"I'm amber"

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SHOUT OUT TO : @ambersslut
For giving me the idea of this story, I really appreciate it:)

It was September 1st, the ending of summer break and the beginning of another school year at Woodsboro highschool.  Well, today was only a day to get to know your classes and then you'd actually start next week on September 8th. You texted your groupchat with Mindy, your best friend, Tara, your loving girlfriend , Wes , your good pal, Chad, your brother from another mother, and liv, your good friend


Mindy: it's literally like 6 in the morning..

You: yet your up?

Tara: good morning

You: oh hey baby your up

You exit the groupchat to privately text your girlfriend

You: are you excited for school?

Tara: lol

Tara: no, I was enjoying life without school

You: well at least you get to see your girlfriend and your awesome friends !!!!

Tara: i saw you guys the entire summer but yes haha

You: why you acting weird?

Tara: ? im not

You: you seem distant lol

Tara: your just over thinking again

For the past couple weeks, pretty much the whole month of august , your girlfriend Tara has been acting weird , as if she didn't have the same love for you when you guys first started dating .

You were always a person who wanted to be on time, so you got out of your bed and began getting ready for a shower. You usually shower then night before but you wanted to be extra fresh for the first day of school, which is why you woke up so early . You showered and dried your hair and wore your favourite outfit, you wore Oscar del la renta (or your favourite perfume) perfume . You put on jewelry and by now it was time to leave for school .

You got in your car and we're on your way to school, you lived a bit far, it was about a 10 minute drive so you never walk there . Once you pulled up you saw Mindy sitting in the spot where the friends usually sit, the picnic tables outside


"Y/N!" Mindy got up from the table and hugged me. "Hey Mindy, Where's your brother?" I asked her, she pointed by the tree to where her brother Chad and his girlfriend Liv , were making out. "Oh ..god" I chuckled. "Get a room!" I yelled at them laughing. "Oh shit hey y/n!" Chad sat up from the tree, Liv following him. Liv embraced me in a playful hug , Chad gave me a bro hug, cause we're bros.
Where's Tara?" Mindy asked me . "I thought you would have drove her here." She added . "I don't know, Tara's been acting weird lately . Like distant" I replied. "Well, that's pretty weird" Mindy said as she shrugged. "We're gonna go continue our make out session while you guys discuss y/n and Tara's relationship" Chad said while Liv is pulling him back to the tree. I laughed and Mindy flipped them off.

"Do we have any classes together this semester?" I asked Mindy . We compared our schedules and found out me and Mindy have 3 classes together , period 1, 3 and 6. "Sit next to me in every class." Mindy told me, while giving me that death stare. I chuckled. "Well we should get to class" Mindy added. We started walking to class and I realized that Tara and Wes didn't show up to the picnic tables, I decided to message the group chat because I was too lazy to text both of them

You: hey Wes and Tara where are you guys

Wes: oh I'm in my class I don't know about tara though

Tara: class too

You: oh that's cool hopefully we have some classes together

Wes: I hope so too!!

Tara: ya

I trust Wes , he is one of my good friends and he always tells me the truth , maybe it's because he's a mommas boy, but I'm not sure .

Me and Mindy sat in our first class, we have Mr. Robinson , we had him last year too, he's ok I guess.
"Students, we have a new student joining our school, she will be in this class, would you like to introduce yourself to the class?" Mr. Robinson announced to the class while having a short , pale, raven haired girl next to him. She was beautif- , wait. I shouldn't be thinking like this, I have a girlfriend , I love my girlfriend .

"Hi, I'm Amber, I just moved here so

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"Hi, I'm Amber, I just moved here so.."
The girl spoke up and she was so soft spoken. "Well amber, you can sit next to those girls in the back if you would like , y/n ? Mindy? Would you girls to be willing to show amber around the school at lunch?"
Mr.Robinson asked while giving me and Mindy a big smile, his eyes squinted when he smiled , he was a cute old man. "Y-yes I will." I said, Mindy looked at me weird, as If she could read my thoughts.

Amber made our way over to sit with us, I gave her a gentle smile as she did me too. Mindy sat to my left, and Amber was on my right. "Hi, I'm y/n" I told her. "I'm Amber" she replied looking up at me while zipping open her backpack. The rest of the class was basically just the teacher going over what we will be learning this semester because it was the first day, I'm surprised I knew what he was talking about because my eyes were switching mostly from Amber to my hands fiddling on my lap because I was nervous of this new girl.

When it was finally time for our next class I said something to Amber before I got up and left "Hey can I have your number? Just so I know where to find you at lunch time so me and Mindy can give you the tour." Amber looked up at me, because she was shorter and did that hand motion mothers do when you have something you shouldn't have , intending me to pass her my phone, so she could make herself a contact. I passed her my phone and stood there awkwardly as she typed in her number. "Here you go." She said as she smiled and give me back my phone , before I could say anything else to her she made her way out of the classroom.

"Looks like someone has a little crush" Mindy said while standing behind me which made me jump a bit. "Mindy .. I have a girlfriend" I chuckled . "Oh I know" she replied "I'm talking about Amber, she has a crush" she added . "What?" I replied, genuinely confused. Mindy just smirked and we both went our separate ways to our classes .

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