Chapter 33

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I don't understand why Sasha's acting like this. She knows what we're all like. I feel like there's more to it that she's not saying.. Telling me, her best friend.. Well I dunno anymore. I hate this. I was so excited to come home to my surprise but decided to come straight here for the girls while Bonnie took the twins home.
"Can I talk to you alone Sasha" I ask her grabbing her hand and she finches but doesnt pull away this time.
"I have nothing to say Stace" she tella me and I raise my brow at her like I have a thousand times before and she sighs and stands up. That's my girl.
She walks out the kitchen and I follow her out checking on the girls playing dress up now. So cute and amazing together. Why would we split them up. Ever.
I follow Sasha up the stairs and into her bedroom. We sit on the sofa that's infront of the window and she just starred out of it. Lost. Somethings more obviously wrong than she's letting on.
"I love just sitting here looking out the window. So peaceful here I love it" she says and I smile at her.
"Babe, I don't want you to be scared of me because I'd never hurt you Sasha. Your my best friend and I love you so much. You mean the world to me and I took you to Paris" I say the last part jokingly and laugh a little and she smiles for the first time since I got here. There's my beautiful bestie.
"I know there's something more than this what's happening now. Talk to me babe. I'd never judge you. You know one of my secrets now" I say and she looks at me like she struggling with what ever it is.
"Did something happen while I was away? Did someone do something to you?" I ask her with lastnight in mind. I dread to think if Liam was any longer booking. I probably wouldn't be here now. Maybe not dead but in Italy still more than likely. Tied up somewhere.
"Stacey" Sasha says looking at me concerned.
"Sorry.. Kinda spiraled there didn't I. There so much I wanna tell you aswell about the honeymoon babe" I tell her and sigh.
"But back to you. My stuff can wait. I need you to tell me what it is" I say to her grabbing her hand ready to listen to whatever she needs to get off her chest.
"I had a sister, she was three years younger than me. I loved her so much and she looked up to me. She got married and she was so inlove like us guys are and he killed her" she says and I swallow. I wasn't expecting that.
"I'm so sorry babe, I had no idea. Why didn't you tell me?" I ask her and she sighs.
"I try not. My parents don't talk about her either so I guess it's normal now not to. I miss her so much Stace" she says and begins to cry and I hug her to me rubbing up and down her back as she let's out her tears.
"You will babe, she was your little sister and you loved her. You was her first everything and she will always be in your heart, just remember that" I tell her as she looks up at me wiping her eyes.
"I'm sorry, I don't cry. Fucking hell." she says fanning her face and I smile at her sadly.
"I love a good cry" I tell her and she laughs. We're getting there.
"But if her husband did it why you hating on me?" I ask her confused and she sighs.
"He plead self defence and walked. He's out there living his God damn life while my sisters in a fucking grave and that's what your doing. Living the high life while Angelica family suffer Stacey. It's not fair" she says irritated and I nod understanding her. This terrible thing happened to her and there family and he's a free man. Where not the same.
"Sasha babe, she had no family. She had nothing before se met Jason and Liam gave her everything. Literally and she still tried to kill him and take Ruby away. I couldn't let that happen after everything he's already been through. I don't just go around killing people. There's ALWAYS a valid reason. You've seen the world we live in babe. Look where you work aswell. There all like Liam" I remind her and she sighs.
"I just thought she's out there and her family are shattered like mine were, are" she says and I nod getting it.
"That's why you never wanted to get married?" I ask her and she nods slowly sighing.
"I couldn't risk the same thing happening to myself so I said I'd never get married. But then I met Jason and it just felt different. I actually seen something with him. It wasn't just sex. Well there's that but I wanted to see him all the god dam time. Now I'm married and finding this out I'm just triggered. PTSD babe" she says and rolls her eyes.
"Yeah but I get it and it makes sence. But if never hurt you Sasha. Please believe me" I tell her and she slowly nods and I hug her to me hard and she wraps her arms around sme holding me too. Yesss!
We pull apart after a moment and we both smile. Ive missed her.
"So your honeymoon, how was Italy?" she asks practically bursting to get the gossip.
"Oh my god it was AMAZING" I scream at her and she laughs as I bounce on the sofa laughing with her.
"We are totally fully back to how we were pre pregnancy" I tell her wriggling my eyebrows at her and she pouts wriggling hers then laughs.
"Oh my god, you need to buy a sex swing babe. Incredible, I'm telling you. GET ONE!" I tell her rasing my voice towards the end feeling hot thinking about it and I fan myself making her laugh.
"I bet there talking about the same thing downstairs" she says and we both start laughing as I nod. Absolutely girl.
"What was with earlier. You rarely space out on me. What happened babe?" she asks me remembering and I sigh jokes aside.
"On the last day Me and Liam thought to spend the day with the girls and went out bar hopping at night for some us time before we came back" I start and she nods probably wanting me to get to the point.
"We hop clubs and we're having a blast. Literally, there's a bathroom in a nightclub that would tell you some hot stories. Infact I have photos" I tell her winking and she grins.
"Yeah I wanna see" she says clapping and I nod smiling.
"So we go to find another club and Liam pulls us along to some sex club" I start and she holds her hand up wides eyed.
"Check you too out babe" she says laughing and it wasn't all fun there.
"So we go in look around ordering drinks as you do. Liam decided he wanted a private room so he leaves me at the bar to talk to someone" I start and she looks at me like she knows something bads about to happen.
"A creepy man comes upto me trying to touch me and take me with him to his friends not taking no for an answer kind of man. So I smash my full glass of rum into his face, knee him in the balls and stamped my heel on his foot but that was before Liam finally came back" I say and she looks at me like what did Liam do now.
"He comes beating over not knowing what's happening and asking me before anything. He's proper grown up in that way. He'd of blown up majorly when we was younger just being near me was a no for him. Anyways the man tella Liam what it is not knowing he's my husband and Liam knees him in the face because he was keeled over frim my ball shot and he splatters his face, everything" I tell her and she looks at me with a nod.
"He got what he deserved. Men think they can do and take what they want from us women and its not happening anymore. We're strong now and fight back. Good on you babe" she tells me patting my leg, proud.
"So we're good babe" I ask her and she smiles at me.
"Absolutely babe. The guys should be happy" she says standing stretching and I do the same as we walk out the room and I smile.
I hope so. Liam was pissed but he's had some time with Jason so that's always good for him. Both of them actually from past experiences. Fingers crossed.

I'm Yours | DARKNESS SERIES #6 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now