Kitty Stole The Precious Quartz

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She looked at the mirror. Wait, it wasn't a mirror. It was a window. It just hasn't been cleaned in a couple of centuries or even longer. Her necklace chimed with the sounds of the wind, it was so eerie yet so calm. She jumped at the sound of her phone ringing. Equilibrium left it ringing as she looked around a bit more.

"You've reached voicemail." The phone responded, "Please press one-"

"We figured out where they are! Come back!." Exclaimed one of her friends through the phone.

The voicemail ended there and Equilibrium stood there wondering what to do next, she grabbed something out of her bag. It was a thing that kept her safe. Yeah right, if she didn't forget almost 80% of her time travelling memories then none of this would happen.

"Agh fuck this." Hissed Equilibrium.

She walked into an office that looked dusty, dirty and unsafe. Glass was all over the floor and she could smell things rotting around her. She walked to the desk and found a picture frame. It was completely covered in dust and debris, she cleaned the glass and she could see a picture. It was taken a long long time ago.

She was there, her friends were there. And even another person. But their faces have been ripped out. Equilibrium already knew whose face it was. She didn't need to use her memory remover on that. She took it out and threw it on the floor making it break.

Then she walked out of the room, the necklace stopped chiming as the potion was scattered across the floor. But something else caught her eye. There was a green rock in the small purple puddle. She walked back into the room then towards it and saw a tiny Malachite. It glowed brightly. Hers never really did the same.

"Huh. Looks like they've been keeping a secret from me this entire time." Mumbled Equilibrium "I shouldn't have done that."

She took a syringe out of her bag and took some of the remaining liquid from the ground. Put it back in there along with the green rock and walked out of the office then used her necklace to travel back to the present.


"Bitch" Mumbled Cuphead.

Mugman looked at him in surprise. He was slightly confused at the sudden swearing coming from his brother. Venus on the other side of the room started to silently chuckle. Hiding her face with a book. Cuphead was asleep. He was also slightly drunk, which probably explained the weird things he randomly blurted out while sleeping. Venus sat on top of his head. They were in an RV parked a bit far from their destination.

"So... When are we going?" Asked Mugman.

"We?" Asked Venus. "Oh no-no-no. You and Gambit. I have to be the girl in the chair."

"What now?" Replied Mugman.

"I have to be the one disabling security. I am the brains after all." Sighed Venus. "You get to do the fun and dangerous things."

"Breaking the law?" Groaned Mugman. "Can't we just do peaceful protests?"

"And get thrown into jail for being lower than the Elites?" Responded Venus. "I may be in the higher middle class but that doesn't mean I have full control."

"Ah, I see." Sighed Mugman.

"You go once they request the maids."

Mugman nodded his head and looked outside the window. There was a big building that was mostly white and grey. It was probably the town hall or something important, there were red ribbons and fountains surrounding the building. It was a grand party, and they requested maids from some TV show to do magic.

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