Chapter 6 Mother's worry.

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Keagan Chitose had gone to the room assigned to him after reuniting with lisa. His mind was still on those last words she had spoken to him.

["-I still want an answer from you, About your feelings about me." Lisa demanded.

"-Not now, but eventually." She continued.]

"An answer...." Keagan mumbled. How could keagan give one when he didn't have one to begin with? His feelings for lisa were like a maze - Neverending and complicated.

He laid down on the bed and sighed as he looked at the ceiling. The room he had been assigned was small but quaint. Blue colored walls surrounded on all sides with only a bright brown gaudy dresser giving his eyes a relief from that color. His bed was also brown but with a white mattress and yellow pillows. Overall the room was unremarkable.

*Beep Beep*

His phone began to ring. Keagan fumbled around before grabbing his phone from his pocket. He looked at it and saw that his mom was calling.

(Mom.....) He thought as he pressed the 'answer' button.

"KEAGAN!!!!!" As soon as he answered, his mother screamed in his ear.

" Oh MY GOD! I thought you were dead! I haven't seen you in nearly a day! Where are you?" His mother said.
"I'm at C.O.R.E. Me and lisa went to fight the demons yesterday and well... Lisa got injured."
"Oh no." Maxy sounded worried.
"Don't worry she's fine! A little banged but fine." He assured.

"Jeez, I know you and her like to play hero but you shouldn't push yourselves!" She exclaimed.
"Enough about me, Are you and Maxella okay?" Keagan asked, concerned.
"Yeah. We found a shelter and we've hid there. You know maxella though. She wanted to help you in the fight." His mother sighed.
"Heh, That does sound like maxella." Keagan smiled.
"Its really chaotic here in london! The authorities here have instilling martial law!"
"That's.... concerning." Keagan chides.
"Yeah, they've implemented a curfew, posted armed Sas guards everywhere and worst of all confiscated everyone's cookies!"
"Oh no! Not the cookies! The humanity!" Keagan sarcastically replied.
"I know right! What is this the dark ages?" Maxy replied.
(Oh mom, You're such a goober.)

"Mom for now, just stay in the shelter and keep your head down." Keagan advised.
" I know, I know. I'm not a simpleton. But I'll still worry about you sweetie." Maxy exclaimed.
" I know mom. I know." Keagan sighed.

The two then shared a moment of silence together as they're hearts resonated.

"Now go play hero as you as always do." Maxy said. Keagan couldn't see her but he could tell that she had a solemn expression on her face.
"I will mom. I will." He smiled.

Keagan hung up the phone as he looked into the future and wondered what would happen next. -And as if he got an answer:

"All agents, please report to the meeting room, immediately!" A voice said on the loudspeaker. He sighed, having only rested for a second, but twas the fate of a hero.

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