to the gun show," Lucas whistled. You let out a snort, snagging your shoes and socks from the ground, waving to Mike, Dustin, and Will on your way across the street.

"Thanks, Ed," you called over your shoulder.

"Anytime." Walking around to the back you took down a towel from the clothes line. Patting yourself down to get some of the water off. Then grabbing another one to wipe down the floors later. Approaching the deck you walked up the steps and noted the blinds were down. It didn't raise your suspicion till you tried to open the slide screen door. It didn't budge.

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