Chapter 13 Alleyway of Strife

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Tessa, Megumi, Amy, Rabia and Todo were still held down in the alleyway. They spent their time formulating a plan but simply couldn't come up with anything. They were truly trapped in this nightmare of a city. There were soldiers all around, huge numbers, in fact. They simply couldn't fight their way out, nor could they run away. They were truly trapped.

" Aye. How bout that 'plan, you were formulating." Todo asked, sarcastically.
"There is no plan. Todo. We are screwed." Megumi asked.
" Real optimistic, megumi. Though you're not wrong." Amy replied.
" What are you going to do. We're surrounded, and there's too many of them for us to fight." Rabia analyzed.
" How about we just surrender, Maybe if you lassies bat yer eyelashes enough, maybe we'll keep our heads." Todo suggested.
"...." Everyone was silent at that suggestion.

" Gah, I was jesting. You need to have humor in these scenarios, you know." Todo said while shaking his little head.

Megumi sighed as She stared towards the wall.
She just wanted to enjoy her vacation in italy, a solemn place full of wishes, Rich history and hope, when she was suddenly dragged into this Nightmare.

"Hey Tessa, before we went to trial, didn't you say we could use our amulets to escape!" Megumi remembered!


This amulet..." Tessa pulls out one of the amulets - the original one.
"- It gives off a strong energy signature that i've never felt before." Tessa explained.

"Gee..." Megumi wiped her brow. There was no air conditioning in this strange place, and the heat seemed to concentrate in the cells.
"This is all so strange, You're telling me that me and todo's amulet is one in the same?" She questioned.
"Yes." Tessa simply replied back.
" -But what about the other one? Where does it come from?" Todo asked.
"I'm not sure..." Tessa sighed.
"-But I think we can use both of these amulets to get home." Tessa proclaimed. She put both of her hands on the amulets and prayed. She chanted several hymns in different languages and closed her eyes. Her prayer soothed both todo and megumi as listened in. It was truly a peaceful moment in this chaotic tone.

Suddenly though, all of this serenity was interrupted by a knight banging on their cell bars.

" You won't have time to escape... As your trial starts now!"


"Aye Yeah. I remember that. Get to it girlies!" Todo screeched.
"About that..." Tessa said as she looked to the side.
"I've been trying to cast a spell under my breath but nothings working." Tessa
"Why not?" Megumi asked.
"Well Usually, magical amulets both act as a power source and an amplifier. But both of these are somewhat tricky. They have power beyond anything I've ever realized."

"Ah.... Could we get looped in on this whole amulet thing?"
"Todo and Megumi have a magical amulet. It was todo's at first but then was transported back in time via a temporal portal to megumi's family in the past where after generations, she inherited it." Tessa explained with an exasperated sigh.
"Ah yes Normal business." Amy rolled her eyes.
"Anyway, While we were wandering around this realm, we found another amulet. Which should be impossible because there was only one of this relic ever made." Tessa continued.

"Quite a story." Rabia Commented.
"Quite. The mystery of why there are two though can wait." Tessa said.
"Anyway, Back to what I was saying."
"-I've been trying to channel the amulets energy for a while now, But they just won't respond.... its like they're locked or something." tessa explained.
"Locked.... Huh?" Megumi repeated.
" Its odd. The amulet brought us here in the first place and yet..... It seems like it doesn't want us to go back." Tessa exclaimed in a solemn voice.
"Maybe we have to do something first? Like a secret Passcode?" Rabia Suggested
"Amulets don't work like that." Tessa replied.

"Hmm. What were ye doing when the amulet sent you to this place? Maybe we could copy that."
"Nothing really special, I was just about to board a plane at the gate." Megumi Responded.
"Maybe we just have to copy that? Though what a 'plane' is; defies me." Todo said.
"This place doesn't seem like a 'plane friendly' place anyway." Rabia said.
"I think you're onto something todo. Something triggered the amulet, and we've got to find it." Tessa said with conviction.

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