00 | a wisp of pain

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"YOU'RE HIS, REMEMBER that. Never lose your virtue unless you want to lose your life," Father had told me years ago. He didn't need to when he already had five of his and his bodyguards trailing my every move.

"He's a fine young man, daughter, and he's the Don now. He will be less rough if you do as he says," Mother had said when she heard the news years back. I didn't expect any different words.

I had finished my education even though I knew I'd never need it. The higher the woman's degree, the more she was valued. It would mean less groping from men in the Family and a more prestigious suitor—although I didn't need one because I already had one and he was very much high ranked.

"I can't believe we've already graduated university." My oblivious best friend bristled with excitement. "We should go party!"

A somber expression marred my face. Not only because I'd be leaving her but also because I knew what was promised after this. "I can't, Sophia. You know that."

She rolled her eyes. "You're barely twenty-four and you haven't even gone to a club yet. I always have to go alone but not this time, missy. I'll drag you there myself if I have to."

No, I was already in early twenties which meant I was very late to marry. It was my good fate that my betrothed wanted to tie the knot late. Otherwise, I would have been shunned out of the society. But I didn't expect her to understand. My priorities had always been different.

"I mean it, I can't. I'd be lucky if I can see you again." Oops! I really shouldn't have said that.

Her brows furrowed. "What do you mean? I swear you are always so sketchy. You never stay after school. You have bodyguards trailing you every minute and you are always so stiff. I know you are rich but seriously? This is just too much."

"It's not like that. My parents are just strict and overly overprotective," I tried to explain but it was in vain.

"Which is exactly why you should move out. You can afford to live for yourself, right? You can even come live with me. Your parents didn't even come to your graduation," she fussed.

I quickly shook my head before looking around to see if anyone heard, more specifically if my bodyguards did. They usually didn't come inside the building unless it was absolutely necessary but once in a day they did round the building. "Look, I can't, okay. Don't be stubborn."

"Francesca." She sighed. "You're ruining your life by dancing around on your parents' tunes. I don't get why you don't even have a tiny bit of freedom but I do hope you'd tell me. I'd understand."

She wouldn't. She would run away, just like everyone else would. She wouldn't get it. I wasn't following the orders of my parents. I was following the orders of the one I was betrothed to. I was following his orders.

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