Chapter 5: Bye Bye Piggy

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He couldn't concentrate on anything, constantly getting distracted and lost in his daydreaming. Too excited over a certain little thing happening later tonight. Even Jed commented on it at work today. Saying he was way more fidgety than usual. He just shrugged as a response, not really caring. He really wished time went by faster. He was so impatient sometimes. Frank sighed, watching the clock. 11:30. He was already ready an hour ago. The killer said, 'don't be late,' but he did not say anything about being early. The tattooed male walked out, getting in his car, driving to the address, knowing to park a street down. Frank quickly got out of his car, flipped open his phone, checking the time. 11:50 pm. Good enough. He put his mask on, flipping his hood up.
He crept past all the houses until he finally made it to the number the serial killer gave him. He stopped and stared at it. Two cars were in the driveway. This is where Nick lives, huh? Walking towards the house, the tattooed male hid into the bushes, moving to the back of it. He quickly deduced that there were two people in this house. Nick had a wife.
"You're here early" Frank flinched and turned, looking behind him. The killer was leaning against a tree, arms crossed. Looking as smug as ever. Frank rolled his eyes.
"You didn't say I couldn't be," he snapped back. Ghostface pushed off the tree walking towards him,
"Hmmm, I guess I didn't, huh?" He moved closer to Frank, "I'm just glad you're so excited! We're going to have lots of fun!" The killer clapped delightedly. One thing Frank noticed is that the killer seemed to have this cheerful personality sometimes. One that is unnecessarily creepy. But that just intrigued the younger one more. Ghostface poked his mask playfully. Clearly having fun. Frank slapped his hand away, but it did nothing to sour the other man's mood.
"Now! We don't have all night!" The killer did a follow me motion and turned, walking away. Frank followed him but soon lost him when he entered more into the shrubbery. Frank sighed, sprinting forward. But the man was gone. He spun in a circle looking for any trace, but the man was like a fucking ghost. He heard a laugh behind him, making him turn.
"You lost?" Frank rolled his eyes again.
"How do you do that?" Ghostface tilted his head to the side, confused. Frank threw his hands in the air, motioning around him like it would help the other understand.
"You're so fucking quiet," he huffed.
"Years of practice, now come here" The killer brought out his hand for him to grab. He took the hand without any hesitation. The other man brought him to a spot in a bush, pushing him down to kneel with him. It gave them both a perfect view of the bedroom and multiple other rooms in the house. The couple seemed to not close their blinds. The killer brought out a notebook and a pencil.
"Now, what can you tell me about this cop," Frank blinked before sarcastically responding.
"Well, he's racist, a pedophile, and apparently gay."
"He's married," the killer butted in.
"Okay then, bi, what does it matter?" He turned to him,
"Well, Frank, I need to know my victim before I go in for the kill."
"Why don't we just kill him?" he snapped.
"Now, that wouldn't be any fun, now would it?" Frank went silent at that. I guess not. Scanning the house, that's when Frank saw it.
"The window isn't locked," he pointed.
"Hmmm" Ghostface looked up to see the window he was motioning towards. It was the window to the bedroom, a very big window. The killer laughed,
"No, it's not"
"Fucking idiots, there's a serial killer on the loose, and they don't lock windows," Frank growled out. Why were people so dumb? It is like they are asking for it.
"Well, judging as he's a cop, he probably has a lot of weapons in the house, another reason we can't just go in knives blazing" the killer chuckled at his own joke. He then brought out a camera zooming in and taking a picture of the window. Then zooming in on other objects of the house.
"They have a security system."
"Shit, really?"
"Don't worry. It's a Calahan's emergency call box, easy to hack" Is that how the killer got into the police station? He stared at the other man watching him write things in the notebook and zoom in on other things. After a few more shutters of his camera, Ghostface turned abruptly and headed around the edge of the house. Frank, startled at the sudden change, hurried after the black-clad man after a brief hesitation.
"The hell are you doing?" Frank snapped in a growling whisper, stomping up beside the taller male who was fiddling with the electrical panel.
"Like I said, Frank. Alarm system. Easy to hack. Just getting a look at what we're working with." Ghostface reiterated, breaking down the process in a fashion that resembled explaining something to a child. Frank huffed, irritation painting over his face that Ghostface could not see. Frank tapped his foot impatiently, glancing around at the empty street and the dark windows of neighboring homes. He understood the reasoning behind this game of sit and wait, but fuck was it boring. Frank turned back to his company, sliding over and leaning against the wall beside the panel, glancing at what Ghostface was doing. Gloved fingers dipped in and out of tangled wires with an ease of a man who had done this so many times before. Frank was curious exactly how many times Ghostface had done this.
"You can't seriously find this shit entertaining...right?" Frank had genuine curiosity layered atop his words. Ghostface chuckled, masked gaze turning to the tattooed man who had his own mask pointed at the taller male.
"I understand the process of diving in bloodthirsty and high off of adrenaline is addicting. Believe me so. But, have you ever seen the look in someone's eyes when you tell them they had been hunted down like the vermin they are? Only to be slaughtered like cattle you bred specifically for such a purpose? The fear they display only grows more mouthwatering when they know they never had a chance. To watch them die slowly. Painfully. To hear them scream and beg and cry for mercy, you have the power to give or deny. That's truly..." the white-masked man halted in his own reminisce of his past murders, Ghostface no longer focusing on the task at hand for a moment. He was so drawn to the delight of his kills.
"Exhilarating," he finally finished. The breathy sigh that followed the word had Frank shuddering at the idea, his blood singing with excitement of many kinds. The ragtag leader had, in fact, seen that look in which Ghostface spoke of. With Abigail, during his Legion's last escapade in the woods. He had to admit, his companion was not wrong in the aspect of thrills.
"Of course, that is the whimsical fascinations of an older generation..." Ghostface returned to his examination of the electrical panel. "I've seen plenty of wannabe murderers in my lifetime so far. Serial killers, cult leaders, politicians. All of them ruthless, sure. But excruciatingly senseless. Killing so messily, without a rhyme or reason. No tact whatsoever..." Frank would have sworn the man seemed agitated at that idea. However, the tenseness in the taller man's shoulders eased just as quickly as they bundled.
"But, as it goes. They were fools, pathetic. Easily caught..." The white mask tilted back towards Frank, "amateur." Frank's back became rigid, the amused chuckle Ghostface gave only adding to the tattooed man's irritation.
"Are you saying I don't know what I'm doing!? Are you really comparing me to those brain-dead fuckers getting off on being noticed for stabbing some bitch!" It took every ounce of self-control for Frank to keep his words at a harsh whisper.
"If that's what you think, then why the fuck am I even here. I might as well just bust down the front door and gut that disgusting pig right now!" Ghostface only laughed at the display of the shorter man's tantrum. Pulling out his camera and snapping a picture of the wires in the panel before closing it. Turning to face Frank, Ghostface grabbed the tattooed man's bandaged hand that was currently balled into an angry fist, pressing the back of it to the mouth of his mask.
"Un homme seul est toujours en mauvaise compagnie, Frankie". (A lonely man is always in bad company) Ghostface hummed, allowing Frank to snatch back his hand with another soft laugh escaping from behind his mask. The look of disgust that contoured Frank's face would have been comical if anyone could have seen it, but he was glad for the mask as he felt heat paint across his cheeks.
"Yeah, te faire foutre, connard" (fuck you, asshole) Frank growled as he scraped his bandaged hand against his jeans. He stomped after his companion, who disappeared around the house, finding him examining the door lock and handle of the back door. Snapping pictures on his fancy little fucking camera. Frank scowled at the equipment. The piece of shit looked like it cost more than his car.
"Just so you know, Abigail wasn't just a 'rushed, random killing.' I had planned that shit a week in advance with Julie '' The killer froze before turning to him. Even with the mask on, he could tell the man was angry.
"Oh? Would you like an achievement award or something? Hope you remembered to actually bury the body properly this time". Frank rolled his eyes before throwing his arms up in the air like the drama queen he is.
"Why does it matter so much? It's like you're Jealous!" Frank huffed. Ghostface stayed quiet, not responding before turning and walking away, going further into the forest. The realization struck him.
"Oh my god, you are," Frank snorted and started laughing, following behind the other. "YOU'RE JEALOUS" Frank almost yelled but kept his voice down. He still needed to be quiet. The killer quickly turned around and kicked his legs out from under him. Slammed him hard against the ground. "Ow fuck" He moved up and rubbed the back of his head. "Hey, that was just unnecessary look. Who's acting like a child now!" He glanced up to see the other. Ghostface's gloved hand was out for him. Frank reluctantly took it as the other pulled him to his feet. The killer stalked around him, brushing any dirt off.
"Sorry you just got on my nerves," the other apologized. Once he deemed Frank clean enough, he sighed and looked at the other.
"Frank, you need to understand that, of course, I'm going to be jealous if you're killing with your ex" The tattooed male went quiet at that. He bit his lip, trying to find the best words that wouldn't make him embarrassed out of his mind.
"I broke up with her for a reason. I'm not going to get back with her." The other man seemed to like the answer. He turned back and went through his camera, looking at the photos. Frank walked behind him, looking over his shoulder at them. Wow, the man knew how to take a picture. He wonders how many he has of him. Maybe he'll get to see them one day. They continued their pathing before Frank decided to cut off the silence.
"I didn't take you for the jealous type" The other sighed again, seeing as Frank woould not drop it.
"My last...significant other purposely made me jealous, and one night she took it too far. You can guess what happened to them." Was that a threat? Okay, do not tease the serial killer over this, got it. Frank smiled, thinking of the perfect response. He moved forward,
"I think it's kinda hot," He purred in the other's ear. The killer laughed, turning to look at him.
"Of course you would think that" The older one brushed him off.
"What the hell does that mean?!" The tattooed man responded offendedly. The other man did not respond and only walked back over to where they were sitting in the beginning. Frank plopped down and let Ghosty do his thing. Looking up at the stars. He was getting kinda tired, but he made sure to drink coffee before he left. He checked the time. 3am.
"How long are we staying out here?" he asked after a few minutes.
"Don't worry, one more hour" They seemed to be waiting for something. Frank sighed and leaned against one of the trees. Significant other, huh? It was a girl.
"You had a girlfriend?" Ghostface nodded, writing something else down, seemingly really focused.
"Have you had a boyfriend before?" He asked. The other nodded again. That spiked some jealousy in Frank, but he quickly ignored it.
"So you're bi?"
"Pansexual," the killer corrected. Frank blinked.
"What the fuck is that?" Ghostface snorted.
"It means if I like them enough, I'll fuck em"
"Stupid name, I don't need labels," the other hummed,
"Is that so? Then why do you know the word bisexuality but none of the other's?" Frank did not respond, causing Ghostface to chuckle, seeing as he won that one. It feels like every time he talks with the man, it is who can win the conversation faster. He won a few times, but the killer seemed to usually win. He opened his mouth but was cut off by the door opening to the house. They both perked up seeing Nick leave, closing and locking the door, before going into his car. The killer checked the time and wrote it down as the car drove out of the driveway.
"So that's when you leave," Ghostface purred. The younger could tell the older was having fun. Frank was not necessarily bored, but he would have liked to see more blood.
"Ok, that was what I wanted, we can leave now" Frank stood up, stretching and yawning.
"Great, do you think-" he was cut off by the other one grabbing his arm. His mask was taken off quickly before his eyes covered again. He tensed up as the killer kissed him. Expecting the kiss to be harsh, he was shocked when it was a lot more tender. The other kissed him like he was worshiping his very existence. Not that Frank was not used to that. But it was different when it came from the other male. Frank moved forward to deepen it before the other moved away. He whined in response, causing Ghostface to laugh.
"I'll see you again in two days, and make sure to be on time" He felt the hand lift off his eyes. He opened them to find no one. How the hell does he keep doing that! He looked around but didn't find him. He turned and walked back to his car. His face was burning up, but it was because of the cold. Yeah, he'll go with that.

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