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Y/N slowly open her eyes to see a dark red clouds and then she slowly sat up and looks around "w-what?" she hiss in pain when she feel the pain back of her head

"where am i...." she stand up and she dust her clothes she look around and she see the
the city of pentagram city

once she realized what happened to her back in the library her eyes widen "OH MY GOD! I'M DEFINITELY IN HELL!" she panic as she held her chest

"C-Calm down Y/N you'll find a way to go back home" you took a deep breath and started to walk towards the pentagram city
as she held tightly at the end of her clothes

she look around and gasp of fear when she sees a real demon!

she shook her head slightly and put her both hands on her head "this is not happening! why did i even pick that hell book!" she said on top of her lungs before the demon could look around who's yelling

Y/N quickly run away as she avoid the demon "i-i need to go home!" she said as she hold her tears,

"God! Please why-! Oof!" you fall as you bump into someone you groan as you rub your ass, "omg! are you ok!" you look up to see a beautiful long blonde hair and her lips we're black and she has red rosy red cheeks
and her eyes we're the same of her hair,

"U-Uhm y-yes" she held out her hand to you which you grab her hand as she pull you up gently

"Sorry for bumping into you" she smile and shook her head "is ok it's just-!? Wait! you look familiar........ hold on!...... are you Y/N
L/N the amazing singer in the world!"

you look at her with shock expression before you could speak she gasp and put her both hands of your cheeks

"You're fully alive! and why in the world did you come here in hell!" you smile at her sheepishly as you pull her hands away from your cheeks, "i-i uhhh is a long and short story"

she blink her eyes twice and she shook her hand and grab your hand "i should take you to the happy hotel! you're not safe around here-"

she cut off when you pull your hands away from her "y'know i don't trust demon around here and what do you mean take me to your happy hotel eh?" she sweat drop as she sheepishly smile at you

"w-will is uhhh..... hotel for sinners and I'll tell you later my name is Charlotte magne you can call me Charlie!" she smile at you as your eyes widen, 'wait i know about her! I read about her that she's a princess of hell! and her father is the king of hell this is totally bad i meet the princess of hell!' you thought

as she take you to her limousine, "so Y/N how did you get here?" charlie said as she looked at you with curious and confused

you gulp as you scratch your cheeks, "uhmm
i found a book of hell in the library i didn't open it or anything! is just open himself and there was a portal and is just pull me inside and I'm here" Charlie hum as she put her fingers on her chin

"I thought father told me that the hell book it destroyed 500 years ago" your eyes widen
"that book has been live for 500 years!" She nod as she smile at you,

"don't worry Y/N I'll take care of you but i need you to meet my best friend!" you nod slowly "And I'm really big fan of your romantic and sad song too!" she smile widely at you.

you chuckled as you sweat drop, "t-thank you charlie..... Btw charlie how did you know me? And my music?" you said in curious tone

"well is easy! when you we're in the human world and lots of sinners who knows you about your song so they told the other sinners about you a lot and that's why i was very curious and confused when i search about this music i just got really like your song everyday i listen your music!"

you nod as you listen carefully you furrow your eyebrow "and how did the sinners know me?" she hum and shrug her shoulder

"The new sinners after they died in your human world and before they came here in hell they keep saying about 'hey you should listen to Y/N L/N they are very talented' and so yeah we know about your music and your stage name" you sigh as you rub your arms

"that's why i keep hearing about this news that my people died"

Charlie put her hands in your shoulder
"I'm sorry about your people Y/N my people too died" you look at charlie confused,
"you're people died? but they are really die"

charlie sigh as she shook her head "they are, but they got killed again by the extermination angels" you tilt your head as
charlie just blush at your cute tilting head
"can you tell me about this extermination angels" she nod


you look at charlie with speechless look as she look at you with sad expression,
"that's why i wanna help those people to redemp so that they would get killed everyday it hurts me to watch them and do nothing" she sigh sadly as you look at her with sad and hurt eyes

"you're work is absolutely brilliant!" charlie look up to you with 'really' "really? but they-"

"look charlie just don't believe them what they said to you, you have to focus of your goal you wanna help those people then help them until the end of the world" you smile at her as charlie could believe what she hears what she said to her

she smile as she tear up, she immediately hug you as she put her head on your shoulder "thanks for believing me Y/N no one has ever said that to me not even my best friend please don't tell her" you chuckled and nod

"I promise i won't tell"

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