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Hey guys,

Mafia Puppet has been officially taken down and put up on Galatea. You should find it in the new release section. However, it is not completed yet. I'd suggest to go with the six-hours-wait-for-each-chapter method so by the time the next few chapters are published, you don't have to unlock all the chapters with your coins. There is some issue with publishing new chapters that I'm trying to sort out right now and my editor has to edit the upcoming chapters before publishing them. I have to send in a set of new five chapters together for editing and you guys know that I'm a slow writer. Trust me, I didn't know about the five chapters rule until recently.

Also, I have read a few more questions about my other book, Mafia Psychopath. My contract prohibits me from writing any in-universe novels on free platforms. There was some miscommunication between them and I in which I thought I would still be able to write the novel here. However, it was cleared just a day before. As of right now, if Mafia Psychopath is ever published it would be on Galatea.

I do not want to leave this app. I started here and I plan to stay here. I have put in a lot of thought about what I should do next and I came up with an idea that I'm not really sure about. I want to write a novel based on the Chicago Outfit, and it should tell the rise and fall of the male protagonist. Here's the plot. Let me know what you guys seriously think and whether I should start an outline for it.


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If the mob is ruthless, they are worse.

As the Chicago Mob grows weaker and weaker by day, a new gang rises - The Brotherhood. Violent, brooding and notoriously intelligent, the Brotherhood sparks an intense rivalry between the Chicago Mob and themselves, slowly threatening to shatter over a century full of the Mob regime. It is a game of blood, massacring the morals of the Honour Society as the lust for power becomes a salvaging thirst.

Until a deal is struck.

Power. War. Victory. The call is made, and some sacrifices are undeniably demanded by all, even the innocents.


Any questions about anything above?

I know it's been a long time and I know a lot of you have given up on me. I mostly did too until Galatea came in offering me a deal I actually wanted to reject. I had no interest in doing my best at the time. My brother convinced me otherwise and told me to finish the book, give all of us a closure on Francesca and Antonio. I'm trying to, I really am but writing has become hard for me. I don't know why. I want to give you guys an ideal end that you all will enjoy and remember, but I've forgotten what it is like to enjoy a book as a reader. Those of you guys who are still with me and supporting me, thank you so much and I'm so sorry for all this. I need to finish the book and I have a feeling that Galatea is going to make me. It's going to push me because I don't want to earn by being a scam and leaving you guys on the hook for a book you've paid with your hard-earned money. Every story holds the last page, signing off with something tragic or something blissful. Whatever it is, I want it to show that Mafia Puppet was worth reading. I don't want you to regret stumbling upon my book.

I'll send out a message as soon as I finish writing Mafia Puppet, and hopefully it would have its last page by the end of this month.

Thank you,
Jessica M

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2022 ⏰

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