Chapter 1 (Edited)

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"Are you ashamed to be with me, beck? Is this what I get after all the years I've given you?" I let the words ring in the air as he could barely look me in the eyes. He only looked down to the ground. I felt even more frustrated than before.

"No, Jade, You always start all of these fights for no reason and I'm tired of it. So yes, I sought that comfort in Tammy." Beck pushed his hair out of his face as he still refused to make eye contact. I felt my heart shatter. He had cheated on me, and I had been stupid enough to forgive him. I felt like a great big idiot as anger seethed within me.

"I'm done." I closed my eyes as I felt tears escape onto my cheeks, mascara running down onto my chin. As I looked outside, I realized it was pouring but I wasn't going to sit here like an idiot. Anything was better than here. Everything inside the RV reminded me of every moment of our relationship; our first kiss, our first time, our first I love you. I couldn't bare it.

"I'm leaving, Beck. I'm done fighting for someone who doesn't want to be with me." I grabbed my keys as I rushed out the door into the pouring rain. He didn't look at me once. I felt my heart begin to shatter. Broken is different to shattered. Broken can be fixed, mended, and glued back together. While can try as hard as you want but the pieces will never be the same again. They will never fit as they used to and you're lying to yourself if you say you have the patience to put together such a tedious puzzle.

I felt the cold rain sting my face as I kept on walking toward my house. The street lights were all on by this hour but no one else was around. As I kept on treading through the gross and muddy streets, I felt the sting of the rain on my clothes. It had poured so much that I was physically drenched. I shook with cold.

As I approached my house, I saw that almost all the lights were off except in the living room. Great. My dad is home. I thought the urge to run to the front door and instead peeked through the side of my house, there was a window there. It pointed into the living room exactly. The place looked the same as before; beer bottles on the floor, the carpet was stained and messy, the fan was on but no one seemed to be using it, the lights flickered and you could smell the stale scent of vomit through the open window. I gagged inside my mouth slightly.

As I inspected further I spotted my father on the floor at the end of the staircase. I shook my head in disappointment as I decided I didn't want to deal with my drunkie of a dad tonight. So I decided to keep on walking. My phone buzzed inside my purse but I ignored it as best as I could, which was easy. It was raining so hard I could barely hear myself think.

I walked further and further from my house, each step made me feel lighter. I realized I didn't know anyone who lived in my neighborhood except for..No. I would not be known as the sad heartbroken girl who ended up on Tori Vega's doorstep.

I truly hated her. I hated her for being everything I ever wanted. I had been her until Beck broke me. He broke me into someone who was unrecognizable. I had been cheery and nice, and maybe even ditzy but then..he came along and I had to learn how to reconstruct myself from the ground up. Again and again.

I mindlessly wandered through the neighborhood as I came closer to Vega's house. I knew I wasn't supposed to be here but to be truthful, I had no one. Everyone had given up on me but the one who seemed to never go along with the rest was Tori. Tori fucking Vega with her sunshiny smile and nice attitude. I felt sick to my stomach. Not because of her but because I knew that such a girl, would be broken so badly. Just like I was. 

She was the other version of me, but this version, the present one, never wanted to hurt anyone so badly just to save her from the pain. The goddamn unbearable pain. I sighed as I felt myself knock on the door subconsciously. Why do I always end up here? I shook my head at my thought as I heard light footsteps coming closer. Then the door flung open, Tori clad in pink bunny pajamas and her hair in a messy bun.

"Hey." I tried to sound nice but I really think I just creeped her out as I saw her slightly cringe.

"Jade, what are you doing here? It's...," Tori briefly turned her head to look at the clock near the TV, "..1 AM." She rubbed her eyes as she yawned silently. I felt slightly uncomfortable under her questioning gaze but I didn't have it in me to fight.

"Beck and I...We're done." I tried to not shake violently as the realization cut through my soul once more but unlike many times before, I knew that I would never be going back. Tori just smiled in sympathy as she motioned with her hand to come in.

"You always end up here when you have a problem. Why?" I felt unsure of my answer as I, too, agreed in my head.

"Sometimes it's good to mind your own business, Vega." She shook her head as she patted her red couch. The nice fluffy cushions spoke to me after miles of walking.

"You're not alone, I promise." Vega smiled as she looked over at me, a nice genuine smile. I tried so hard to stamp down my own but it felt nice to have someone care, someone real.

"Thank you I-.." I didn't know what to do or say as Tori just smiled in the silence. Her house was quiet, not even the annoying buzzing sound of Trina's snores could be heard. I yawned.

"You must be tired, you can sleep in my room tonight. I never sleep in there anyway."

I found it slightly strange that she didn't use her own bedroom but I nodded, grateful for the offer. Tori stood up from the couch as she motioned for me to follow. When we finally reached the top of the stairs, she threw me a towel from the hallway closet. I wrapped it around myself as I willed the cold to go away.

Tori's door creaked slightly as she opened it. Instead of the bright pink bedroom decor I expected, it was all purple. There was a gaming set up in the middle, and her bed was plain the only decor being a purple throw pillow amongst the regular fluffy ones. Her walls were bare of any sort of memories or photos, there weren't any as far as I could tell. Her closet doors were decorated with sapphic artists. I raised an eyebrow. I hadn't noticed that before.

Her backpack was on the floor, and her diary was neatly closed with a lock on top of her desk. A neon sign with the words, 'Make It In America' in cursive letters flickered from purple to magenta on the wall. I had to admit, it was a cool room but it looked like it hadn't been used in weeks. Everything was way too neat. Too tidy. If you looked closely, things were collecting dust.

"There's an extra blanket in the closet, feel free to wake me up if you need anything. The shower's in there," She pointed to her bathroom which was made up of the same decor her room had. I smiled and nodded, thanking her on her way out.

Tori Vega, I never would've thought you weren't ordinary. 

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