Part 2

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"Mom I'm going out"I said grabbing my hoodie "where to Catalina "she said "I'm going to see dani"I said dani was sad eyes sister me and her where best friends when I use to live here now we both are 22 we not 15 anymore lol "be carful"she said I nodded and walked out i gratefully remembered where Antonio and Dani lived I knocked on the door I waited for a while then someone opened the door "mencia heyy what u doing here"Antonio asked confused I saw he wasn't wearing a shirt he was probably with some hoe "uhh I'm here to see Dani"I said "oh she's in her room come in"he said I walked in awkwardly "babe who is it"this girl asked coming out of sads room "Jessica this is mencia mencia Jessica"Antonio introduced us awkwardly "hi nice to meet u"Jessica said giving me a smile "uhh likewise"I said giving her one of my famous fake smiles "go I bet Dani is gonna freak out"Antonio said probably sensing I felt uncomfortable I ignored him and walked to Dani's room I knocked on the door "Antonio go the fuck away and if it's u Jessica then go jump off a cliff"Dani yelled I giggled and opened the door "well mana that's not very nice"I said standing by the door her eyes opened wide "omg Omg Catalina"Dani yelled as she tackled me into a hug making both of us fall to the ground "well hello to u to"I said as I helped her up she hugged me again "omg I have missed u so much"she said "I missed u to dani"I said she then closed her room door "uh did u see Antonio ugly hoe"she said rolling her eyes I giggled "yes but I'm happy for him"I said "ur a fucking bad liar"she said "I'm not lying"I said "come on Catalina u used to have the biggest crush on him when u where 15 and by the looks of it he had feelings for u to"dani said "dani I was 15 he was 17 and talking real shit I was mad ugly back then he definitely didn't like me"I said she rolled her eyes "yes he did"she groaned "no he didn't now shut up"I said laughing "let's go out to Oscar's house"dani said getting up I nodded am followed her out to the living room where Antonio and Jessica where "hey where u guys going"Antonio asked "tito we are 22 don't think we still needa tell u where we going"I said "what she said"dani said "damm haven't heard u call me tito since u where like 10"Antonio said I rolled my eyes "let's go"dani said pulling me Jessica got up and extended her hand to me "it's was a pleasure meeting u mencia"she said using my second names I looked at her hand "sorry I'm a germophope and it's Catalina only close ones call me mencia"I said Dani giggled "nice meeting u tho"I said as me and Dani walked out we both busted out laughing "sorry we straight just acting like we were 15 again"I said as we laughed walking to the Diaz house "it was fun tho"she said I nodded "hey ladies"joker said "hey hottie"I said to joker he just sent me a wink I always had this relationship with the santos it was always a flirty friendship with them but with the close ones I saw Antonio arrive at the Diaz house in his car but with out Jessica "mija does ur mom know ur out"my dad asked coming out of the Diaz house "yes"I said looking at him "alright just making sure"he said I mentally rolled my eyes I then saw Antonio pointing at me "we needa talk"he said "who me"I said acting dumb "no shit mencia"he said he always used my second name instead of Catalina "ooooo u in trouble"joker said "bufff with this dude ahhh I'm so scared"I said sarcastically some of the santos laughed Antonio came and grabbed my hand and dragged me inside the house "let go asshole"I said snatching my arm and rubbing my wrist "ok what was that stunt u pulled at my house"he said leaning against the door of the room he dragged me into "what stunt tito"I said acting dumb again "come on mencia don't act dumb that little 'sorry I'm germophoe shit"he said "I am germophoe tho"I said smirking at him "oh yea"he said coming closer to me he grabbed my chin and gave me a kiss it felt so so good to freakin feel his lips he then pulled away "so what was that about being germophoe"he said "shut up pendejo"I said trying to walk out the room but he was leaning against it "move"I said "no thanks"he said with a smirk he knew that the kiss he gave me had an affect on me "Antonio move"I said growing inpatient "fine I'll let u go but stop being mean to my hyna come on Catalina"he said as he pulled me closer to him by the hinges on my jeans we had a mini starring contest the tension in the room was hot and huge lol "quítate"I mumbled as I pushed out of the door and made my way outside "hey u good"Dani asked I felt everyone looking at me "uhhh yea imma head home now"I said scratching my head "why ur face so red"Oscar asked I saw Antonio smirk "nothing I just have to go bye dad bye uglys"I said to everyone "hey I'll drop u off I'm on my way out"Antonio said I pointed a finger at him "no ion want u near me asshole"I said walking away "love u to"Antonio yelled I stuck the middle finger up at him I arrived home "hey ugly"Maria said I ignored her and I ran to my room and took my shoes off and sat on my bed I wanted to cry I started to cry was the thing "Catalina"Maria said as she walked in my room I wiped my eyes "can't u knock"I said turning around "what's wrong"she asked "like u care"I mumbled "hey I do care about u just because I'm sometimes mean to u doesn't mean I mean it it's just sibling love"she said I rolled my eyes "yea yea whatever get out of my room"I said wrapping my self in a blanket I heard her close my room door I then heard it open again "Maria I'm serious leave me alone"I said "mija what's wrong"my mom asked "nothing ma I'm fine I just want to be alone"I said wiping my eyes she came and sat down on my bed and she patted my back "what's wrong cata"she asked in her nice voice lol I looked at her "nothing I'm just stressed with this whole move thing being back here it all getting to me"I said as I started crying again my mom hugged me "it's ok it's ok"she said "I brought u a little surprise hopefully it will cheer u up"my mom said I lifted my head and heard my door open and I saw my best friend Martin he use to live next to us when we lived in Canada "Martin"I said as I jumped up from my bed and hugged him "hey fea"he said as he wrapped his arm around me my mom left and me and Martin started catching up "hey u wanna go to Javier's taqueria"I asked him "yea bitch I'm dying for some tacos"he said I giggled and took his hand "mom me and Martin are going to Javier's taqueria"I said "ok be carful and bring me some tacos"she said I nodded we got out of the house and started walking "heyyyyyyy who's ur new novio"I heard joker ask "shut up jo"I said I was gripping martins upper arm I saw Antonio tighten his jaw "eyyy Martin what u doing here"my dad said going up to us and dapping up Martin and giving him a bro hug lol "we'll a little birdie told me this enana was lil sad so I came to cheer my ugly up"he said as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders "asshole"I mumbled "why u sad mija"my dad asked as he touched my cheek I looked at Antonio for a brief moment "nothing I was just stress crying u know the whole move and shit leaving everyone in Canada"I said he hugged me "it's ok princesa"he said I nodded "well we gotta go dad"I said he nodded "be safe"he said I gave him a thumbs up I grabbed Martins hand and we started swinging them back and forth "all em freakin gangbanger"Martin said I giggled "their all nice trust me they just gotta act mean and grumpy"I said "ohh I know I use to live like that"Martin said it's true he use to be in a gang "when do u go home"I asked "today I have a job meeting tomorrow so sorry enana I won't be able to stay longer"he said as he kissed my forehead "it's fine"I said as we entered Javier's taqueria "ohhhh ohhh don't tell me the cruz family is back in town"Javier yelled as we entered the restaurant I laughed "we're back bitchs"I said he ran and hugged me funny thing is idk how a Asian guy owns and Mexican restaurant but I love Javier he's such a crackhead "oh I'm gonna have to see ur mother"Javier said "yea she'll come down eventually"I said as we sat down Javier took our order "here u go love birds"Javier said as he gave us our tacos and gave me my moms tacos in a to go bag "shut up we aren't love birds"I said Javier laughed "sorry sorry"he said me and Martin ate and talked it was so good to talk to him "alright enana I have to go my ride here"Martin said I pouted "no vaya a llorar"he said I rolled my eyes he leaned down and hugged me I kissed his cheek "text me when u get back pls"I said "yes I will"he said he kissed my forehead "stay safe princesa"he said I nodded and winked at him he then walked out and Javier sat down "well he's hot"Javier said I giggled "eyyy I mean I guess"I shrugged "let me guess ur hung up on sad eyes but he now has a new bitch"Javier said my eye widened "how'd u know"I asked him "I'm that good bitch"he said I shock my head "well I gotta get going"I said standing up and I grabbed my moms tacos "alright be safe"Javier said as he hugged me I nodded and walked out and walked to my house I heard a car roll up beside me I then saw it was green "fuck"I mumbled to my self "well I'll be dammed is that Catalina cruz"I heard a familiar voice "hi jay"I said looking at latrelles older brother a prophet "how been ma haven't seen u in years"he said getting out of his car and hugging me I hugged him back "I've been good hbu"I asked "good good u know daily life fighting them bitch ass santos"he said I nodded "cool"I said he chuckled "well I better get going don't want the santos to come shoot up this place and u pretty lady get caught in the crossfire"jay said as he hugged me again and kissed me cheek "get outta here"I said as I pushed him off of me playfully he chuckled and got in his car and drove off "Catalina the fuck u doing with a prophet"I heard Antonio's voice I jumped and turned around Antonio was with joker "nothing n don't tell my dad snitch"I said "cata u can't be with prophets the fuck was he doing with u kissing ur cheek and shit"Antonio whisper shouted I rolled my eyes and turned back around "night jojo night grumpy pants"I said I then felt a grip on my upper arm I turn to look at Antonio "let me go"I whispered as I looked at him "I'm gonna ask u one more time Catalina what where u doing with jay"Antonio said "sad just let her go"joker said Antonio kept starring at me I wanted to cry again but at the same time I wanted to kiss him he let my arm go "this anit finished"he said I rolled my eyes and turned around and walked away I arrived home and I gave my mom the tacos and went straight to bed

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