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"❝ i think you'd look good if you took your hair out of that ponytail

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"❝ i think you'd look good if you took your hair out of that ponytail. ❞

in the weeks leading up to the windblume festival, y/n was buried in work

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in the weeks leading up to the windblume festival, y/n was buried in work. literally. surrounding her was stacks of dresses, some that needed small touch up and others that were made from scratch. the slightest movement would make the pile of gowns collapse. so when someone had knocked on the door, unleashing the pile of dresses on top of the girl, she was undeniably pissed off.

there stood kaeya by the door, sheepishly smiling at the chaos he accidentally caused. he was on a break, well a break, and decided to visit his favorite seamstress. the past few nights y/n opted out of their late night adventures. she was so exhausted from preparing for the festival that she had zero energy for kaeya's antics.

kaeya noticed the very visible eye bags, which seemed to drag her eyes down, and wanted to check in on her. seeing her glaring up at him from the pile of dresses almost made him feel sorry. almost.

"it makes my heart flutter seeing you falling for me y/n." kaeya said, moving the bundles of garments off of the girl.

she made a gagging sound. "oh you're just so funny. be careful!"

he put one hand over his heart, and the other on his cheek. "are you worried about me?" his cheeky smile made her want to smack it off.

"nope! barbatos knows what'll happen to me if any of those dresses get damaged." she sighed. some of the ladies who came in for dresses scared her.

minutes later the dresses were all neatly organized to prevent another accident. y/n was stretching out her arms which hurt from all the work she's been doing. wiggling her fingers around, she noticed the paint on her nails had mostly chipped off. tiny little cuts littered her hands too. cursing under her breath, she went to go ask one of her coworkers for a first aid kit.

but kaeya's arm stopped her from leaving the room. he pulled out a roll of gauze and a tube of ointment from his pocket. his coy smile squeezed at her heart.

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