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The sky was marble white at dawn, the moonlight faded and the Acacia Gu inside Xiao Yuan’s body finally quieted down after fussing for the whole night. Xiao Yuan fell asleep deeply, his face as pale as paper, as if he had gone through a great catastrophe.

When they arrived at Biluozhai, Mu Yingyang put Xiao Yuan to bed. The moment Xiao Yuan left his embrace, something that was blocking Gu Louyin’s chest inexplicably dissipated a little.

Luo Lan invited Yunjian Pavilion’s highest medical practitioner, one of Gu Louyin’s Shishu and the only female elder in Yunjian Pavilion – Han Mu. Lin Wulian, who had heard the news, came with her.

Han Mu checked Xiao Yuan’s pulse, probed his chest again and declared: “He has Gu in his body.”

Everyone was startled. Gu Louyin asked, “What kind of Gu?”

Han Mu said with great interest: “I don’t know.”

Lin Wulian said in surprise: “There is a kind of Gu in the world that Han Shishu doesn’t know?”

“What’s so surprising about this,” Han Mu said lightly, “The world is so big, there are lots of strange things out there. The Gu in Xiao Yuan’s body is weird and tricky, and the person who infected him was definitely a Gu cultivation master.”

Mu Yingyang sneered: “So you guys are out of options? So much for being the world’s number one swordsman, haha.” Saying that, he was about to hug Xiao Yuan.

Gu Louyin stopped him, “What do you want to do?”

“Of course I am taking my Shixiong to find Shizun, or is he supposed to stay here and wait for death.”

Han Mu said, “Don’t worry, he won’t die for a while.”

Gu Louyin whispered, “Does Shishu have a way?”

“There is a way. The Gu in his body entered the marrow of his heart. If we take some of his blood, we may be able to see something from it.”

Gu Louyin asked, “How much blood?”

“Three drops.”

Xiao Yuan’s wrists were slender and fair, hanging by his sides defenselessly. Gu Louyin said, “Bring a bowl.”

Luo Lan looked around and picked up a tea cup on the table, “Use this.”

Mu Yingyang took Xiao Yuan’s hand, gently opened his palm, and poked his finger.

As a martial artist, Xiao Yuan rarely used any weapons, so he didn’t have any cocoons on his hands and were even smoother than a girl’s hands. The sensation of their fingers touching made Mu Yingyang feel numb for a while. He held his breath unconsciously and asked, “Will it hurt?”

Han Mu joked: “It’s just a needle prick, it’s not going to kill him.”

Gu Louyin said, “Please be gentle, Shishu.”

Han Mu: “…”

After taking the blood, Han Mu smelled it and her expression slightly changed. Mu Yingyang asked, “What do you smell?”

Han Mu ignored him, dipped a drop of blood with her finger and licked it.

Mu Yingyang said, “Hey!”

Han Mu murmured, “Serpentine beauty.”

Two people said in unison: “What?”

Han Mu said: “Although I don’t know what happened to Xiao Yuan, he has a large amount of serpentine beauty in his body. This is an extremely rare poisonous herb that grows in extremely desolate places. It can cure dozens of tricky poisons and it also has a strong aphrodisiac effect.”

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