Chapter 1: Predator's eyes

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The dark red blood dripped off his hands. He could see his breath as he stared down at the frigid snow. It was a lovely contrast of red and white, one he's never seen before. With the full moon shining down on them helping them see. There were no other sounds but their breathing and the rapid beating of his heart. Which was so loud he almost didn't hear Susie starting to cry. The others comforted her as he stood there staring at the body. A new look shined in his eyes the others couldn't see with his mask on. A sickening grin covered his face, as he felt his world change. The janitor was not the only one to die that night. He felt a small part of himself being buried beneath the frozen dirt, right beside the already decaying corpse. The only difference, however, between him and the rotting body laying in the shallow grave, was that he had never felt more alive.

Frank was leaning against a tree at the beginning of the trail, waiting for his group. His messily dyed hair moved in the wind. His worn, black leather jacket was quickly thrown on as he was late this morning. They had arranged their typical meetup at the base of the mountain. Planning on walking the rest of the way up to the Lodge. They could drive it, but walking was more fun. School had just ended, and he just got off of work. The sky was thick with clouds as he watched them go by. He heard Joey's loud laugh and turned his head seeing them walking around the corner. He pushed off the tree and made his way over to them.
"Hey, Frank!" Joey yelled, waving happily. Frank rolled his eyes. Joey was like a golden retriever, always so happy to see him. Julie followed, smirking.
"You have fun working?" Frank snarled at her for making fun of him for having an actual job. If you would've asked him a month ago, it would've been a funny thought.
"Better than sitting in class all day, do your homework," He joked. Being three years older than them made him feel old. Susie shyly smiled and looked at the ground. Her hood was pulled over her pink-dyed hair. She seemed to be doing better since she's been really stressed out about school lately. "Let's go and mess around in the lodge," he turned, letting them follow. The group walked through the trees laughing. He was getting bored and wanted to do something big again. They have been lying low for the past five months since the incident. His Legion was definitely shaken by what happened. But after a few months of no consequences, something changed. They seemed the same on the outside, but he could tell there was a difference. A hunger in the group ever since then. Maybe not from Susie but most definitely from Julie. Frank had noticed how much more violent and restless they were getting. He stalked behind the group, sighing. The snow was melting away, and summer was around the corner. He was excited about summer break so he could hang out with the Legion more. Having to do stupid jobs during the day was boring, but he needed the money.
He watched his group push each other in the snow. Though he would never say anything, he misses them during the day. They were family. He looked away scanning the big pine trees. He's always loved the mountain. It felt free up there, away from everyone. They were just waiting for the three to finish school before they planned to move. He was saving up for that day with the group. He was excited to think about leaving this shit hole once and for all. They only had two cars, Joey's truck, and Frank's old sedan. Both were shit, but Joey's car was useful. Especially for dead bodies. Joey always has to fix it, though. So it can be a real pain in the ass. They still don't know where they would go after Ormond. Probably somewhere warm.
They were about a few minutes from the Lodge when something caught Frank's eye. A police car? Out here? He stopped and turned, walking towards it. The group stopped their endless chatting when they noticed him walking away. They followed him to the car. There were other ones around. It seemed they had all the cops in the town here. He wondered why.
"Oh shit! Should we steal it?" Joey says excitedly. Julie snorted as Frank ran his hand over the hood. Stealing it was a little risky. He didn't want to get arrested again. It's annoying, but they could do something else. He turned and looked at them. They probably noticed the mischievous shine in his eyes as he pulled out the spray can, showing them. Julie and Joey smirked, and he turned about to spray a penis on the car.
"And what are you teens doing out here?" Frank jumped, putting the can in his pocket quickly. He relaxed-looking over at the police officer, acting like he wasn't just about to fuck up his car. The cop was a bit big, but so were all the police officers in this town. Fat pigs they were. The guy had a rough look to him, poorly shaven, and his brown hair untrimmed. Standing next to him was a man with black hair and very dark eyes under a pair of glasses. He was hunched over, seeming smaller in size than the officer. He hasn't seen him before. Frank smiles up at the officer,
"What? Are we not allowed to walk in the forest?" The police officer glared,
"Cut the crap, Frank. I saw the can," He smirked, shrugging.
"Well, we didn't spray anything yet. What are you going to do? Arrest me for standing next to your car?" The man sighs. He ran his hand through his hair, thinking. Frank turns to look at his Legion. Jules looked annoyed, Joey seemed nervous, and Susie was hiding behind the both of them.
"You four, get in," the cop huffs. Frank turns back to the officer and glares.
"Fuck, no," he growls. The police officer glares.
"Get in the car, or we're calling their parents and arresting you, Frank." Frank clicks his tongue and looks at the Legion. They were giving him a 'please don't cause a scene' look. The leader sighs and turns, opening the door, getting in. Joey followed him, sitting on his left. Susie and Julie got in on the right side and buckled up. The two older men got in the front seat. The officer locked the door and motioned toward the person to his right,
"This is my partner Jed Olsen. He's a reporter from America." Jed turns and smiles, bringing out his hand for Frank to shake.
"H-Hello!" he stuttered. Frank blinks and moves away from the hand rudely, ignoring him and turning his attention to the officer.
"Why are we in the car?" he deadpanned. The reporter nervously brings his hand back. The police officer sighs and turns, looking the teens in the eyes.
"I'm taking you guys home. I don't want you guys out. It's too dangerous," Frank raises an eyebrow, confused, but wasn't in the mood to argue. He crosses his arms and leans back. The police officer turns around and starts the car. The reporter moves and pulls out a notebook and starts writing in it. Frank looked at him. Who is this guy? He seems like a total loser. Why do they even need a reporter? What is he going to report about? The snow falling from the sky? He glares at him. The guy must have had some six senses cause his eyes immediately looked up above his notebook into the mirror at Frank. Causing Frank to look away towards Julie.
She was on her phone, playing some stupid game. Susie was sitting on the other side of her, seeming interested in whatever Jules was doing. Frank rolled his eyes and looked over at Joey, who was messing around looking in the car's pockets. After a few minutes of silence, he could tell his group was getting restless. Julie had basically thrown her phone after failing the level on her game for the 15th time. And Joey had been yelled at multiple times to stop moving around and looking through the car. Joey' tsked' knee bouncing in his restless state.
"So uh...cops HAVE to have some kind of bondage kink, right? Ya know, with the handcuffs and all?" Joey stated nonchalantly. Julie snorted while Susie attempted to hide the surprised smile that erupted across her lips. Frank smirked out the window as the cop only tells Joey to shut the fuck up.
"Come on, Joe, leave the guy alone. I'm sure he doesn't want to talk about what he and piggy buddies like to do with each other's donut holes," Frank chimes in, the girls snorted, and Joey couldn't hold in a laugh. He looked at the police officer. He was clenching his hands on the steering wheel. Frank wondered how far they can take this. The officer seems to have a short fuse. He growled a 'shut-up Frank,' at him, and continued to drive.
"Boys, You're being too harsh. Besides Joey, you might get shot if you keep that up." Jules giggled out, looking at Joey. He snorted,
"Wouldn't that be a shame? It's so horrible I get arrested for walking around in public with my skin showing. Watch out, Jules, he might just fuck ya cause your a pretty, defenseless white girl!" The police officer finally slammed the brakes and pulled over. He turns, glaring at them.
"Shut UP. I swear if I hear another peep out of you four, I'm locking you UP!" Silence went through the car. Frank leaned forward, his glare harsh, clicking his tongue very loudly. The officer swallowed. Frank could tell this guy was scared of him.
"Don't start, Frank," He muttered, turning back around. The teens stayed in silence. Frank looked out the window, bored. Jules back on her phone, and Susie had pulled out headphones, listening to something. Joey looked out the window messing with the bracelets he had on. After about 10 minutes of silence. The officer turned into a gas station and got out, walking towards the building. And immediately when he shut the door, the group started up again.
"Ugh, that was sooooo boring!" Jules hummed, stretching.
"Do you think he would really arrest us?" Susie muttered. Frank snorts
'No." He looks over at the reporter ignoring the teens as they continue to talk. If he noticed Frank staring, he probably was just ignoring him now.
"What are the cops even doing up on the mountain," Frank asks. Jed doesn't look up from his notebook but answers as the teens' yelling got louder.
"They found the body of an old man up in the mountains," Franks eyebrow twitches. They found him? The teens stop, and silence fills the car again. And Frank knows he's not the only one that feels the dread and guilt wash over the vehicle in an instant. Jed's eyes look up from his notebook into the mirror at them. And Frank could see the terrified and guilty looks of his friends. Shit. He needed to think of something... He puts on a fake smirk and laughs, leaning back putting his hands behind his head.
"Probably got what he deserved. Everyone around here sucks," the atmosphere changed immediately as the rest of them laughed, and Susie did her whole good girl act telling the group to care. They seemed to have gotten Frank's message. That was too close; whoever is in the front seat could read people. Ordinary people wouldn't even have noticed that atmosphere change, but it makes sense they're a reporter for the police. Probably needs to learn a lot about people to get the information they want. Jed continues to look at Frank through the mirror as the leader ignores him. Jed opened his mouth to say something but was cut off as the car door opened, shutting him up. The officer got back in, annoyed. And started the car. The teens continued to talk but less loud as Frank looked back out the window. They found him, huh?

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