Part 16

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it's been two days since I told Antonio I didn't wanna see him anymore I haven't eaten I had just gotten out of the shower I can't even see Martin cause mf joined the army and he got deployed "cata are u going to eat"Maria asked "not hungry"I said walking out of my room fully dressed in sweat pants and a crop top "u have to eat Catalina I'm not joking I will fucking shove food down ur throat u haven't eaten in two days"Maria said "I'm fine Maria a human body can go days without eaten"I said "let's go I'll buy u something out dad wants to see u moms at aunt genys"Maria said Anna was at school I nodded and followed her out "we're walking"I asked "yes u haven't been out of the house I'm two day"Maria said I rolled my eyes and followed behind her few minutes later we arrived outside the Diaz household "ahhhhh there she is"my dad said "hey mamas"he said "eww is that what u call all ur side hoes cause if so don't ever fucking call me that"i said to my dad making Maria laugh "ok I don't like this whole attitude Change"my dad said "well ig I better head back home"i said I made eye contact with Antonio for a brief second "no ur not"Dani said coming to Maria side and hugging her "Catalina u look skinny"Paco said to which my dad slapped the back of his head "thanks didn't notice"I said rolling my eyes just then a car pulled up "Catalina"I heard a man's voice I turned around and looked at the guy it was Matt the guy that raped me In college my family didn't know what he looked like they just knew I got raped but not by who "uhhhh what what r y doing here"I said shocked "some little birdy told me where I could find u"he said as I walked closer to him so my family wouldn't hear everything "leave Matt"I said trying not to cry this guy made my one year and half of college hell "why can't stand to see me come on Catalina we all know u enjoyed those nights u would call me begging for me to fuck u"he said as he touched my face I flinched at his touch "leave before I tell all those gangbangers who by the way my dad is right there who u really fucking are"i said he looked behind at everyone "see u around baby"he said as he touched my chin and got in his car and drove off "fuck"I breathed out "cata u good"Maria asked I turned around and I had tear in my eyes "yes I'm fucking fine I need to go"i said "wait who was he"my dad said but I had already started walking off
3rd person pov
"There's something wrong with that guy she just talked to cause u saw how her mood changed"Dani told them "agreed"Maria said "she's not doing good trust me"Marco said "no shit dad"Maria said "alright what is it with u guys and the attitude I'm ur farherl"Marco said "back to the cata thing"joker said "right right we need to help her she's not in a stable mind"Marco said "look there shit u don't know about Catalina but she been through hell and I know she's gonna kill me for u telling u this but I need ur help keeping her safe when we lived In Canada as u guys heard last time Catalina was raped we never knew who it was hit cause if that puto she dropped out of college got into drugs started hurting her self there was a time where she OD the doctor almost couldn't bring her back but they did and I'm glad they did so please just keep an eye out in her"Marcos explained Maria was wiping her eyes from tear that slipped out "shit we didn't know how much shit she's been holding in"Oscar said "yea that's her thing she good at hiding her feelings but she has a breaking point just like now and it's not good"Maria said
I found my self running to this nearby park I sat down "oh god this can't be happening"I mumbled to my self "it is baby don't act so shocked"I heard Matt's voice I turned around "get away from me"I said "why come on we use to have so much fun in college"he said getting closer I pushed him away to which he hit me "never push me"he said "ma'am are u alright so u know this man"this nice old lady said as she was walking her dog I was about to say no when Matt hugged me "yes ma'am she's my wife she just got into a fight with her parents so she's heated"Matt said "ahhh ok we'll see u Guys around"she said "no no"I said as I tried to get out of his grip I then kneed him in his dick and started running and running "Catalina"I heard someone say I turned around and it was monse Jamal and ruby "oh thank god"I said as I went over to them and hugged them "u ok ur bleeding"ruby asked "cata u good"I heard Cesar's voice "let get her to my house"Cesar said as he scooped me up and carried me I was literally hanging off his shoulder "Cesar put me down"I said "Catalina Cesar is she ok"I heard Maria's voice Cesar then put me down "ur lip"my dad said "I'm not ok That guy the one that u saw earlier Matt he's the guy"I said stopping my self "he's what guy"my dad asked "Catalina speak"Oscar said "he's he's the guy that raped me"I said looking away from them "I had that puto right in front of my face and u didn't say shit"my dad yelled "dad don't yell at her"Carlos said Maria wrapped her arms around me "sad eyes joker spooky ur with me let's go"my dad said "let's roll"joker said "where is he Catalina"my dad asked as he stopped in front of me "I kicked him in the balls left him at that park by the bodega"i mumbled I saw them get into my dads car and speed off "come on let's get u changed up and showered"Dani said as her and my sister took me inside I took a shower and changed into some clothes they gave me "who's shirt is this I feel like I've seen it just can't make out who"i asked "it's Antonio's"Dani said "ahh"I said awkwardly just then after like an hour all the boys came out my dad and Carlos had blood on there shirts "oh god what did U guys do"I asked "what we should've done from the beginning in Canada if u told us who the fucker was Catalina I fucking shock his hand once back in Canada fuck is wrong with u not telling us that fucking bitch was in our house"my dad yelled at me I looked down "what if u did the same shit to Anna when he was in the house u shoulve fucking told us I could've killed that fucker made him fucking suffer"he yelled as he got closer to me "I'm sorry ok I didn't tell u cause Martin had just gotten u out of jail dad we were on the run cause ur dumbass wanted to kill someone so we had to run I didn't wanna keep running ok and he would've never touched anna over my fucking dead body ID rather him do what he did to me all those fucking days then him get near my sister"I yelled at him "ID go through all that shit all over again so that Anna doesn't have to live that ever because it's not fucking great it will haunt u for ever it took me two years to get over that on my OWN because u where to busy trying to sell fucking crack to pay attention to mee I told y'all last minute what happened because I couldn't handle it anymore and particularly because u guys found me when I OD to which I always wish u guys would've have never found me"I said wiping my eyes from the tears I saw Maria from the corner of my eye crying she wasn't one to show much emotions "Catalina baby u could've told me or ur mom Carlos anyone ur my fucking kid man id drop everything to make sure u guys are good"my dad said as he hugged me "I'm never gonna be busy for u guys ur guys are my world u guys are the fucking light in this shity dark world"my dad said I pulled away and wiped my eyes "that's was hella cringey"I said looking at him making some people laugh "seriously"my dad said I chuckled "sorry not the moment but uhhh it's all cool I got over it matt I can only imagine is dead to which I thank y'all"I said "best believe fuckers dead"joker said I chuckled "uhh imma run to the bathroom real quick"I said walking into the Diaz house and to the bathroom I threw cold water on my face "fuck"i said as I felt the coldness on my face I wiped my face down I opened the door to leave when I ran Into someone's chest "oww"I said as I rubbed my forehead and looked up "next time say something so I don't run Into u"i mumbled as I moved aside to leave but Antonio grabbed my arm and pulled me into the bathroom and closed the door "sad eyes let me out open the door"I said "don't call me that please"he mumbled I looked at him "what do u want"I asked crossing my arms over my chest "I'm fucking sorry Catalina I fucking feel like shit after hearing everything you've been through"he said trying not to cry I could see him pushing the tears down "I get it u said u never wanted to see me again but I need u in my life I was very stupid to let u go but sometimes shit feels to real for it to be true I feel like I'm not enough for u like shit I wasn't even there to protect u from that fucker u have a busted lip fuck I could've been there with u in Canada for all I know but I wasn't"he said tear steaming down his face I reached up and wiped his eyes i was about to take my hand away when he grabbed it and kept it on his face "it's not ur fault papi shit happens no one can prevent it plus I was 15 when we left to Canada we hadnt talked in forever"I said as I took my hand away he moved closer "please I'm sorry Catalina I truly am"he apologized as he wrapped his arms around my waist and put his head on my shoulder he was much taller then I was "I'm fucking sorry I wasn't there to protect I'm sorry I cheated on u just please don't push me away don't I need u I'm even fucking fine being friends just don't leave me"he said I hugged him "no matter how much I want to I could never leave U dumbass I wanted to fucking stop loving but I can't"I said as I kissed his cheek he lifted his head and grabbed my chin and kissed me I kissed back but pulled away "what happened to the fine with being friends"I said with a smirk "shut up u know u don't just wanna be friends with me"he whispered as he kissed me again "we're friends so let's go and stop with the kissing"I said as I grabbed his hand and walked back out hut before we walked out I turned around and reached up and wiped his eyes "can't have them seeing big bad sad eyes with crying eyes can we now"I said he smiled "ur right ma"he said as he leaned down and kissed my forehead we walked out "finally,...wait y'all where in the bathroom together"Carlos said "shut up Carlos"I said as me and Antonio sat down on the steps

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