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you and sir pentious we're having nice conversation in the living room, while the others we're watching between you two in jealousy. "tch, why those she spend time with him!" husk said as he grumbled under his breath.

"she should spend time with me.." charlie said under her breath, you notice that sir pentious keeps flinch everytime, you turn around and saw the others we're standing in the living room entrain glaring at him

"uhm guys?"

the others quickly went back to their normal self and smile at you, except husk and vaggie who give you a soft expression "what aren't you glaring at?"

you said and raising your eyebrow, the others look each other except vaggie who approaches you. and grab your arm, "y/n we need to talk.......privately..."

she said as she look at sir pentious with blank expression, you blink your eyes twice and nod slowly. you look at sir pentious and smile at him, "I'll be back" he nod

and you stand up and follow vaggie out of the living room as Charlie follow you two leaving the boys only in the living room who glare each other

"you old man! you just wanted to waste her time aren't ya!" angel dust said as he point at his finger to sir pentious who grinned widened "Ooooo~ you're just jealous! that me and herrr~ spending time together~"

alastor, angel dust, husk, irk an mark on there forehead as they we're ready to murder this son of the bitch.

"sooo what are you gonna talk about?"
you said as three we're in the kitchen,
vaggie crossed her arms and narrow her eyebrow "we're talking about that guy you've been talking to"

you raised your eyebrow and tilt your head and you point outside with your thumb
"you mean.......sir pentious?"

"Yes, y/n im not sure if we can let him stay in the hotel little longer." charlie said as she place her both hands on her hip, you sigh and scratched your cheeks. "you're right, he seem pretty healed right now..."

vaggie scoff, "he was pretty healed! 10 minutes ago!" you sweatdrop at vaggie protective tone. "so what should i do?"

"you have to let him out the hotel, cause he's not here to be redemp."

you sigh and nodding slowly and you three walked out the kitchen and heading to the living room,

once the boys heard heavy footsteps they quickly back to their normal standing position, and you finally walk inside the living room and see husk and angel dust we're looking each other with stoic expression while alastor was giving you a happy smile face.

you look at sir pentious and see him was shaking up, you tilt your head confused and walked over him, "are you okay?"

"Y-Yes....j-just little bit...."

you blink your eyes twice and sigh "uhm pentious? i think you should go." sir pentious eyes widened as he look at you
"what why!?"

you scratch your nape as you look at your shoulder and see vaggie was giving sir pentious a angry face while charlie stand besides her with calm expression.

"i dont think you just came here to redemp
but this hotel is for only sinners who wanted to be redemption." sir pentious scoff at the redemption and look at the princess of hell with boring face

"So you believe in redemption eh?" charlie furrowed her eyebrow before she could speak, sir pentious stand up and look at you with soft expression. "I'll just come and visit here"

you smile and nodding, as sir pentious grab your hand and kiss your on top of your knuckles and give you one last wink and walked out the living room.

"that son of the bitch!"

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