Chapter 90

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"So girls, we have a surprise for you" I say as there sitting down infront if me on the sofa. I park my ass on the coffee table while Liam and Jason stand on either side of me. There like bodyguards. Yet I don't seem to mind them.
"What's happening mummy?" Mya asks looking at me with her arms and legs crossed.
"Alright sassy, let your mum speak" Liam says to her and she huffs.
"Where going on holiday.. In the morning" I tell them clapping and they all jump down screaming running around.
"Holiday! Holiday! Holiday! Yaaaaay!" they all scream clapping and I cover my ears laughing. Fucking hell.
"So that means bath and bed for all of you. Where up bright and earlier like we did last time, come on" Liam says and they all run to him as he crouches down.
"Love you daddy" Ruby say kissing him and wrapping her arms around his neck. Aww she's seriously a daddies girl. Liam bet watch out when she's older. Ha bless.
"Love you mummy" Mya says grinning and I bend down to cuddle her
"I love you baby" I tell her kissing her face.
I switch with Liam and see Lexi give Liam a hug and kiss his cheek smiling and runs to her dad.
"Love you mummy" ruby tells me kissing and hugging me.
"I love you babygirl" I tell her and she smiles at me and Mya takes both there hands walking them to Becky and Michaela who are waiting.
"I'm gonna bath the boys too and get them ready for bed Stacey" Bonnie says walking in with them.
"Alright babe, if you need anything just call yeah" I tell her and she nods smiling and walks out with the girls.
"Do you think Bonnie needs help like Becky has Ricco and now Micheala too" I say to Liam as he types away on his phone.
"Would you like another nanny for the boys?" he asks looking at me.
"I don't know, I'll talk to her. She might not want any help though" I say and he nods.
"OK well, speak to her and see how she's getting on, she's great with the boys" he says and I smile
"Yeah hunters getting better but I miss my needy baby" I say and pout making him chuckle.
"He still loves and needs him momma tho queenie" he says and I nod slowly beginning to smile.
"You're right, I guess" I say and kiss him.
"Always am though, what do you wanna do now?" he asks and I shrug.
"I dunno, what do you want to do" I ask him
"I dunno , what do you want to do" he repeats and I laugh. So weird.
"Here you go" Jason says suddenly and hands me a spliff.
"Ohh, thanks" I say and smile at him Liam hands me a lighter and. I spark it relaxing back on Liam chest. My happy place.
"It's mad, two hot brothers. Your dad's got some good sperm. Passing on that good, good. Is he hot?" Lola says looking between the guys and I laugh.
"There's a twin aswell. You haven't met Kane" I say to her winking and she laughs.
"Yeah Jason said he has a twin but he's closer to Liam. Not something you'd think" she says and I smile at my king.
"Kane's new. Liam's always been there. We'll get there" Jason says to her and she nods listening.
"speaking of Kane. Chelsea rang me earlier. When I was baking with Ruby. She was asking where Sasha was. I totally forgot to tell her she walked" I tell them and Jason looks at me.
"I don't get why any woman would walk out on you and Lexi" Lola says to him and I look to Liam who just shrugs.
"She couldn't have her own children babe, she couldn't give Jason what he wanted so she left. Simple" I tell her randomly making it up. Not wanting to lie to her but the truths alot worse. I killed her.
"Ohhhh one of them. Then why did she marry you?" she asks and Jason shrugs.
"I have no idea Lola-Belle. Enough of her shes gone" Jason says sighing and looks to me.
"You have Lola-Belle now. Ace" I tease and poke at him making him laugh.
"So who's Chelsea?" Lola asks me.
"She's Kane's wife. Nice girl, she lives in Nottingham though so we hardly see eachother" I tell her and she nods.
"So you was all married. Now Jason's what? A divorcee and widow. Wow" she says and laughs.
"He's just Jason babe. Love him or hate him. None of this is actually his fault bless him" I defend him and he smiles at me.
"Thanks Stacey, that means alot. I don't think that sometimes" he says quietly and I sigh sadly.
"None of this is your fault brother, like Stacey said love him or hate him he's still himself and we all love him here" Liam tells her and she smiles and rubs his thigh.
"Loves a strong word.. Lust maybe" she says laughing. I think she's high.
I smoke some of my spiff and pass it to Liam as he's taking long billing up with his own.
"Yeah, yeah Lola-Belle" Liam says funny and we all laugh.
"Noo, only Jason calls me that" she whines making him laugh.
"And only the children call Jason Ace" Liam says nudging me.
"I was just playing" I say shrugging and Liam hums at me.
Are me and Jason closer than Liam wants us to be? I don't feel like it's something for him to have an issue over. Right?
"Why do they call you Ace?" she asks him
"My Ang... Angelica. Gave me the nickname when Ruby first started talking and she picked it up. Mya caught on. So only the children say it now. These do to take the piss" he says and shrugs.m then looks to me and Liam. Yeah mate you nearly fucked up.
"Lexi calls you dad. You will when she's older and she's like 'Ace' instead" she says shaking her head laughing.
"My princess knows I'm daddy. Always" he tells her grinning. Yeah he's not wrong. Lexi's a daddies girl too. She has to be really.

I'm Yours | DARKNESS SERIES #6 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now