Sesquipedalian: A Royal Blood - Chapter III

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03 | - A Royal Prince

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03 | - A Royal Prince

THE ballroom was incredibly lofty and joyous, with the grand designs, gilded decorations, and Her Majesty clapping along to the euphonious classical music. A majority of the crowd and the ladies found themselves doing their pleasant impersonation of the waltz with dance partners in distant relatives and princes.

And after hours of stepping on toes, and tripping over thin air, Katamina found herself lingering by one of the entree tables, snacking on Bread and Butter, completely and utterly partnerless. Not that she wanted another partner after the mess she had made with the grand Duke. In their interaction she had discovered her mouth was not only the key to leading people away, but more importantly leading the Royals away.

Nobody had asked her to dance since, and she would've been lying if she had said it didn't sting just a bit.

Oh well.

Just then, a familiar red-head sauntered over to her, joining her by the table. Fiona!

''Thank goodness,'' She sighed, brushing a stray strand of hair away from her sweaty face. ''I was just beginning to get bored.''

Fiona cocked an eyebrow, but said nothing about it, ''Why? Not much of a dancer?''

''It's not that I don't 'like' dancing, it's just... that I'm so uncoordinated, I can't dance. Not to mention, I'm not so familiar with all the dances.''

Her eyebrows dipped in a crease, ''Wait, so all I've heard of you is solely rumors?

Wait? Had she just screwed up? Ratted herself out?

She played it smart, twisting a curly strand of hair around her ring finger. ''Well that depends, what have you heard about me?''

''Doesn't matter,'' She waved a hand dismissively, a smile upturning her lips. ''The Waltz is pretty simple once you get the hang of it. Give me your hand.'' She pulled her flush against her body, taking her hand. ''You're going to start with the left foot, move forward with your left foot, and then to the right. Then you're going to close your left foot to your right, like this.''

Katamina wasn't following, could only watch her man-handle her.

Fiona blushed as eyes began to dart in their direction, as if just realized the horror in her actions. ''My apologies, my lady, I haven't properly asked you yet. Would you care for a dance?''

Katamina curtsied in a mocking way, lips curved in a goofy sweet smile, putting on her poshest impersonation of a British accent.

''As a matter of fact, I do -- ''

Fiona's eyes caught on a figure over her shoulder and widened. ''The prince is coming this way! The prince is coming this way!''

''Which one -- '' Her words were cut off by the clearing of a throat behind her.

Prince Alexander

''Pardon me, ladies, but,'' He looked directly to Katamina. ''Could I trouble you for a dance?'' Holding out his white gloved hand up for grabs.

Kat glanced at Fiona who seemed to have her jaw to the floor, before answering. ''I'm sure you've seen the train-wreck I've caused on the dance floor tonight.''

''Indeed, I have.''

She carefully accepted his hand, ''And you'd still like to dance with me, out of your own free will?''

''You have potential,'' He said, as he led her over to the ballroom floor that seemed to be clearing by the second. ''Most ladies can't even stay on their feet, and you lasting as long as you did. Impressive.''

She joined hands with him, as his right arm came around her back.

The applause of the audience died down as Katamina tried to ignore the plethora of stares they received. She had been the first girl of the night, the young prince had chosen to dance with, and impossibly the worst dancer of all.

They took their places and waited for the soft flow of the Piano to begin. Once it started he took a step forward and bowed, instructing her follow.

They circled each other, their gaze remaining locked. His eyes were blue too. Bluer than his brother's. He placed his hand on the lower of her back, her hand on his shoulder, and their free hands together.

''I don't know how to dance.'' She repeated in a whisper, after missing a step and nailing his toe with the heal of her sneaker. ''I hope your toes aren't sensitive.''

''They aren't.'' He reassured, leading the dance. ''Remember, its forward, right, back, and left.''

I got this!




Dang it!

She didn't have it, and was way out outside her element, probably looking like a fish out of water, flapping across the ballroom floor, and tripping over her own feet, as Prince Alexander held back the entertained curl of his lips.

''I can't do this.'' She said, fanning herself with her hands, in which he cocked a confused and yet amused eyebrow.

''Sorry, I'm hot.''


She wasn't given much time to blush over his words before he was lifting the droopy end of her gown, dragging across the floor, and snaked it in his hand, twisting it around his finger as he used his right hand to guide her.

Her feet felt much lighter, and easier to guide.

Forward, right, back, left





They fell in step, letting the rhythm control each movement. All the scenery, the eyes, and the people gathered around them dissipated into nothing.

She was light.

And that was when she decided to let ago. All her worries, her doubts, her fears.

It was her and the prince alone.

They danced to the music in perfect harmony to the thumping in her chest. As the Piano progressed, she felt relaxed, and even allowed a small smile to settle on her lips.

He was perfect, and she seemed to be catching the rhythm perfectly, her eyes falling shut as she let the music and his scent consume her. However, as soon as she opened her eyes, and got a taste of reality...

The ladies of the season, watching them with a mixture of horrified expressions, the Duke, still looking as if he'd rather be anywhere but where currently, and Her Majesty herself with a disgusted expression.

She lost it, and stumbled over his shoe, falling on top of him.

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