Chapter 17 Guns and Gargoyles

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The howls of wind could be heard as a ginormous hole appeared over the skies of toronto. Rodney, kiana and ned watched as several types of monster descended out of the portal of malice. Gargoyles, Griffins, Mysore, All sorts of mythical creatures came out of this hole. They all had bloodthirst looks on their faces, hoping to cause as much mayhem as possible. Screams began to cover the city as people panicked, it was chaos.

"Kiana, Chase after that girl! We'll handle these monsters!" Rodney ordered!
"Right." Kiana merely responded. She ran off in a westerly direction, hoping to catch up with the lucid girl.
"Ned! Try to get these civilians out of here!" Rodney continued.
" Right!" Ned said, He rushed over to the crowd that had gathered in anticipation for their arrival and hurried them along.

"HQ. I'm gonna need some back up here! A portal has opened on my location and its shitting monsters!" Rodney radio'd into HQ
"Roger, Rodney. We'll send military and police to your location." They responded.
"Right." Rodney merely said.

Suddenly from above, A gargoyle clawed downwards towards rodney. His deafly scream cut through the air as he prepared to strike down rodney. As he flew closer and closer, Rodney countered.
Three loud bangs cut through the air as the gargoyles attack completely flopped. Three holes appeared in gargoyles chest, green blood began to pour from said holes while the gargoyle fell to the ground.
Rodney had fired some bullet from his gauntlet which was metallic and tightly strapped to his armor. It had a small gun barrel inside of it which could fire many rounds.

That didn't stop the onslaught however. Multiple more gargoyles and several flying creatures were coming towards rodney. He tried to shoot them down but more kept coming.
(Oh no!)
He could a gargoyle coming from behind. He realized that he wouldn't be able to turn around time. Rodney braced himself for either serious pain or death.

A bullet whizzed past rodney's head and hit the gargoyle behind him, Killing it.
Rodney turned his head to see ned to his west, 30 feet away. He had fired the bullet that saved his life.
" I thought I told you to evacuate those civilians!" Rodney. Yelled.
"I did. They're all safe in the toronto metro subway." Ned responded.
"Ugh. You should still-" He was interrupted.
" I'm not abandoning you, Rodney! I want to fight!" Ned declared.
"Gah! You!" Rodney just sighed as he continued to fight the monsters with ned at his side.

Gargoyles kept coming and coming with rodney shooting down each with one bullet.
The hordes of monsters clawed and screeched after each one was slaughtered, they were no match for Rodney and Ned, the master of gunnery.
As the bullets were flying, ned plucked up his courage to say something. Something he wanted to ask for awhile.

"Hey Rodney, I think we need to talk." Ned said.
" Ned, I don't think this is a good time." Rodney replied while gunning down some goblins.
"Come on, these guys are easy pickings. We can talk while we fight." Ned said.
"*Sigh* What is it?"
"Well, I was doing some research for C.O.R.E thesis." He exclaimed.
"Right. For your Officer agent qualifications." Rodney realized As he kicked a gargoyle that was coming up behind him.
" I was looking on your file for information on Operation Bunker Buster which you participated in. -And everything related to your partner Mia was classified." Ned proclaimed while punching a gargoyle in the face.
"I wouldn't ask but, That means that have the file on both you and operation bunker buster is blacked out. So I need-" He was cut off.

"Ned, I really don't want to talk about it." Rodney replied.
"Sir-" This time ned was cut off.
"I said I don't want to talk about it!!!!" Rodney snapped in a stern tone.
"Right sorry." Ned bowed his head while he continued to slaughter the monster in front of him. Soon the backup that he and ned requested arrive. Canadian military and police showed up and gunned down some more monsters; purging them from the square. Even though he enemies had been slain, Ned didn't feel better. He had made his mentor angry and that would hurt more than any gargoyle bite.


Kiana was running as fast as she could towards the bestricken girl. She passed by several buildings, many of which were destroyed by the current attack on this city. Still though magnificence of toronto was on display.

"Hey stop!" Kiana shouted. The woman was several feet ahead of her but kiana was gaining on her as the chase continued.
"Fine, You forced me to do this!" Kiana blasted with her light blast.

The girl fell down and grunted as if she was hurt
"Sorry. But you didn't give me a choice." Kiana said.
"You. You're a magi, Aren't you?" The girl said as she groaned.
"Yep. -But I work for c.o.r.e." Kiana responded.
"Now, Who are you?" Kiana asked.
"My name is Nio. The key sentry."

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