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"it's late we should go back now

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"it's late we should go back now. you're going to be late again."

the next day y/n was going to be late to work

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the next day y/n was going to be late to work. she had slept in and had to rush to get ready. on the way to work she bought a quick meal at good hunter. y/n wiped her hands off on her clothes to get rid of residue fisherman's toast. then she opened the boutique door, hoping to not catch much attention. the bell that rings when the door opens had given her away immediately.

employees and customers had turned their heads at the sound of the bell. they then went back to what they were doing after getting a glance at the late girl. she put her head down and briskly walked towards her work room in the back. her coworkers gave quiet greetings, which she returned. but it felt odd. usually her coworkers would make eye contact or give small smiles too. today they weren't able to meet her gaze and only quietly said hello. it was odd but y/n paid no mind. she just assumed that they were busy and didn't have the time for a small interaction.

when she reached her work room she hesitated to open the door. it was just a gut feeling but she felt like she shouldn't go in. if y/n didn't do her work today it would come out of her paycheck, so warily she opened the door. in there sat the calvary captain.

he had one leg over the other as he fiddled with a coin in his hand. y/n felt her eye twitch as she noticed that he was sitting in her seat. the most noticeable thing about kaeya was the state that his clothes were in. there were cuts littered all over his top and a couple of burns all around.

kaeya leaned back in the chair- it slightly creaked making y/n wince- and greeted her. "good morning y/n! how unprofessional of you to come in late and keep me waiting."

she felt slight anger rising up but quickly pushed it back and pinched her forehead. "i apologize sir kaeya, i had slept in accidentally. please refrain from coming in here next time. someone else in the boutique will help you with whatever you need."

"well next time-", she now regretted saying next time, "-i hope you'll already be here to tell me to go away. when i came in to see you, you weren't here so i had to stay and wait for you. also, please do drop the formalities around me." his hands now cupped his face as he leaned forward.

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