Chapter 3 (Edited)

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As the movie credits rolled on TV, I felt Jade's weight on my body. She had fallen asleep midway through the series. I hadn't had the heart to move her, so I watched more movies hoping she would wake up with the loud noises. She didn't.

I sighed as I turned the TV off. I'm tired too, I wish I could sleep forever. I felt the exhaustion take over as I finished my thought, making myself comfortable, I fell asleep. She was in my arms by the time I woke up.

I made eye contact with Jade as I looked to my right, she was wide awake now. I smiled silently as I saw her continue to rub small circles on the couch pillows. Drawings, I realized. I felt much too aware of our bodies touching, of the heat radiating off of her. 

I assumed she felt my stare as she looked back to me. "Don't let me go," her voice was soft and whispered, almost inaudible. I nodded as I pushed her hair away from her face. It felt as though I had been dreaming for the past few weeks, dreaming and floating but now, with her, things felt real.

"We're friends now, Jade. Like it or not, we're friends." The green-eyed girl just smiled slightly as she nodded at my words.



Jade's POV

My phone rang for the millionth time as I continued to enjoy Tori's embrace. I would die twice before admitting to anyone I liked Tori's hugs. They were comforting, something I didn't get much of these days.

"Jade, It's Beck." The brunette hands me my phone, as she sits up from our comfortable position on the couch. I exhale slightly. Why nowww?

I quickly grab my phone, glancing over to Vega as I see a frown appear on her face. I silently wish for it to go away before deciding that it's acceptable since we're friends now. What have you done to me, Tori?

I picked up the phone, heavy breathing entered my ears from the other side of the line. 

"Jade. Jade it's Trina..She-she-..." The line cut off as I scrambled off the couch, away from Tori's prying ears. This couldn't be good. 

"Slow down. What happened, Beck?" I felt the intensity of the situation rise, my shoulders becoming tense, my body holding in a breath I didn't even know had entered. 

"Trina's in the hospital..she left..a note in her car window. I found her. We were supposed to meet up to go to Karaoke Dokey."

I stood still, a current shaking it's way into my body. My ears rang with the words, thoughts circulated in my head. Was she dead? Was she okay? Was this by her own will?

As I found my voice, croaky and distant, I managed one thing, "Is dead?" Through my peripheral vision, I could see that Tori was staring at the TV, her feet propped on the table and her hair in her face masking the pure expression of boredom. 

Beck's voice faded in out on the other line," She's...(cut off)..I don't...(cut off)..She's in a coma.." My head felt like it was spinning with the prospect of telling Tori but I knew that it was the right thing to do, if I were her, I would want the truth. 

As the line beeped, signaling the call was cut off, I made my way towards Tori. Each foot step felt like a huge weight had been lifted and placed on my shoulders, my breathing heavy and uneven, sweat perforating my forehead. 

As I sat down on the couch, Tori looked over towards me, "Hey what's up? You look..." She tilted her head sideways, "...upset." She brought her feet down onto the floor, putting on her slippers and meeting me halfway to the couch.

My stomach felt heavy, the coffee I had drank felt like it was going to come up any second. 

"Tori...I'm so sorry..," In that moment I didn't know what else to do but to hug her as a form of comfort. She backed away, her hands on my shoulders holding me at a distance.

"Are you okay, Jade?" She then placed her palm on my forehead, "You're not sick, right?" 

I sighed mentally as I closed my eyes, "I don't know how to tell you this except to, uhm, tell you...Trina was in an accident. She- She's in the hospital." 

Tori stood still, her face impassive. She slowly moved towards the door, almost like she was on autopilot. 

Tori's POV


I didn't know where I was headed as I ran towards my door, the only thought in my mind being that I had to get to Trina. 

She wasn't overly affectionate, and she didn't always say things that made me feel good but we were all we had now. I couldn't lose her, not like this. 

So I grabbed my keys and rushed to my car, and as I was backing out of the drive way I spotted Jade in my rear view mirror.  

I stopped abruptly. The brunette ran to my car window, signaling with her hands to get me to open it. 

As I did, she started speaking frantically, "Tori please let me come with you. This isn't something you should do alone.." She closed her eyes as she awaited my response. 

"Fine, get in." The goth girl was barely in the car when I sped across the roads. I was well aware that I could possibly have been fined for speeding but in that moment, I didn't care for anything. I just needed to see Trina. 

As we neared the hospital, I felt my heart going crazy with rhythm. I was nervous to see the state my sister was in. I had only been told it was a coma, but I had a feeling there was more to it and they didn't want to scare me. I wasn't stupid. 

I entered, stopping a doctor nearby to give us directions to her room. As I traveled through the hospital in full speed, I felt Jade's hand on my shoulder for a second. 

"Please, Tori. You're going through too much, you can rely on me." I nodded but couldn't bring myself to smile at my (now) friend. 

As I opened the door, I spotted Trina laying in a hospital gown. Tubes and wires were surrounding her, her neck was in a brace and her arms covered in bandages.

I slowly made my way to the seat next to her, someone else had been here. Probably Beck, I reasoned. I caressed her hair as I stared down at the remnants of my sister, it didn't look like her. Her face was dirtied and had scars, no makeup visible, dark circles prominent. Her skin was all messed up, and her hair was matted and choppy. 

No, this wasn't my sister, this wasn't Trina. This couldn't be. How could she have gone from a lively person to this comatose state? I had just seen her a day prior. 

Then it hit me. Trina hadn't been home because she had been in the accident and I didn't realize. At all. I was too wrapped up in my own head, I felt the angry tears leave me as I stared once again at Trina. 

Jade slowly made her way towards me, "Is there something I can-?" 

I felt the anger enter me like a sheer force. I hadn't been aware of Trina because I had been with her. Out of all people, I chose the girl who used to make my life a living hell instead of my older sister. I felt livid. 

"No. There's nothing you can do.." I closed my eyes slowly as I breathed in deeply, "...get out, Jade." The last words left in a harsh whisper, almost inaudible. 

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