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"Olivia, talk to us. What's happening?"

 What's happening?"

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bats rip out more of her flesh. She grabs one and throws it but comes right back. She was going to pass out from lack of breath, when one of the bats was hit away.

"Hey there." Nancy says and hits the other bat from Olivia's stomach away. "Quick! Hold it, Robin." She says and Robin steps on the bat around Olivia's neck.

"I got it." Robin says and Nancy hits it over and over again with the oar. "Get it."

"Kill it! Kill it!" Eddie stresses as he watches his sister. Steve hits other bats away. "Nancy, behind you! Watch out!"

"Oh my god, Nance!" Robin lets go of the bat around Olivia's neck to hit the one on Nancy's back. Everyone was shouting but Olivia's ears were ringing loudly, so she couldn't hear anything. Eddie hits another bat away and Steve grabs the one around Olivia's neck. Robin grabs the one on Nancy's back and slams it to the ground, Nancy steps on it and kills it with the oar. Olivia stands up and backs away from a bat coming her way. Eddie runs up and hits it away. Steve slams the bat on the floor repeatedly until it goes limp, then rips it in half.

"Liv!" Nancy steps forward. Everyone watches as blood comes out of Olivia's mouth.

"Jesus Christ." Eddie stresses. "Jesus H. Christ!" Nancy and Steve turn Olivia around to look at her stomach.

"Are you okay?" Nancy asks.

"Looks like they took about a pound of flesh." Steve says looking at Olivia's stomach. "Jesus, I said don't die Munson."

"That wasn't my idea, Harrington!" Her voice cracks as she turns around and wipes the blood from her chin. Olivia flinches when Eddie puts a hand on her shoulder.

"Uh, do you guys think these bats have, like, rabies?" Robin asks as she crouches down next to one of the dead bats.

"What?" Steve asks.

"It's just that rabies are, like, my number one greatest fear." She says standing up. "And I think we should get Olivia to a doctor, like, really soon because once symptoms set in, it's too late. You're already, like, dead."

"Yes-s, caus-se that's-s the number one problem." Olivia slurred a little. A screech came from behind everyone. Bats come down and surround the gate.

"All right. There's not that many. We can take 'em." Steve says. More screeching came from above them. Swarms of bats were flying their way.

"You were saying?" Robin asks.

"The woods. Come on." Nancy says and runs towards the woods, Eddie and Steve behind her.

"Great, more running." Robin runs after them. Olivia tries to run but her legs buckle beneath her.

"Eddie!" She yells out. Eddie was about to run back but Robin beat him to it.

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