Chapter 49 Liam's POV

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I have finally found the guy I need. Well needs a strong word, but yeah I have a new 'bodyguard' part time anyways. So I call and he comes time of basis and we're both happy with that. I don't need a driver or a bodyguard I can handle my own shit and 99% of the time if I'm at a meeting that's business so I'll be with Jason or Sean now too, maybe both. I'm good. My queen worries to much about me. I have my beast who never loses, she's seen what damage I can cause never mind him.
"So we're good Liam?" Amenadiel says holding out his hand and I grab it and he pulls me in patting my back.
"We gotta be open to trust" he tells me and I nod smiling. I like him already.
"We're good. You got everything you need from me. Because it looks like your email covered what you want" I ask him and he nods.
"Everything looks good. I'll be ready when you are. Day or night" he says and I nod standing from my seat. Jason stands and nods at him.
"I'll be in contact" I tell him walking out pulling out my phone. I swipe a few notifications away as I walk to my car and click on my queen's thread.

Liam: Where was our first kiss? 😘❤️ Xxxxx

I smile at my phone still playing along with my queen knowing this is what she wants and wonder if she actually remembers, this was many, many years ago. It's an imprinted memory I have in my brain that will never be replaced. I'd of kissed her when I first ever laid eyes on her. In the hallways of our school I was thirteen. Fucking hell.
I feel my phone buzz and check it quickly.

Stacey: Near the fire exit around the back of the science block. As if I'd forget my first kiss baby 😘❤️ Xxxxx

I grin just sit in my car staring at my phone.
"Are we going? I'm hungry brother" Jason says and I hold my hand up to him.
"Yeah yeah one minute" I tell him and start typing.

Liam: I was your first like ever? 💪🏽❤️ Xxxxx

I hit send grinning and put my phone on my lap and start my car pulling on my seat belt.
"What's got you so happy today anyways. Other than the obvious" Jason asks me as he relaxes back in his seat.
"Where playing a game" I tell him and he looks at me like.. What?
"I challenged her to see who knew one another the best.. Who actually remembers the most from the past" I explain and he sighs.
"Well atleast your spicing things up" he says laughing and I glance at him.
"Just a little fun brother. You should try it" I tell him and laugh thinking how him and Sasha are completely different to me and Stacey. But he calls her his queen. I'm not to sure bro. She knows nothing aswell. My actual queen knows EVERYTHING as where about to find out..
"We have fun brother. Don't you worry about it" he says and I laugh now.
"Outside the bedroom bro, she's your wife. You gotta do things you wouldn't normally do" I tell him and I swear I've had this conversation with him before with his previous wife.
"I know and we do. Well I'm gonna start OK. I want this marriage to actually work. Please don't fucking kill her" he says and I laugh loud echoing thought the bugatti.
"I'm not the one you need to worry about. If anything my queen's become fierce and deadly and I love it.. Miss that actually" I say more to my self the last part and think it has been awhile since we did our ritual. I wonder if she'd be up for it.. Get her toys out again. Yeah she's definitely love it. Seeing me do my thing.. Its been awhile I could let out some aggression because my poor wife gets it alot. Not that she's complaining. Well in a bad way atleast. She loves it.
"Yeah I know, that's my point. Please Liam" he says looking at me seriously and I nod at him.
"I promise you brother. But extreme circumstances cause for extreme measures. So make sure she doesn't do anything stupid" I tell him not wanting to hurt Sasha but Stacey will if it came down to her or us. Always the protector my queen.
Coming to a stop after feeling my phone buzz twice now. I put press the press holding the clutch in and check it quickly. Never one to leave my queen waiting..

Stacey: Absolutely my king.. You set high standards for anyone else. No one could compare in anyway shape or form.. What was the point in trying when I only wanted you after that one time. Crazy.. Then I knew that you was the one my love ❤️🌍 Xxxxx

Stacey: Where did I first tell you that I loved you? ❤️😍 Xxxxx

I quickly type back feeling my heart beating as I read her first message. It really was just me. It still baffles me sometimes.

Liam: I hit the fucking jackpot with you baby. I was on cloud fucking nine. I love you so much I can't stop smiling right now. You told me you loved me at Macaulay's 14th birthday party. You was drunk and emotional and just let it out. But sober.. We was walking into English the next day. It shocked me I won't lie but it was the best day of my life ❤️😍🙏🏽 Xxxxx

I press send and look up seeing the green light and hearing beeping at me. My bad.
I look to Jason as I pull off who's just on his phone not even paying attention either.
I make my way to a pizza italia place not to far from here and hope that keeps him happy.

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