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Once again, Xiao Yuan was surrounded by the aura of another man. But unlike Mu Yingyang’s warm and clean smell, Xiao Du had a cold smell of blood on his body. When he was held in his arms, the heat in Xiao Yuan body dissipated slightly, and he remained clear-headed for a short while.

Xiao Yuan stayed close to Xiao Du and looked at Mu Yingyang. Mu Yingyang was also looking at him, his lips moved silently, as if calling him “Shixiong.” His right hand hung unnaturally, and although there was no blood, it could be seen that he was badly injured. Mu Yingyang’s hand was likely to be ruined.

Xiao Yuan looked away from Mu Yingyang and said, “Okay.”

“No!” Mu Yingyang shouted with effort, “Leave him alone, Shixiong, don’t mind me!”

Xiao Du raised his eyes slightly. He cupped Xiao Yuan’s cheek with his palm and said, “I didn’t hear what Ah Yu just said. Say it again?”

Xiao Yuan was forced to meet Xiao Du’s gaze, his long thick feathery eyelashes trembled, and he whispered softly: “I said, I will be obedient and listen to you, as long as you let him go.”

Xiao Du smiled instantly, “It’s impossible to let him go. I am going to keep him in prison so that Ah Yu can always stay obedient.”

Xiao Yuan clenched his fists tightly, his fingernails almost digging into his flesh. He lowered his head, panting slightly, and said, “Whatever you want.”

Hearing this, Mu Yingyang struggled frantically. He would rather die than become a burden to his Shixiong. “Xiao Du, let my Shixiong go, you can take my life if you wish!”

Xiao Du said to Meng Chi: “Seal his cultivation base and take him to Suoxian Prison.”

With his cultivation base sealed, Mu Yingyang couldn’t even kill himself if he wanted to.

After Xiao Du finished speaking, he picked Xiao Yuan up in his arms and said, “Put your arms around my neck.”

Xiao Yuan did as he said, as docile as a sheep.

Xiao Du looked gentle. He threw the robe Xiao Yuan was covered with on the ground and left with him in his arms.

Mu Yingyang let out a blood-curdling roar: “Don’t go – Shixiong! Come back, don’t leave! Give me back my Shixiong…”

His voice was already full of tears, and the pain of losing his right hand was far less than the pain of watching his Shixiong being taken away while he was powerless to stop it.

Meng Chi knew that it was a blessing to save Mu Yingyang’s life and said, “Master Mu, let me take a look at your hand first.”

She wanted to take Mu Yingyang’s hand but was pushed away abruptly. “I’m going to find my Shixiong and I’m going to save him!”

Mu Yingyang’s right hand was disabled and he was seriously injured, but Meng Chi couldn’t hold him back. A raging fire rose in his chest. Meng Chi slapped Mu Yingyang fiercely, gritted her teeth and said, “Look at you, what a waste, what can you do for your Shixiong! You are not the opponent of the Venerable Lord even with both your hands intact, and now even I can easily take your life. Are you still going to snatch someone from the Venerable Lord? Why don’t you keep dreaming, everything can happen in your dreams.”

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