Chapter 3: Starting the hunt

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Frank flipped his black skateboard up, catching it. Joey skated past him. He gave a battle cry and jumped, doing a hippie jump over a railing. Frank smiled at his friend landing it. It was early in the morning, and they were at the only skatepark in town. It was very decrepit, weeds overcrowding from the cracks in the cement, half the ramps crumbling or long since fallen down. No one hardly used it anymore. One of the reasons they went here. They didn't need some low life pricks annoying them. It has been a week since that drunk asshole hit on him. The others didn't ask him about that night after he snapped at them over a call, telling them to mind their own business. They were clearly still worried about him but seemed to finally let it go. Ever since that night, he was more willing to listen to Ghostface. Doing little stupid errands for the bastard every day. Stuff like stealing, being nice to someone, beating someone up. The freak now watches him when he walks home. The guy was very protective in a really weird way. The guy can go from 'I don't care if you get ripped apart by a train and die' to 'make sure you're eating correctly, you should stop smoking, and go to bed early today.' It was fucking annoying. He hated how he was getting used to the asshole as well. He would never say it, but they worked well together for some reason. He didn't have any errands to do today, as Ghostface just said 'have a day off.
It was a little disappointing, but his Legion had noticed his absence and were getting nervous at the thought of him getting distant.
Joey even beat someone up to try to impress him. He praised him, of course, and told everyone he was just busy, but he could tell they were skeptical. He watched as Susie circled slowly around the bowl on her skateboard before slipping and screaming. She fell again for the fifth time since they got here, landing harshly on the ground. Susie was never good at skating but put her on a pair of rollerblades, and she would show all of them up. Julie laughed and skated over to help her up. Asking if she was okay. Julie was such a worrywart when it came to Susie. Julie helped Susie back on the board, grabbing her hands showing her how to control it better. Frank's eyes slowly traveled to the cop car driving by. There had been 4 murders already. Or well, the ones the cops knew about. He had no idea where the gym teacher's body was, and he wasn't going to ask. Ghostface wouldn't tell him anyway. The man was very secretive. The media had been all over him lately. Freaking out about 'The Ghostface in Ormond.'
The police had stopped caring about him, probably more stressed about the serial killer in the town. He knew Nick would probably love to find his stash of weed and arrest him. But he hadn't seen many cops. Even that stupid reporter was keeping his distance. He moved his arms up above his head and leaned against the railing. Susie and Julie were skating together in their own worlds, giggling, having a good time. He missed little things like this. It's much more chill than what they usually do. At least he didn't have to deal with them all drinking and getting drunk. It's fun in the moment, but dealing with the hangover and outcome can be too much sometimes, especially with Julie.
"Hey Frank, you wanna race?" Joey challenged and skated up to him. Breaking Frank from his thoughts. Frank smirked,
"I'm gonna win, you know that, right?" Frank emphasized cockily, shrugging. Joey snorted confidently, clearly taking that as a joke. Even though Frank knew he would win. He won every other time.
"I'd like to see you try," Joey dared. Frank moved off the railing, walking to where they usually raced. Frank was the fastest skater out of all four of them. Julie likes doing little tricks and staying in the bowl most of the time, and Joey mainly focused on flips and hardcore things. Frank usually got the flips and tricks down quickly, so he found them boring. Frank always had an easy time learning and adapting to things. One of the reasons he was so good at school, and sports. He had never practiced once but still got into the top team in their school for basketball. Only the Legion and his stupid teachers would know how smart he is. Most people thought he was a dumbass punk who didn't know anything, and sometimes he wished he was. Everything is so dull that he wished he could find comfort in it like idiots could, but he can't.
They lined up at the end of the railing, knowing the path, as they have done this multiple times before. It's around the bowl twice and then through the curbs, in the bowl, and back to the start. Julie and Susie noticed them lining up and moved to get out of the way. Frank and Joey both counted down before shooting off at 3. As usual, Frank was in the front. He knew places he would lose speed at and timed his legs to add some speed at those moments. Frank flew around the bowl. He could tell Joey was right behind him, but he didn't care. Frank just focused on himself. He went through the curbs but lost some speed as he made a mistake. He quickly dipped into the bowl, making it up.
He skated back to the start, where the girls were standing. He shot past the girls slowing down and catching his board. He quickly caught his breath before turning to see Joey passing the girls, very out of breath. Joey got off his board, putting his hands on his thighs, leaning down to catch his breath.
"How the fuck do you do that?" Joey looked up at him like he was crazy. Not the first time he's given him that look. Frank just shrugged. They had raced so many times, and each time Frank had won, he didn't understand why Joey tried. He would never win. Frank put the skateboard down and sat on it, rolling back and forth. Joey followed, doing the same next to him. Frank brought his hand up and messed around with the stupid friendship bracelet Susie made for them all, with the initials 'F J S J'. Why'd he still wore it? Who knew.
"So, you've been busy, huh?" Joey asked, looking at him. Frank hums like he was confused by the question. "You were being really distant the past week and said you were 'busy,'" Joey explains, messing with his sleeves. Frank could tell he was nervous. Nervous that he was gonna say something wrong again and Frank would explode. Frank stared at nothing, trying to think if he should tell him or not. He sighed and decided to tell a truthful lie.
"I met someone that was giving me some issues, but I figured it out," he monotoned, still not looking at Joey.
"Oh, do you need help? We'll beat some people up!" Frank didn't even need to look. He knew exactly what kind of expression Joey was wearing, thanks to his voice. Was it always this easy to tell? Maybe he's been spending too much time talking with Ghostface, trying to figure out what the other was feeling. That guy was so dangerous, Frank could never read him. His voice would sound happy, but he'd be very annoyed at him. How can you tell what the other person was feeling if they were so fake? Hiding everything behind another lie. Frank smiled slightly. Well, I guess he did the same thing. The angry rebellion teenager act that got him away with some shit. Susie was also really good at it. People always think she's the most innocent, but she has stabbed more people than Julie.
"I was fine. I can handle myself, thank you." he snapped back. He wasn't really angry; he just wanted Joey to stop talking about it. Joey seemed to get the hint and changed the subject.
"Well, when are we going to do something again?" Frank's mind went straight to murder. He blinked, shocked at how quickly he thought that was what Joey was asking. He really must be spending too much time with Ghostface. He's shocked, not at the thought but at how it didn't bother him at all. This man was changing him. He looked up and saw Susie and Julie were standing, looking at him scared. He could tell he let his mask slip by accident. It's been happening a lot lately. No self-control. He quickly smirked mischievously.
"Tomorrow, let's go 'shopping.''' He quickly said as if he was thinking of shoplifting and not murdering someone. Susie's eyes brighten at the idea. She always loved stealing things. It was one of her favorite things to do with the group. Joey and Julie seemed happy at the change of pace. Going back to small things. Frank would just say he just didn't want to deal with doing something big again. The truth is he didn't want to get in trouble with the police again and get a particular person mad at him. He doesn't know how his whole life changed so drastically in one week, but it did. He looked back up at the sky while the others celebrated. But all he saw was the moon from that night.

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