Part 13

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I was currently on a plane heading to Canada Antonio and my parents came to drop me off at the airport and now Martin is gonna pick me up "hello passengers this is captain mark speaking please fasten your seatbelts while we get reward to land in Canada"the captain said we all then landed I grabbed my bag and started walking to wher Martin said he would be at i then saw him standing with a sign saying "Catalina cruz ride here" I started laughing "really whole government name"I said as I hugged him "yes"he said as he kissed my cheek and grabbed my bag we walked out and got in his car we arrived outside of his house "Catalina"he's brother and sister said as they saw me walk in "hey guys"I said hugging them both of them were twins they were 16 "omg mija"Melanie martins mom said as she came running out of the kitchen I hugged her "hi Mel Mel"I said I always called her Mel Mel "I'm so sorry for ur lost mama"I whispered "thank u mija"she said I then hugged the twins again "lo siento about ur dad if u ever need anything I'm always open"I said "thanks cata"kevin the brother said "yea means a lot"Isabel the sister said "come on ur staying in my room"Martin said grabbing my bag and walking up the stairs "bye I'll be done in a few"I said "alright keep it pg"kevin said I gave him the finger and I heard them laugh we walked into martins rooms "wow still the same"I said looking around I then smiled at a picture of us when we were dating I turned around and saw him sitting on his bed looking sad asf "hey guapo"I said he looked up "what"he said I walked up in front up him "I don't like to see u sad ur dad wouldn't want u to ruin ur life like this he would want u to succeed babe be who u always wanted to be don't fall into a deep hole like I did when I first moved here"I said he wrapped his arms around my hips and put his head on my stomach looking up at me since I was standing in between his legs "uhh wanna watch a movie"he said letting go of my hips "si"I said taking off my shoes and getting in his bed we started watching a novela Martin went to the bathroom when my phone started ringing "hey baby"I said to Antonio "hey hermosa what u doing"nothing watching a novela"I answered Martin then came out without a shirt "hey ugly u wanna get food late"Martin said i saw Antonio la face change when Martin came into camera view "yea just let me know when"I told Martin "alright ma"he said "say hi to Antonio"I said facing the camera to Martin "sup man"Martin said "sup fool"Antonio said "I'll be back imma go check on my mom and let u talk to ur boo thing"Martin said I giggled "ok if u need anything please come get me"I said he kissed my cheek "ok"he said as he walked out I then looked back at the camera "so let me guess ur sleeping in his room"Antonio said I rolled my eyes "babe please don't start an argument we aren't doing anything"I said "cata he's not wearing a shirt he calls u ma and shit plus he still fucking has feelings for u how do u not want me to think something isn't gonna happen"Antonio said I looked at martins dresser at our picture together "see u can't even tell me nothing going to happen"he said "nothings going to happen"I said in a whisper "look at me when ur saying it Catalina"Antonio said I looked at him " to...happen"I said as I ran my finger through my hair Martin then came back into his room "hey chula wanna go get food now Kevin-and Isabel are hungry"Martin said "yea ugly give me second"I said as I got up and walked outside of his room "I got to go I'll see u when I get back home"I said "mhmm bye"he said as he hung up I rolled my eyes and put my phone back in my pocket and walked back inside the room and put my shoes on and grabbed a coat "let's go"I said as I grabbed his hand and walked out to his car
We were back at the house eating "ok guys in 20 minutes we start to get ready for ur fathers funeral ok"Melanie said we all nodded we finished eating "imma go shower"I told Martin "can I join"he said with a smirk "sure"I said jokingly he got up so fast I put my hand on his chest "I was joking ass I have a bf"I said walking to his room I heard him groan I grabbed my black dress and went into the bathroom and showered after I was done I changed and came out "damn looking hot"kevin said Martin brother "get out of here kevin"I said laughing "yes get out"Martin said coming into the room with a towel hanging from his waist and he's hair dripping water he probably showered in a different bathroom "like what u see"Martin said I noticed I was starring I quickly turned around "sorry"I mumbled as I grabbed my makeup bag and sat down at his desk and began getting ready (TIME SKIP) we were currently heading towards the funeral of mr Jesus "god I can't"Martin said trying to walk away I grabbed his arm "baby it's ok I'm here for u ok let it out all Martin it's ok to cry"I said he nodded his head and we walked up to the set up where they where holding the ceremony we sat down in front I was holding Martin hand the whole time they started the ceremony "my husband was a great person he was a great friend great husband and most definitely a great father he will never be forgotten"Melanie said i felt some tears slipping mr Jesus was a great person he was the biggest shipper of me and Martin I turned my head and saw my family here 'what are they doing here' I thought to my self my mom moved up and hugged Melanie they where bestie lol "hey ugly"Anna my sister said sitting behind me "what r u guys doing here"I asked "came to support friends asshole we knew Jesus too"Maria said I rolled my eyes "ur at a funeral watch that mouth"I mumbled "mhmm"Carlos said it was time for Martin to say something "let's go"i said walking up with him "uhhh im his son and I just wanted to say that he he Fuck"Martin said as he started crying I hugged him "it's ok baby"I whispered "mr Jesus was a great person he helped my family and I when we where looking for a place to stay and he gave my dad a job my family and his became like one whole big family I remember when me and Martin started dating he would always say that he would fight my dad to see who would walk me down the aisle when I got married to his son he was the biggest fan of our relationship he treated me like one of his daughter he treated my siblings like they where his own and he will surly be missed a fuck ton"I said wiping my tears "thank u for being here my dad would have loved this whole thing"Martin said as we took our seats again then it was time for them to close the Casket and lever it down we all grabbed a rose Martin walked up to his dad "ima miss u viejo but imma make u proud I'll live up to ur name"Martin said as he hugged his father lifeless body and started crying "sir don't touch the body"one of the workers said "chill out he just lost his father asshole"I said to him Martin then let go and I quickly hugged him then they put the casket down and we all through flowers
We were at martins house almost everyone from the funeral was her eating tamales and coffee my family was here to "where's Martin"I asked my sister "his room"Anna said I nodded and walked up the stairs "hey chulo"I whispered I saw him standing but his window "hey"he said I went up to him and I hugged him from behind "ur very brave u know that u got through it baby it's gonna be ok"I whispered to him he turned around and wrapped his arms around my waist I put my hands on his chest "thank u honestly for always being here even when I pushed u away"he said "esta bien"I answered he then looked at my lips and leaned down and kissed me I pulled away and looked at him "I'm sorry"he said but I grabbed his face and kissed him we started having a make out he walked back until my feet touched his bed and he gently layed us onto the bed "hey u guys good in her- I heard my sister voice "holy shit"I heard Carlos and Anna's voice I pushed Martin off "shit"I said as I saw my siblings leave "shit sorry Martin god I have a bf fuck"I said panicking "It's cool I'm sorry I'm the one that kissed u"Martin said I walked out and saw my siblings sitting down "guys uhh"I said "ur fucked up"Carlos said "please don't tell Antonio"i said "cata seriously ur a hoe man"Carlos said "Carlos"Anna said I rolled my eyes
it was time to go back home "bye"i whispered to Martin as I hugged him "bye chula"he said I said by to everyone and me and my family got on our plane home - we were back home "don't worry I won't tell him"Anna said as I was standing outside the kitchen "thank the lord" I said as I hugged her "but it was fucked up"she said as she hugged me "I know but it just happened"I said "I know I get it"Anna said 0hoe are u and kevin"I asked her about her lil bf "good now goodnight I'm tired"she said as she left to her room I went to my room and spent all night without sleeping I felt horrible about kissing Martin knowing I have a bf

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