Chapter 12 - Finale (Edited)

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At first, Jade looks around the basement. It's full of old board games which she occupies her days with waiting until the moment that Beck is blissfully away. After about an hour or so of the same mundane routine, the brunette notices that she can't hear the beating of footsteps on wood. 

Beck hasn't done anything since the first day except forced her to play with him which has left the woman wondering if he's aware of his actions. She has some doubts that he isn't. 

When she stands up from the couch that she was laying in, her head feels as though it is spinning. Beck hasn't provided much food and the meals he brings, she will not eat in case they are poisoned. Although a hungry person would not care, someone that had no hope left would definitely but she had vowed to not until the very last dregs of her hopefulness, of that little warm feeling inside of her, faded away. 

After a second of adjusting her vision, she stumbled to the door. Realizing that it's locked, she cursed under her breath. There's no way that she can get out of here now. He's made sure to put away any sharp objects that might aid her in an escape and there is no window which she can yell from. Even if he is insane, it's quite smart and she curses at herself for even thinking such a thing. That coward deserves no praise.

She's about to go lay in the couch again when there's a knock on the very door. "Jade? Are you in here?"

Tori! She thinks. "Tori? You're here?" 

"Yes, Jade but we need to make sure you're alright."

"There's other people with you?"

"Beck is here. He came to us. I don't know why but his mom has brought him to the station to confess and they're allowing you to press charges."

She leaps away from the door as it's thrown open and before thinking about anything else, throws herself into her lover's arms. With a slight limp— which she earned from the kidnapping incident at their wedding— she moves just far enough to observe Tori's worried expression. 

"We can go to the station right now." Jade nods slightly as the police outside Beck's house ask her multiple questions. 

Beck stares, expression impassive and mouth in a grim line. He seems to be staring at something that isn't there. A ghost, maybe, or maybe it's his own actions that had begun to haunt him. 

Jade shakes her head, holding on tightly to her girlfriend. "You are a miserable little piece of shit." She whispers as they pass by.

"I can't believe we're here again." She whispers as she stares at Tori's wedding attire. 

"You're the one who wanted to have a party," she counters as she moves her hair out of her face. Jade shrugs nonchalantly. 

"I just can't imagine being confined in such a small space again. I want this for our big day."

Tori smiles. "I know, my love."

Beck had charges pressed against him per Jade's wishes but he did not get prison time, instead he was determined "mentally unfit." The brunette slightly dislikes that they use that type of wording, though.

Tori insisted that they could keep their wedding private but Jade insisted on showing off her wife. As she tunes back into the conversation, Tori elbows her slightly. "You have to say I do, Jade." The crowd around them laughs. 

The brunette shakes her head and proceeds to repeat the words as does Tori and after a lot of 'congratulations' and 'many wishes' they can finally, finally, go home.

Now Jade looks over Tori as they plan out their new home with a small bedroom adjoining their's and they're as happy as they can be. Beck has been released and is more stable. Jade has visited him a couple times per her therapist's request and they have become amicable. Tori still hates him but she doesn't focus on that. No. She focuses on the small bump on her belly as Jade leans her head on her shoulder, a hand on her tummy.

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