Part 11 <3

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TW: Drugs(Past tense now)

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TW: Drugs
(Past tense now)

Kit seemed more anxious than normal. Even when we got home he went straight to his room, so I decided to make some bacon and cheese pasta as I knew he loved it. As I I got the ingredients out of the fridge I heard a ding from my phone. It was Yaz.

Hey can we talk, I feel really bad for leaving you and not even messaging. I'm in London for a few days getting all my stuff from our house to take down to Bedfordshire. I'd love to meet up with you and tell you what happened.

Hey, yeah I'd love to talk. Don't feel bad at all. I can't wait to see you lovely! I'll meet you at our spot? Now?

Yeah!!! I can't wait to see you!

I put the ingredients back in the fridge and ran upstairs. I knocked on Kits door but he didn't answer so I knocked louder. Then I heard a quiet "yeah, come in." He was sat in his bed reading a book. "Hey, I'm just nipping out to meet Yaz for and hour or so do you need anything?" I asked him while giving a shy smile. "Can you bring me back a monster please, I need energy." I nodded and smiled. I could tell he was upset about something. So I tried to cheer him up by saying

"see you later fake boyfriend." I heard him chuckle.

"Bye fake girlfriend." He replied.

I phoned a taxi and waited outside for it to arrive and all of a sudden I feel eyes on me. I look around and nothing but then I look at my phone and see a message from Kit.

Look at my window...

I laugh and turned to look up and he's looking at me so i decided to flip him off. He looked so offended. I started laughing at the face he's pulling then my taxi pulled up.

While I was in the taxi I message him..

Miss you fake boyfriend.

Awww sounds like you actually like me.


Haha, go spend time with Yaz I'll see you later loser :)
*Read at 15.25*

(Present tense now)

I get out the taxi and walk down the woods where I hear a voice behind me call out. "Miss me?" I scream and turn around. "Fucking bitch! Scared me." I say catching my breath to Yaz. She laughs at me and we sit down.

"Libby, I'm sorry for leaving short notice. I'll explain everything now I promise." She says all flustered. "Hey, don't apologize. I have a lot to tell you too."

Yaz goes first... "Right Imma do this all in one as it will be easier. My mum lives down in Bedfordshire so I went to visit her and Bash while down that area. It was all going well until I went to my mums and she had fallen down the steps outside her house . I took her to hospital and she was fine and is fine still but she needs a full time carer with her and I dont want a stranger with her so I wanted to move down there sell the house and take care of her but I was so busy to message everyone so I asked Kit to look after you while I sorted things."

"Yaz omg!!! I'm so sorry about your mum..."

We continue talking about her mum and what had happened for a few minutes then she asked me what I had been up too.

I filled her in on the kiss in the nightclub, my possible feelings for Kit, me and Kit pretend dating because of the rumors and even me and Kit moving in together.

She looks speechless then she laughs and hugs me. We talked all day until it got to 8 o clock ish and I get a message from Kit.

Hey, I've gone out with a few friends for drinks I'll be in around 11, I'm not getting drunk don't worry... but I've left the back door unlocked so just go through there if you don't have your key xx

Hey, yeah I've got my key but thanks for leaving it open just in case I'm going to be home in the next hour. see you soon have fun. :)

Did kit connor just send me 2 kissed on the end. WHAT!!!!! AHHHH!!!!

"Wait Libby, shit i forgot to ask.. Can I stay at yours and kits place. I really don't want to go to a hotel." Yaz asks shyly.

"Omg yes of course." I reply as we get into Yaz's car. I text Kit to let him know Yaz is staying .

Yo loser. Yaz is staying with us for the night. She will stay in my room with me so she won't be in the way much. Hope you are having fun. X

Ok! I will be back in less than an hour as it is already boring let me know you both get home safe. :)

Just pulled up home. See you soon. :))

Me and Yaz get inside and I put the fire on as it is cold when we step in the house. I went to grab Yaz some pyjamas and a hair tie and while I was upstairs I heard the front door open.

I come back downstairs to see Kit sat on the sofa and Yaz sat in the chair. "Here ya go m'lady" I say passing a t shirt and shorts to Yaz. she says thank you and goes to change.

"Soooo how were drinks?" I ask Kit trying to break the silence.

"Very good, but I missed you." He says.

"Are you drunk?" I question him.

He shakes his head and laughs. "Can I not miss you then?" He smiles.

Fucking flappy things.


After me Yaz and Kit talk for a few hours we decide to go to bed.

I turn over trying not to wake Yaz up. I lazily check the time on my phone. 02.45. I groan and get up to go downstairs for a drink. As I walk down I notice the lights
downstairs are on and as I come round the corner I saw Kit sat on the bar stool on his phone drinking some water. "Afjh fuck Libby, you startled me." He says choking on his water.

I laugh but try to hide it. I sit next to him, "What are you doing awake. "I'm not tired so I came down." He says unconvincingly.

"Mhm" I say in a suspicious tone.

"Fine, wanna get high?" He asks. "Miss Goody two shoes getting high? Never think I'll see the day!"

"Shut up and pass me it."

(Edited on 3rd April 2023)

(Edited on 3rd April 2023)

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Pretend Lovers - Kit ConnorWhere stories live. Discover now